01 January 11, 2006COMMISSION MEETING CONTENTS a, , {l~~genda me certain ~upplemental Materials lEK'Speaker's list !-I I nvocator memo .-~~oL, p~ l'3 Presentations & ^wa~ds list E] Addendum E3 Second Addendum E3 Notice of closed executive n t-Originals manila folder 'ular-Originals pment Agency Agenda materials :s folder byist Log (See Handouts Folder) Public Hearing Notice Ads ;of Proceedings electronical recorded notes rope files ~ of c~~ ly ,_,.D Burned - (See CD File by Commission date) riginal Contents list to City Clerk DVD _~__of._~;~__ from Office of Communications REVIEWED BY: DATE: F:\CLER\$ALL~LILLY~CONTENTS.FLDL2006\011106CM.doc