02 February 8, 2006 contentsFEBRUARY 8, 2006 COMMISSION MEETING CONTENTS .~Tgenda ime certain II;~.Supplemental Materials .l~peaker's list i~(Invocator memo [resentations & Awards list ddendum E] Second Addendum I-I Notice of closed executive gSeSsion fteraction onsent-Originals manila folder egular-Originals edevelopment Agency Agenda materials andouts folder bbyist Log (See Handouts Folder) ublic Hearing Notice Ads of Proceedings electronically recorded notes drope files ~_.0_.. of ~ Burned - (See CD File by Commission date) ~' Original Contents list to City Clerk E! DVD of~ from Office of Communications F:\CLER~$ALL~LI LLY~CONTENTS .FLD~2006\020806CM..doc