Certificate of Abstract
\ .
iHAiil P:~-,ACI !..BSTR..4.C'T' t, TI'l'LE CONPANY
1630 Lenox Avermc
Miami Beac;j, Florida
To: Legal Department
City of I{iami Beach, F'1orid8.
January 8, 1960
qc: The South 20 ft. of the N-} of Lot 4, :31ock 54,
(Plat B00k 2, Pale 77)
We HEREBY CERTIFY th~t we have made a search in the Public Records of Dade County,
Florida, as to the above property which, for ~be purpose of clarity in this Certificate,
is divided into three (3) parts, to wil.:
(a) The part of the Nt of 4, :nock 54, lying East of the ivest line of Lot 8, of said
Blod:: 54, extended South to the South line of the saic1 N1 of Lot 4;
(b) The East 100 feet of the West 170 feet of the Nt of Lot 4. Block 54,
(c) The West 70 feet of the N~- of Lot 4, Block 54.
BET'fY RONEY FITZPATRICK (formerly Bet.ty C. Roney) formerly held title to the entire
N} of Lot 4, and sti:1J owns all of said tract EXCF~PT that portion described ir. Paragraph
a Massachusetts corp.
(a) above, which said p0ri:j.0n was conveyed to STATE llUTUAL LIFE ASSURANCE COHPANY/,J40
Main str~pt, Worcester, Massachusetts, by warranty deed dated December 15, 1949, recorded
in Deed Book 3217, Page 37, and re-rccorded J2uuar~y 27, 1950 in Deed Book 32JJ, Page 59).
\rIe find of record the fol] owing addition~l matters pertaining to the properties
described in said paragraphs (a), (b) and (c)t hereinafter referred to as Tracts A, B ~nd
99-Year Lease m"l'1' l'y 11.ealty Title Insurance Co. to S. J. HiJ2E..1.m and S. ROBERT
SIEGEL, dated December 5, 1949, recorded in Deed Book 3216, Page 109.
Mortgage for ~L!-75,OOO.OO. from S. J. Halperin and Leona Halperin, his ,,,ii'e, and S.
Robert Siegel and Ann,g 1"1arie Siegel, his wife, to THE EQUl'TABLE LIFR ASSU""'nANCE SOCIETY OF
THE UNITED ST~;'TES, dated and filed April ), 1957, recorded in Officj,al Pecords Book 166,
Page 293.
99-Yoar Lease from Betty Roney Fitzpatrick and E. J. Fitzpatrick, her husband, to
LINCOLN-JA.lvIES PROPERTIES, TIJC., a Florida corpol'ation, dated March 1, 1946, recorded in
Deed g02K 2G58, Page 418
Mortgage for $282.600.00, from Lincoln-James Properties, Inc., a Florida corporation,
Lincoln Operating Company, a Florida corporation, and Rosa Properties, Inc., a Florida
corporation, to THE FDtST NATIONAL BANK OF BOSTON, a United States Banking corporation,
dated March 22, 1950, recorded in Mortgage Book 2262, Page 461.
99--1e:11' Lease from Betty Roney Fitzpatrick and E. J. Fitzpatrick, ~ler husband, to
300 I,n~OLN ROAD, n~c., a Florida corporation, dated l~y 8, 1951, recorded mn September
27, 1951 under Clerk's File IAA-99074, in Deed Book )495, Page 566.
Mortgage for $75,000.00, from JOO Lincoln Road, D1C. to LERNER SHOPS OF FLORIDA, INC.,
dated November 6, 1951, recorded in Hortgage Book 2572, Page 401; Assigned by said
Lerner Shops Of Florida, Inc, to MllMI BEACH LERNER SHOPS, Th1C. by Assignment dated
November 6, 1951, filed January 2, 1952 and r3corded under Clerk's File #BB-3JO.
Mortgage for $600,000.00, from Betty Roney Fitzpatrick and E. J. Fitz,patrick, her
husband, to ~N ENGLAND }IDTUAL LIFE n~SURANCE COMPA1~, a Massachusetts corporation, dated
August 25,1952, filed August 27, 1952, recorded under Clerk's File #BB-98397.
1Ne find of record references to store leases on properties described by street
m,unbers, to wit:
Eastern Air Lines, Inc
Miami Beach Terminal Co
Kagar, Inc.
Darby's Restaurant, Inc.
Pan Arn~rican Airways, Inc.
Delta Air Lines, Inc.
International Tours, Inc.
- 1616-1618 Collins Avenue
1620 Collins Avenue
1626 Golllns Avenue
1626 Collins Avenue
1632 Collins Avenue
1636 Collin8 A.venue (also shown as Delta Airlines Inc.)
16)8 Collins Avenue.
We have made no search for judg"l~nts or income tax liens against lessees; We find
no such judgments or liens outstanding against fee holders showL herein.
Full descriptions of' }l!'operties shown in the respective documents herein set forth
are as follows:
Lots 7 and 8 and that part of Lots 5 and 6 lying E. of the S. extension of the w.
line of Lot 8, and that part of the Nt of Lot 4, lying E. of the S. extension of the
W. line of Lot 8, and that part of a 20-ft. strip (alley) immediately S. of Lots
7 and 8 and E. of the s. ext~nsion of W. line of Lot 8, all in Block 54, of FISflliR1S
FIRST SUBDIVISION OF ALTONtJEA.CH, according to the plat thereof recorded in Plat
Book 2, Page 77. also described as: Bounded on the N, by N. line of Lots 7 and 8;
on ~". tJ~. IV. llne of Lot. 8 "1.nd s. extension of W. line of Lot 8 to S. line of B1 of
Lot 4; on S. by S.line of N} of Lot 4, and on E. by \rlest line at Collins Avenue.
Part of Lots 4, 5, 6, 9, 10 and 11, and part of 20-"t. strip (formerly alley)
immediately S. of Lots 9, 10 and 11, Block 54, FISHER'S FIRST SUBDIVISION, according
to the plat thereof recorded in Plut Book 2, Page 77, of the Public Records of Dade
County, Florida, described as: Begin at a point on S. line of Lincoln Road 40 ft.
~'l. from the Northeast corner of Lot 9 (1;. line of Lot 9 and S. linE" of Lincoln Road
b{c"ing identical); t.hence \V'. along S. line of Lincoln Road )0 _ft; th'Jnce S. parallel
v.rith dividing line between Lots 9 und 10 '1 distance of 100 ft; thence W. parallel
with S. line of Lincoln Road 35 ft., more or less, to a point, being 5 ft. W. from
dividing line between Lots 10 and 11; S. along line parallel with and 5 ft. W. from
dividing line between Lots 10 and 11 and exte::1sion thereof Southerly for 195 feet,
more or less, to S. line of Nt of Lot 4; thence ~. along S. line of Nt of Lot 4 for
100 ft., more or less, to a point, being 5 ft. W. from dividing line between Lots 8
and 9, as extended South} thence N. along a line parallel with and 5 ft. W. from the
dividing line between Lots 8 and 9, extended Southerly, for 195 ft., more or less,
to a point 100 ft. B~om S. line of Lincoln Road; thence W. parallel with S. line of
Lincoln Road 35 ft; thence N. p.qrallel with dividing lint'! betweem Lots 9 and 10 a
dlstance of 100 ft. to point of beginning.
Begin at ~ point on the N. line of Lot 11, Block 54, of FLSHill{'S FIPBT SUBDIVISION
OF 1\..LTON BEACH. according to the plat thereof recorded in Plat Book 2, Page 77, of
':.Le Public 'i.ecords of Dade County, Florida., which point is 10 ft. W. of the N. E.
corner of ~aid Lot 11; thence W. along the N. line of Lots 11, 12 and 13 of said
Block 54 a distance of 99.988 ft. more or less, to a point, said point being 10
ft. W. of the N. E. corner of said Lot 13; thence S. along a line pa:ballel to
and 10 ft. Westerly from the East Ii n~ of said Lot 13 a dist,mce of 149.965 feet,
more or less, to a point on the S. line of said Lot 13; thence W. along S. line
of said I,ot 13 a distance of 25.002 feet; thence S. along a line parallel to the
E. line of said Lot 13 (if extended South) 121.773 ft., more or 1"355, to a point
on the N. line of Lot 19, of said Block 54; thenc~ E. along the N. line of said
Lot 19 a distance of 60 ft., more or less to a point, wl1ic;'. ~ s the N. E. corner
of sa1.(' Lot 19; thence S. along E. line of said Lot 19 a distance of 24.993 ft. to
a point; thence run E. along a line parallel to the N. line of Lot 4. Block 54,
69.97 ft., more or less, to a point which is 5 ft. Westerly from the E. line of
said Lot II, if extended so ~s to intersect the N. line of the st of said. Lot 4;
thp.nce N. alo"'lg "'t line parallel to and 5 ft. ~.J'esterly from the E. line of said Lot
11, if extended Southerly (which said line is also the West line of that certain
parcel of land recorded in Deed Book 2658, Page 1-118) for 196.71 ft., more or less,
to a point ,,,'bich is on the S. line of t.Ll" ~ c6rb,-i.n rc:rc\Jl of real estate recorded
in Deed Book 2680,Page 264; thence run W. along a line paral'.l'll toi)..,. ii. lL-v~ of
said Lot. 11 for 5 ft. to a point, said point being the S. W. corner of land
recorded in Deed Book 2680, Page 264; thence N. along a line parallel to and 10 ft.
lNesterly frr)ln tne E. line of said Lot 11 (said line being the tv. bound3ry line of
land recorded in Deed Book 2680, Page 2(,4) to the point of beginning.
:w ~vITNESS ~lffili....J.lE01", we have hereunt.o affixed our corporate seal at Miami Beach,
Dade County, F'lorid!'\, this the 7th nay of January, A. D. 1960.
!')~-'.},,/ /' /( J ./ / /,., .)(7 J/ ._.......
By,_~/ /~/N" w _..JIPt2~~:~__:H~:~.-.__.~)
Vice President
NO. 30253