Satisfaction of Mortgage J4Jt' DJE/ds MBF/12l58 fj~~1 ,~- 80 Know 0111 -Aten J1g Uhe3e Pre3ent3, 0(- i L .J.~. ,l) ~/ i )..-1 --~- That the MIAMI BEACH FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION, a corporation under the laws of the United States, holder of a certain mortgage given by CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, a municipal corporation to the MIAMI BEACH FEDERAL SAVINGS AND 2nd day of May LOAN ASSOCIATION, bearing the date the Official Records , A. D. 19 57 , recorded in~ Book 220 page 554 in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Dade County, State of Florida; given to secure the sum of TWO HUNDRED FORTY-FIVE THOUSAND and no/ 100 ($245,000.00) Dollars, evidenced by one certain note, upon the following llescribed property, situate, lying and being in Dade County, State of Florida, to wit: SEE RIDER A TT ACHED J " 6-?1 'A(:- ()1 ,., r._. n ". ....iii- has received full payment of said indebtedness, and does hereby acknowledge satisfaction of said mortgage, and hereby directs the Clerk of said Circuit Court to cancel the same of record. WITNESS the signature and seal of said corporation, by its President, BARON deHIRSCH MEYER this 3rd day of January , A. D. 19 58 Signed, Sealed and Delivered )" Presence at: ;;;'&~~mmmmmm mmmm By cii;1; State of Aorfda. County of Dade. r7 ~ Tbis Instr?}'!8'!.T~ Ji.filed for record tile h L__. der of _ 1958 a(~:.~l)lL:__M, and duly 'lO'!rded iltm'flClAt UU um.. ""no } Book,____(,.~ ----on~~g~..:w.~J>--3-o.l ~ L State of Florida E. B. LEATHERMAN _om ___.m.___.. ~ - County of Dade: Clerk Circuit Court 8'1__-.v...f3_.!!:.~ D. Ii. I HEREBY CERTIFY, That on this day personally appeared before me, an officer duly author- ized to administer oaths and take acknowledgments, MIAMI BEACH FEDERAL .. :l' " " Ill", (1-..... . (Seal)\"',..:" ~rresi~ ,"". ~' .....~.. - t(>-", - .. ;.;'__'-0____.......... ....._'.. ".;' '"'' . .. . ," ,:.\~, '_h..~~J3..~.s~\~ , f.) BARON deHIRSCH MEYER, President of MIAMI BEACH FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION, a corporation, to me well known to be the person described in and who executed the foregoing satisfaction piece and duly acknowledged before me that he executed the same for the purp08e,.ti\lerein expressed as the act and deed of said corporation. '. _ ~ """ .~" ,4- In WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed .my 'eBicial seal at Miami Beach, said County and State, this 3rd day of January:. , A. D. 19 58. ~-;?2i-f~e.i~:./t l\Iy Commission Expires :NOfCil,y])\Jolfc.Stot.uof ~f.atldG~t l..r.eN~~~r;'~~;~~'~(~i~~id'~~~i~;~emm...... My commission expires Me" 19. 1958. '" ~,,; ': Bonded by American Suret} Co. of N. Y. ",' . if] ~ ~ z "'" Q >>z <0 Clt.I if]","~ = E-i""C ~ ...:l~ .... z Q ;au..9 ~ OJ ~ {f)"'O ~ .... ~o~ o .~ ....... ~ QCI) r ~ ~ ""' ....... ~CI)",= 0 ~~Ei: ~ ~<~ '" ;... E-i !:S {f) . ~ z~ o{f)..t:I Q .... '" lA ::Il< .... OJ \\ ~ ~ " ~ .... uos OJ i:l::l ....... <...:l ~ ...l Ii 's ~ ~ .... ~Q~ ~ .S ~ Z 0 ~~ "'"< ~ ::is W < "'" I- ~ <( 0 N ~ o ,~ .... C-J 0 ...-:( f ..... . . -~ c: ~ ., ~ ( " " C) t I .,"'-- (J C' ..,.- ii: LLJ ':::1 r'o ,"- <:t: \ .. ~ <( ::::1 ".. u...: :.- _J '-J ( C.:' '7 ( ..-~ I"": L.' C) ( .:.:J , .1 .-......- ,- l'... ._~ ,I .;"') , J c.;) --- '\>~, t\\ , '\'\> 'X ~\ ..'\ ~. ~\ ~ ~ "'" ~ {\~ '\\,~ " k ~, cr~' .~ if; ::; ,,-/- ~ <>-1 e 0 ~ ~ ?j ~ -, ~; ~ :::. .~ -.,.} }~ ...... ,~C ~ ,.:.. 7: ~::3 -, t.- e ...,J .-0 ':: ~ ~ ... "" o .... ~ I <!J. t: cJ :::::: g , ~ <::)! u l~ u ... ~ ~ ,~ :::::: ..-:; .... . ~ ~ ~- . . ..-:: . ...-; . .. . ~ 0< . ~ :.. , CO ~ . ~ . .....,J U", . .... C . " C r= . .... . . ~.... . c:( :.:~ .- . r"'-, : -' ' ...,.... . J r-.t! g~ ~ - ~ ~ C> >- ~ ~i ~, :-- . CO ~ 2c;b. "C .. ~ ~-, '" {- ~ ~ ~ i ~ ... X "'0 ? c:t:l ! "= '::" z: ~ Ol .:"" ..... ;..J ,:Q "'0 ~ t:: ,-'~... <tit ~ ,.., \ .; "",,'. '.'ji!,,"!ft ''''t' ( ,'~ ;',L::>ts 19, 20, 21 and 22 or ;inock' 5'4 or FISHER'S FIRST I :}~n',D-rV ISION OF ALTON BEACH, according to the Plat r i t'tr:ere,'f, recorded in Flat Book: 2, page' 77 of the Public lR.eccr:..~g or Dade County, Flor1da, together with the right _:: ~r-6re&5 and egress to anj from Collins Avenue; and tbe. re~r0r Lot 19 hereinabove described over and across that :ertain 20 foot alleyway ru~~lng from the Eaet side of said :.. :)t 19 to Co 111n5 Avenue, and mo~e part lcularly descr lbed ~_ t:^l': .:.e,\..;tI1 20 feet of trle Ncrth one-r.alf cf Lot 4, BlocK 54 f:~' !'e'id, le~s a parcel of land de3cribed as follows: , '.. :_~:>:. ^,'sterly rort1ong or Lots 1'3 and 20, Block 54 of FISHER'S F:H:31 ::,U?i>l\'IS10N OF ;..L~C'~!3Et\::P, ac~ordl.nj7 to the ,~:.t .,~I'?re2r, rece;rded in Plat BOOK 2, page "n of t:.ne Publ:c !,,::,-,r,i~ ...'1 iXi.je C-J:K,ty, ~:'cr~d8J [Jl.)re part1:~ularlY d~scrlbe.j as f~11ows: . r ' __,.: ",' ,. ,"< ~ , > \. : . ",i,' \':';' co'm:ne nc 1ng . at ,~~';.po,~,,', ....he r:~. :.the ,Nor'tn :l~t':~~1.rletot'~:I., me,.;-ts the West,;l.9.~ .J1ne""'of' Lot. 19, then proceed'B.lg ~e 5 terly lot- l'lf!!!,aor L~ta. 19, $,nd 20.r or a d 18 tance,C ~', _ eet; :hence'Ea.st.,paraJ.lell'l1\g .the tj,orth lot l.1neo.f Lo.tf11" ; a d 1. 'cane eor;~4 ,'ti, e t; , t:hence,N orth .lparallep;tr'S ;J"~ '>i.e:~t~iily'r ' lot, l:nes of ,tots 19 and 20, a d15tanc8 0' \;19()~'r.$t.: to,:tl)~,,"or1rh 1 ot line 'ofLot 19 j: thence w~st, along,the:itQr~b.lot';11neOr-';f:" Lot 19 to't":P91nt.,of,b~~1..~ing, b4t1r\&""'a'"pa,roi1'- ot~l~cl>:tOj:);';l feet rtlnI\ 1t>g no..thanda~th by;.94 :.re~.t;.. ~~ , ea. t and weat. .' ''!. ~~' : .~\" , . ,\.\ " "" '," 'Af:..>~{t"'\",,~,,~~, ", '.,'~? :" Toge ther ;;1t1f',;am!;~,.ln4. all ;,$,U4!....n t8 ap~rtU 1.~1lI... ithereto .: aa 8et ro!'tti~1i\'V~:;tiirl~MtY Dee4bet~1M1aiii~"" .', Federal ..sav1ngs and Loan ~ASsocla.t1on, as grantor, and\C~JY. of M1amPBeaoh, as grantee, dat~cj. ,thls day a.nd conveying' t property .1u:et" nerel~a~ov~' .des,~~~'~d e,'. "';''':'', ,.":: --' " ,. . .. ,. . ,,:, ". . .. . ~l' , " ll, r (~';'" ( ..'," \ ! ,;., '. .. '\0 ~ ,,' / .'