TitleAbstracts Escrows Title Insurance MIAMI TITLE & ABSTi~kCT CO. 124 Shoreland Arcade Building Miami, Florida Tel: FR 9-1891 RE, c~ity ",~.sm! Beach FILE N0. DATE Apri. 4 PROPERTY: Lot !$, Elk. 54 Fisher's First Sub. of Alton Beach Received from MIAMI TITLE &ABSTRACT CO. Abstract No. Abstract No. 187171 Prepared by MIAMI TITLE & ABSTRACT CO. Federal Prepared by , Abstract No. Prepared Abstract No. · Prepared by Letter of Commitment to issued by Miami Title & AbStract Co., as agents for Kansas City Title Insurance Company. Title Insurance Policy No. Issued by Miami Title & Abstract Co., as agent' for Kansas City Title Insurance Company. Check in Amount of $ Cash in Amount of $ , . ~_to apply on_. to apply on 57 DOCUMENTSs The undersigned hereby agrees to assume and pay for upon demand, all costs, including abstract fees, cash advanced, expenses of Title Commitment Letter, and policy in this matter. mT.,i~ ~qT?ACm ~O,'?~C:~r~D ~y 7,~'!:V,I Tt'~L~: ~.'~,[:,?i (COURTESY DELI~RY BY [~I TITLE Address, CTTY T~&LL~IIAT~I nEAGt Tel. No. Signed s JOE 'JANI Cl~ BYL