No. 364 April 11, 2006 e MIAMIBEACH CITY OF MIAMI
NOTICE IS HEREBY given that a public hearing will be
held by the City Commission of the Oi~ of Miami
the Commission Chambers, 3rd floor, Oi~'
Oonvention Center Drive, Miami Bench,
Tuesday, April 1~, 2006 at 10:30 a.m.,
Hesolution Se~ing A Public Hearing To Con,der An A~-
The Fact Hevocable Permit Hequest By AB Grin
LLC., Owner Of The Hnleigh Hotel Located At
Oollins Avenue, To Hetain Potions Of A Stnir~
Landscaping And A Mason~ Fence Wall In T~ A~nt
Oity Hight-Of-Way, Over An Approximately 668-~.
INOUIRIES may be directed to the Public works
~pa~ment at (305) 673-7080. . .
-INTERESTED PARTIES are invited to ap~arat
meeting, o~be represented by an agent, or tO:e~mss t~
views in writing addressed to the Ci~ Commissi0n,. ~ t~
Ci~ Clerk, 1700 Convention Center Drive, 1st .Ft~.C~
Hall, Miami Beach, Florida 33139. This meet~g may
opened and continued and, under such cimUmSt~
additional legal notice would not be provide.
Robe~ E. Pamher
Ci~ Cle~
Ci~ of a~mi ~abh
Pursuant to Se~ion 286.0105, Fla. ~at., the Ci~ hereby advi~s ~e ~ ~: E a
~rson decides to appeal any decision made by the City Commi~n w~
to any ma~er considered at its meeting or its hearing, such pe~n mu~
a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which r~rd inclu~ ~e ~ny
and evidence u~n which the appeal is to be based. This nofi~ ~ ~t
consent by t~e Ci~ for the introdu~ion or admission of othe~ inad~e or
irretev~t evidence, nor does it authorize challenges or ap~als ~. o~
allowed bylaw. '
'To request this material in accessible format, sign language inte~mtem, inf~mat~h
on access for persons with disabilities, and/or any accommodat~ ~ m~ew'~y
d~ument or pa~icipate in ~y ci~-s~nsored proce~ing, please ~ (~)
604-2489 (voice), (305) 673-7218(~) five days in advance ~ initiate your
request. ~ users may also call 711 (Florida Relay ~wi~).
(Ad #364.)