No. 362 April 11, 2006
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COnvlct8c('OLVfoIat!on O! .~794.()1, 1lQQ.04..,'821J)11" Or 847.0145,f~
Statutes. rose PreSem In 'A MbtChlld Care FaQItfty I,JrlllllrSPecifted ClrcumSlanc81
"Yl~~~S;~~9A~?:~;i. "': ';;".,::. ',~;, s' . ,.' ..y':
I~UIRil!s ma~~dlre<:ted lathe'CIty Allorney', Office at (305) 673-7470.
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INTERESTED PAA;TIES' ars Invited to ap\J8ar at this meeling. or be rspresented by an
agent;.or-lo expt8Slllhelr.vl8ws In writing addressed to the CilY Comml..IQI1, clo lha CIty
Olerk, 1700 Convenllon Center Drive. 1st. Floor. City Hall, Miami lleact!. Florida 33139.
This meeting may be op8ned and continued and. under such circumstances addlllon8l
legal r\otlce wouIQnot be' provllil!d. . . .
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v Robert E. parcfulr C
.."".>!:.,"....".. ", City Clerk ' ,
,,"i.' ',n, "... City of Miami Beach .'
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pJi-$uanflo SectIon -286.0105, Flli.Stilt" the Cltyher$by advlses.the _ public that: If-a
person. dllcfdes to appeal any decision made by the City Commission with respect to
any mallEir coi1sklersd. at its meeljng or its hearing, such Person mUlll ensurs that. a
yeft>l!.llfn rs<;<lrd of thltprocslJdlngs Is made, which racarll. includeS the testimonY~nd
.evldence upOn which the liP\J8a1 iS,to be based. . 'ThiS notlCcl does not constitute ,CQnsent
by lha City for the .Intrcduetlon 9r admission of othe,rwiselnadmlsslble or Irrel_nt
evidence. n.or doeS, It, alfthortze chlillenges or appeals ~ot ol!1elViille a1lo~ed by la"".
ro rsqLJ$~llhlsm~terl8i'in~~s$lbl~for~~t, slghl~~gUa~elnterprstllrs. InfOrmation on
access for persons with disabilities. andlor any aQCommodailon to review' any document
or participate in any city-spon80rad proceeding, please OOIltact (305)60+2489 (voice)..
(305) 673-7218(lTY) five days In advance to initiate your request, rrv users may also
call 711 (Florida Relay Servlca).