03 March 1, 2006 CIP Workshop MARCH 1. 2006 COMMISSION MEETING WORKSHOP CONTENTS .. ~genda STAlU5 LJfbCtf-~ elf> ofFt'("€- o Time certain o Supplemental Materials o Speaker's list o Invocator memo o Presentations & Awards list o Addendum o Second Addendum o Notice of closed executive ~/~ession g ATteraction o Consent-Originals manila folder o Regular-Originals !tJ Redevelopment Agency Agenda materials ~ Handouts folder q I Lobbyist Log (See Handouts Folder) ~ublic Hearing Notice Ads Q.JLog of Proceedings electronically recorded notes at Redrope files J of J UJ(CD Burned - (See CD File by Commission date) GY""Original Contents list to City Clerk C DVD _ _Jf _ from Office of Communications ..J ~(VC{)t-1p(e+e- FOLDER PREPARED BViI? ; Ji. a~0 ~ acueknf:J REVIEWED BV: ~' S ~;y DATE: ~~gd~db F:\CLER\SALL\LILL Y\CONTENTS.FLD\2006\030 1 06CMWKSHOP. .doc