Warranty Deed 3497(251-252) Form lW Florida WARRANTY DEED. (To Corporation.) {'~ "'(J'7 \)~-1 OOOX_(~I.!I' '. P~,GD_:J TUTBLANX REGIST!:REO uS PAT OFFICE Tuttle La w Pnnt,Publlshers,Rutland,l.7 .i~t!i~ ~tt~ttttttt1t .Made this :2-..{ ~ day of September A. D. 19 51 W O-//;I Between P. w. MILLER, a single man of the County of Dade and State of Florida, party of the first part, and CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, a municipal corporation, a corporation existin~ under the laws of the State of Florida having its principal place of business in the County of Dade State of Florida party of the second part, ~h-'" - ,..... .~ Witnesseth., that the said part y of the first part, for and in consideration _ of the su~ of Ten Dollars ($10.00) and other good and valuable considerations,. f to him in hand paid, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowled~ed, ha s , ~ranted, bartained, sold, aliened, re~ised, released, enfeoffed, conveyed and con- firm,ed and by these presents does trant, bar~ain, sell, alien, re~ise, release, ~, enfeoff, convey and confir~ unto the said party of the second part and its succes- , sors and assitns forever, all that certain parcel of land lyint and beint in the County 01 Dade and State of Florida, ~ore particularly ( J described as follows: . : Lot Ten (10) of Block Fifty-seven (57) of FISHER'S fiRST SUBDIVISION of Alton Beach, as the same is shown, marked and designated on a plat of said subdivision recorded in Plat Book 2, page 77, in the office of the Clerk of the CircuLt Court in and for Dade County, Florida. Also the closed east end of Sixteenth street more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the Northwest corner of Lot Ten (10), Block Fifty-seven (57), FiSHER'S FIRST SUBDIVISION of Alton Beach as above described; run in an easterly direction along the north line of Lot Ten (10), a distance of Twenty-five (25) feet to the point of beginning of the tract herein described; from the point of beginning continue along the north line of Lot Ten (10) in an easterly direction a distance ~of Two hundred Six and Twenty-eighth Hundredths (206.2S} feet to a point, said ,point being the intersection of the north line of Lot Ten (10) with the west line ~of Collins Avenue; thence run in a northeasterlydirection along the west line of "Collina Avenue a distance of Seventy and Ninety-eight Hundredths (70.98) feet to ~. a point,said point being the intersection of the west line of ColUns Avenue with 'the south line of Lot One (1), Block Fifty-four (54); thence run in a westerly . direction along the south line of Lot One (1), Block Fifty-four (54), a distance of Two Hundred Eighteen and Eight Hundredths (218.08) feet to a point; thence run <_.' ." in a southerly direction and at right angles to the south Une of of Lot One (1), "r'~""':;Block Fifty-four (54), a distance of Seventy (70) feet to the point of beginning. · ~ Subject to restrictions,conditions and limitations of record, to Zoning Ordinance '289 of City of Miami Beach, Florida, and any amendments thereto in force and effect, .. and ;liAxes f~r the year 1951 and subsequent years. \. 'l'ogetner w~th all the tenements, heredita~ents and appurtenances, with : every pnvile~e, ri~ht, title, interest and estate, dower and ri~ht 01 dower, reversion, .; re~ainder and ease~ent thereto belon~in~ or in anywise appertainin~: i . . To Have and to Hold the sa~e in fee si~ple for~ver. And the said party 01 the first part do es covenant with the said party of the second part that he is lawfully seized of the said pre~ises, that they are free of all incu~brance, and that he has tood ri~ht and lawful authority to sell the sa~e; and that said party of the first part doth hereby fully warrant the title to said land, and will defend the sa~e a~ain8t the lawful clai~s of all persons who~soe1)er, '. \ , and In Witness Whereof., the said party of the first part has set hi s 1wnd and seal the day and year above written. , Signed, Sealed and Delivered in Our Presence: , ~~ d~ !!- ~:n- -- · T, ,... .... ,- cJ .d ..J Co) sa -:z:.""": c:e. <ll!'.~ 0 0 -;L.O 0 2 rC: uJ uJ ~c:J. a:: ~- 0 a:: ~ . I~ -..I.... 0 .-J~ u.. r;ti.... 0 g .~ uJ:>e uJ ..J ~ 0 ~~ - "', ~ i) ~ ~ I~:l ~:II ~ ~ ill ') ~ :'1 <( il 0: ' Oi r= ~I ~ - :,11:"1: 'I ,Iii II ii' Ii 11111: I":I:~ II!I 1"1110 G lill iil~ rJ 1:1:11 jl:I';: P=1 lil'!1 ~I 1;.;' H li::11 aill ~ ~ 1111:1 'l,:i I Q tj 1:,,:' ~ ....... 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