Warranty Deed 3450 (389-390) ~ .', t .....e'N .rY l>::7 t 'IP~ \'j ~;~l-_.,. ~ :i."~, ~..~ ,~;: ';; " \ ,'. ~ ~ ~. '... ,~ BOOK 3450 PAGE 390 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said party of the first part has caused these presents to be signed in its name by its proper officers, and its corporate seal to be affixed, attested by its Sec- retary, the day and year above written. ~/ 4 Attest:_~ /~ ,/ Secretary. ON us: OJ!' FLOIQDA, , ,.., OF4ATIE . ~:;::~~:~:::::~Thato~of ~ A. D. 19~, ~ u. S. HOLDING CORPORATION , Priili....t ..RJ-l Secretary, respectively, of , a corporation under the laws of the State of WlnT'1d.a , to me known to be the persons who signed the foregoing instrument as such offIcers, and severally acknowledged the execution thereof to be their free act and deed as such officers, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned; and that they affixed thereto the official seal of said corporation, and that the said instrument is the act nd deed 0 said corpora- tion. . WITNESS my signature and official seal at I r in the County of Dade and State of the day and year last aforesaid. .... exP1_.~~~~~el~'t~'~'3) .-'-c-,.,--------~ ;: jJ'--' 'Jlilf qJ~l>~C~2-J..Q(;..(~J"f'5 , u*, 'i!,,:VG H td.. Co VI S l gT1J~T".~(f,?) 19'JOOJ{ <+~<+(l) ~~ 0..... o Z ::r /Zl ::I ,-I'- t:1::1 '-< r" /Zl (l) Il:l O' ~ ".' o ~~'O e !~ .... <+ i-3 i-3 III..... l.l ~ ~ ~ (l) (l) l:o) ~ 2: ~ > o ~ ~ 0" ~ /Zl _~~17J, i-3 .~~~Z?r-g~tj:_ 0 t!.l ....0: 0 ::r trJ '"l '0 ~ CD ~ 0 f'I1oo..... ~g5~ Il:l Il:l ~ ~ ><+ <+ ~ 0 OQ ::I..... t:1 --I~ 1f ~ ~ a~(l) ; ~ > ~ :r...., ~!:! ~ ~ ~ o~ fr t:1 S fTI::1 ,\. Il:l ~~J ..... <: 0 ~ ~ t:J:j ::::: ."Il:l ~ ~ /Zl (l) 0 0 ~ ""'::l {' trJ Il:l ::I '"l 0 0 >.,; ~~ I 8 s.; g, ~ F-- . ..... ; > .......... '~j ,..., Il:l ~~ <+~ U!:d ::r::l 2/Zl g'l-lg g Il:l ~ e:. ~ ::r a ~ ~ 0" ~ ~ ~ ~ '"l 8. l.l~ -(l) (l)~ O~o:::O g E fro .....1f ~ r^ '"l ~ <+~. s: '"l 0 ='1 ~ E.. ';< ~ I'D tp ;o~ ~ '< t::Il o STATE OF ~i1llEfj.S. COUNTY OF y~ ...., I HEREBY CERTIFY tSt on this 1~ day of April, 1951, before me personally appeared HARRY D. COHEN, President of U. S. HOLDlrc. CORPORATION, a corporation under the laws of the State of Florida, to me known to be the person who signed the foregoing in- strument as such officer, and acknowledged the execution thereof to be his free act and deed as such officer for the uses and purposes therein mentioned; and that he affixed thereto the official seal of said corporation, and that the said instrument is the act and deed of said cprpora tion. r ~ 'fITNESS my signa. ture and official seal a t ~ ' in the County of ,~\ %& and State of New Jersey the day a y ar las aforesaid. F]OT'in~ ,J-j& o ~ ~. ~ . . z . c i ~ ~ . ~ z S n ~ , ~ I-lI N 00 o ~ ~ \~ ,r\. , ' .., {' " . ,! J :,~ \. " )'." ,""'',; tary Public KLIER COmmi,~~~~:w Jersey , ,'t if"' ptthtic 0, ~ 1-1, JuLY 19, 1955 No (l; v. X tre~ ' ~