Warranty Deed 219-(519,520) fiOOi( ~ L 9 fAGe 5.19 Wtt~l f l QUIT-CLAIM DEED FROM CORPORATION PAPCO'S FORM 42 PAPCO PUBLISHING CORPORATION MIAMI 36, FLORIDA (@uit-<ttlnim IItth .. '..,';'\'t mqis llubruturr. Made this 29th day of April .A.D.1957, BETWEEN ROZEL, INC. a corporation existing under the laws of the State of Florida , party of the first part and CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, a municipal corporation of the County of Dade and State of Florida . part y of the second part, WITNESSETH, That the said party of the first part, for and in consideration of the sum of TEN ($10.00) Dollars, and other valuable considerations 961Mf'8r in hand paid by the said part y of the second part, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, hath remised, released and quit-claimed, and by these presents doth remise, releasp, and quit-claim unto the saie). successors 1'0: part y of the second part, and its Ici1t.tJt and assigns forevpr, all the estate, right, title, lien, equity, interest, claim and demand which the said party of thet first part hath in and to the following described lot S , piece S ,or parcel of land, situate, lying and being in the County of Dade , State of Florida , to.wit: Lots Five (5) and Six (6) of Block Forty-eight (48) of LINCOLN SUBDIVISION, according to the plat thereof, recorded in Plat Book Nine (9), page Sixty-nine (69) of the public records of Dade County, Florida. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the same tog(~ther with all singular and appurtenances thereunto be- longing or in anywise appertaining, and all the esta((~ right, title, lien, interest and claim whatsoever of the said party of the first part, either in law or equity, to the only proper use, benefit and behoof of the succes-sors part y of the second part, its Uili:Jind assigns forever. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said party of the first part has caused thes(' presents to be signed in its name by its President, and its corporate seal to be affixed. attested by its Secretary th(' day and year above wriupn. (Corporate Seal) Attest: .~/ /t /' ,/ ~:/ (~",",~(,'~,1' Secretary HOZEL, INC. /By S!f:~r~, Sealed and Ddi~~~'~.i~ Our Pn'senc(': \ ~....,.:..~ ' ,._.,~ \ ) -...;... ,.,......,~..J , < ~----- I ~. ,..... ~.. '--. . f-A/l-5 ~. J /, v. {cl'L~ If/ I / }A~~".~'--'5f , ~ " . _?lf~~~-<C.~,ibn' ,- ~ -, '>. t;tntt nf .Jlnribn. C!IOUttty of BOOK 21 9 FAf~1: ~)(~O DADE } /, the undersigned ofJicf!r duly authorized to tuk,- ami cf'rtify a~'knOlrlf'dKmf'nt,~ of df'eds in said Stale MiWC and County, hereby certify that before me came HO SA CHANTON Secretary DC :p~~ of the HOZEL, INC. a corporation under thiftws of the State of Florida : tha' ,~aid pers01NS so appearing before me dIiKthe individual!{and the ofjicerxaforenanwd of .~aid corporation described in and u'ho executfld the foregoing deed; and thaI then and there said individualx as said ofjif'eTX acknowledf{ed before me that thf' seal afJixed to said deed is the corporate seal of said corporation, that ~irame<<ofJi. cially ~ bY~k subscribed thereto, that said deed was signed, sealed and delivered by said corporation i1f.~~~ursllant to laU'. and that ,he ,~am(' i,~ the fn'f' act and deed of said corporation, 1lIlfUttt55 my hand and official ,~f'al at Mi ami Be ach County of Dade April day of My ,this :3 017; and State of Florida . A. D. 19 57. Y~~~k~Spal) Notary Public, State of Florida at Large comrrission expires: ~'91'\f l'1ublic:. State of Florida .t loroe commission expires Oct. 25, 1959 1Q'; hv Amprican Surety );:0. of N. Y. ....., \\,,\~ .\V.lW") t~61~' il~' .1~1iI;> AIU~~:) ~?:"OJ9 U\ P111I\.ill!i ..~ : s aoI1dxe UO lSS 1UIUIOO .KW 'ON ;IJO;" N<1t-t .-- OOE9Lv~" 'ZJ lMONli~~ 'I'" I .~~ e 1 'q.~ }t..ro,.M.~ ., eq."B S '~_lT~d,/t\.req.ON /' .. .~~~~~b./ J ~f{t;;:/ . t1i"BS e..ro "B :t S .I"Be~' A"BP e-qq. il"BS a..roJ"B aq."B:ts pue .Kq.unoa a-q:t u1 ~ :t~ 1~es 1~101JJO pue e.ln:t~u~ls Am SS~NiliIM .uo1q."BJoddoO P1BS JO peep pu-e q.O"B a-qq. sl awmJq.sul Pl"BS e~:t :t"B~q. pu-e 'u01q.a..r0d..roo P1as JO taas t"B101JJo a-q:t sl WTI..rq.su1 ~U10~a.loJ a-q:t oq. pex1JJ"B t~es e~:tq.~~:t PU"B 'pau01q.uam uleJe~q. esod..rnd pu-e sasn e~~ JOJ J~o1JJO qons S"B peap p~ ~ou eeJJ S1q eq o~ Joa..re~q. u01q.noaxe a~q. pe~pat.M.oU}!o"B pua Jao1JJo ~ons S"B q.uawnJq.su1 ~U10~e.IoJ e-qq. pau~ls O~.M. uos..red e-qq. aq oq. 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