Agreement 3/26/57
1TII ::;
, made and entered intD tbL:. ~ ~
d [J,' (,' I" ar ('"1 191:;'7, '0.. ~Y' ,u "'J,d 'OC' 'two, e,r'l';he C I'.mJ /) I,; tHANI BFACH, C\
c J- i.' 1 .,.1_) _ ' c;u J - - <. L.J \,-
F'lorLda mun:i.c [J corpUI'ati.on, part.y of the first part, herein-
a.fl~er l'cferred to as the "CITY";
r~OLF,i~Fl. and EO
Iii::, Hi!'\..', 8J:1U J ACE DICKS()N c1nd y,.'l"L, ilICLSUN) hi S it.rLL'e, partie 3
01' the second part)hereinaf'ter refDt"rec1 to as the "OVmlDl:j";
and HOZl.:L, INC., nF'lcr:tda corpOl'atlon, party of the th,'Lrc: pert,
berc:ilJ[-l.fter referred to 8S thr' "I:E:;SEl:~lI)
WIT N ~ 3 S T H
i,itL::n,u""" the HUHners" arc; the holders and (."'vlD(']"['
of the foc simple title in unel t,o cur't.ain parcel of' land,
situate in the CitJr of' IUanli Beach) Dade County) Plcr:1 da,
described as fellows) to wit:
l.Jots Sand 6) Bloek lib,
ing to the plat thereof recorded
in Plat 80 9) pace 69 of the
pub] Ie re cords of Dade Count;)',
~\l1L:l1 .L\~~, the "Lessee" Is the JeL3S8C cmder Ii ninc;ty-
nine ~rear leaSE; encumbering said land;
NO'iJ, THl:;rUi:},loFU:, in con~5:t clopa ti on of' the mu tLl 8.1
eovenants hereinafter set forth, it is agreed be~ween the
par tie s as foIl OW3:
1. Th.d "Owne'rs" ar?llOO to sell [J,Ild COllVf;-\j HIld
~ ~
t- hc" " C'it-'\i II
"'n.J .<. '..1
(~J t buy the a:)ovc d03eribeo l:=md foy' the
to tal purcb.ase pr>ice of SLz't;,y -two Thousand) Pi ve Hundred and
00/100 (~\;6c')~)OO.OO) Dollm~s, pa;yabJe In cash at the c.Losing
of' the transaction contGmplated herob:;.
2. ':[Ih() 11 Le ssee Ii will transfer and assign to the
rtClt/1 alL of.' its interest in OJld tu the ntnety-nins yo 8.1'
lease hereLnbcfore referred to) and the llCity" ai!,rc:es to pay
to said "Less'o,,)!1 in fuLL payment therefor' the sum or 'rwonty-
throe 'Thclu.3d.ncJ, (,'Lv\::; Hundred and 00/100 (
3,500.00) Dollars
in cash to be pai.d at the closing of the transaction con-
template d hero by , and to pay said lIie S3ee II t.ho sum of 'rhree
Hundred Ninety-eight and ,:25/100 (:;I'39b.2)) DoLLars as reim-
bursemont f'or a port:L on or the 1956 taxe s h8re tofore paid
by the "Lesse,,)" on said land.
j. The "01.vners" wlJ.1 convoy the said land to the
"Ci.ty" by- good and sul'f'icient H8.rrant:,,' deed) ["roe and clea.r
o~' all encumbra...rlCes, except taxes for the year 195'7,
re str> icti ons at' re cord) ordinance s of the C1 t,y- of
Hi.o,.Jni Be ach, Plor id a, such muni cipal imprOVOffii2l1. t liens as may
be pendinc; but not certifiod at the time of the closing of the
transaction contem.plated hnroby. lrhe ftC:lti' aGrees to pas for
the docwnentarJ' staInps to be affixed to the deed as rr::.~quired
by law.
L~. Slmul taneously with the closing of the tr.ansaction
contemplated herebs, the 1l0'l'iTlerSft wLl1 join with the flCityft
in the eX<3cution of an instrwllcnt lrlhlch will cancel tho nine ty-
nine year lease hereinbefore referred to, and which will
release aLL parcies thereto from all obligations thcl'eunder.
.5. Irho HOwnersft agree th"-1.t, simultaneously with
ch('; closing of the. trD.n:3i1::::tion cont,~mplat(;d hd>'3by, l;lwy
will refund to thu "Less':)c.c:ft the sum of .Fiva rrhousand and OD!lOO
(~I:))OOO.OO) Dollars nOH held by said "Ownersft as secl.lrity
for the payment oCren ts under th.) ninety-nine yo ar Ie ase
hert; inoef'ore referI'e d GO, and the flCHners 1I and till:) 1l1;(; ssee. IV
agP8<a that theI'8 shaU. be no pru-:!>ation of the r(~r,t c led
for by said lease.
- 2
6. Tille lIlJ(:)ssecll will tr>ansfer and S,;Jt over unto
the "Cit;)!" all uf' its interest in the ninety-nine yoar lease
herein~ofore referred to by assignment, quIt-claim deed or
.. .' .. . D' 1.- "('" 11
such other :Lnsteument as may, J_n the) oplnl.on Ul. tll'3 Jll~Y,
nect:;ssary to extinc;ulsh tho rir~lts uf' the IILJessI.:;ull lIndeI'
the terms of such lease.
7. The; "Owners" will, \{ithin twenty (~~O) days
from the datE; hereof, furnish to the ilCity11 an aostract of
title showing the "Ownersl" title to be good and marketable,
bui~, in the event th~; title shall not 013 found 2:ood and
marke table, the "CJ1.^lne1's II agree to use 1'8 asonablc d 11 1genec;
to make the said ti tle e;ood and marlo::e table'), and shall have
a re asonable time; to do so, and if, after 1'08sonablc d:i 1 ip;ence
on the part of the llCwni3I's", said title shall not be made
good and marketable within a reasonable time, the parties
here to shall tJ'1GI'8 upon 00 re Ie ase d from all 0 blip;ati ons he re-
under or') upon request of trF:. llCityl') the t:Ltle shall be
delivered in its Bxistin,s; condition. 'l'he "City" agr'oes to
pay the cost of continuing the abstract to date.
d. 'rhe tr>ansaction contemplated hereb;y shl'.l.11 be
closed not earlier than Apri.l 29) 1957 and not later than
Yiay lOth) 19S7.
9. This a[;poement shall be bindinc; upon celeh of
the p a;:' tie s here to, and the iI' re spe cti VB he ir s, succe ssor s
and assigns.
IN 1tJI'I'NL:.:::JS vvTL'Rc:.UF', the pa:rcies of the second
part have herew'lto set their hands and seals, and the party
or the first par:t and the party of the thir'o parr, helve caused
these presents to be executed in thoir respective names
- 3 -
bJl their I'8spc:etivu oCfi(;()I's) and have caused theil'
respective ccrpox'atc s68ls t.o be af'fixed) [;11 as 01' the
da"J and ~ieaI' first above wrltt'c)n.
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NOTARY PUljLl':,S 1 ,\E' c~ :;~:X'vom~
Nc, :J 1-:..bCi:\r::.:)5
QUllHfi$d in New Ie" C".ur\!v
?:\WO\\I;\~~~i'~n "''-'<.pires I':"":.,, .20, i?t.:t
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