Release of Mortga 2045(687,688) OFf, 20A5 r~(r687 RE" ti "_h PARTIAL RELEASE. 0.. MORTGAGE ( aV CORPORA.TION) OFFICIAl.. FORM 4;,' OFFICIAl.. I..EGAI.. FORMS MIAMI 45. FI..ORIOA 'arttul irlrust of !lnrtgugt 1KttUW .All 1Irn JJy IDl1rar 'rr.arnta: WHEREAS, P. A. VACCA and LILLI1\.N M. VACCA, his wife by Indenture of Mortgage dated the 18th day of . A. D. 19 54, March and recorded in th(' office of thl' Clerk of the Circuit Court in and for the County of Dade Slate of Florida, in /Uortgage Book 3061 , Page 52 , granted and conveyed unto CHASE FEDERAL SAVINGS Al~D LOAB ASSOCIATION" a United states corporation II II and assigns. the premises therein particuTarly de$cribed, to secure the payment of the sum of THIRTY THOUSAND AND NOjlOO- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Dollars. with interest as therein mentioned: AN/) WHEREAS THE SAID P. A. VA.CCA and LILLIAN M. VACCA, his wife requested, the said CHASE FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION to release the premises hereinafter d(>scril)(>d, being part of said mortgaged premise&, from the lif'n and operation of said llJortgage: NOW, THEREFORE, KNOW YE, That the said CHASE FEDERlU, SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION I' I II il as well in consideration of the premises as of the &um of Ten Dollars and other Valuable Considerations l1rl:itJ'JJts, to it in hand paid by the .~aid P. A. VACCA and LILLIAN M. VACCA, his wife at the time of execution hereof, the receipt u:hen'of is heN~hy acknowledged, does N'mise, release, quit.claim, exonerate and di&charge from the lien and operation of said mortgage P. A. VACCA and LIT...J...IAN M. VACCA, his wife unto Ihe ,~aid their heirs and assigns, all that piece, parcd or tract of land, being a part of ,Iu> premises ,'ontwyed by sma mortgage, to-wit: The South 30 feet of Lot 13" in Block 48 of LINCOLN SU BDIVISION, according to the Plat thereof, recorded in Plat Book 9, at Page 69 of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida, TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the same, with the appurtenance&, unto the said P ~ A. VACCA and LILLIAN M. VACCA, his wife and assigns, fon't!('r, fn'('d, . (!xonerated and discharw'd of and from thi' li('n of said mortgage, and et'ery part therl,of; Provid(!d, alu:ays nel'('rthel(,ss, that nothing tIH're;n contaiR(~d shall in anywise impair, alter or diminish the effect, lien or inpumbranc(' of the afon',~aid Mortgage on the rem aining part of said mortgaged premis(!s, not hereby rf'i('ased therefrom, or any of the rights and N'medies of the holder hereof. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said Mortgagee by its duly authorized officers. haya ~ J: '8 'hereunto .~('t their hand Sand s('al S this ls t day of April (>~ " 19 60 Si!.!nf>d, ,~('al('jpalld ddiv('T:ed i{,'7j..p pre,.(mce of: C Y.-'.J I /;/ /, J ( /1 ...? t.'JA // ~ I ,-' ____~ / /.. _ !' t / f / ' ~ .,~.~ CHASE By ~ l' ~>> - - "m ~.~ . l / _ __ '- A Itested ^ . '1,':;- -". V' . '."\. . J.QQ 1\ "1 I, ...- I\. (jj." , ~ r ":>',,~, .J" ,~ , , ,;,~,-:,..~'t'~ .' 6~, ~,''''',,,,,,,, .... . ." c' .. 1 ,. ASSJ.sta.n.j;./..~J-'j JdCRE'tARY Q!lIumUllf ) JI,rtbg Clt,rttfg f that on tkg .tat, of .Jflnrtba. DPt.>T)E Off RES 2045 !x~:: 688 } 1st day of April A. D. 19 60, befote me perloruJlly appetJl'ed and ~ Robert E. Day Vice re.p~titJely/prellident and Assistant TERENCE 'G II.. DER a corporation ruuler the laws of CHASE FEDERAL SAVINGS Al'iD LOAN ASSOCIATION of the StAlIJDJ'I. United states . to me known to be the per60ruI dellcribed in and who executed the foregoing conveyance to P. A. VACCA and LILl"IAN M. VACCA, his wife and leverally acknowledged the execution thereof to be their free act and deed Q.6 luch officer" for the uses and purposelI therein mentioned, and that they affixed thereto the "ffici41 seal of 6tJid corporation, and the said instrument is the act and deed of6tJid corporation. JIIIitmss my IJignature and official seal at .intlU!f':buntyof Dade ..., S ~ . " ,,'>> 1" l' ,,~,JJ-e . d~;:' 'ahd.,year ltut aforesaid. : ():. ~~,;~. .' . '", : "').. 11 n ,. ..... : ~ : M~C()-"Un,issiori Expires. ::.. ~.~ 'uiRc. ~ ~'fIlcfrrcr. If flY".. , '" y ~mleal~JI~ Noll'.. 1. 19~. ... . .... ~::- !':'::; :~. . u I ~ : ~ ' . , Miami Beach and State of Flor ida L--.. () .... '"r1 S W ::l .... ~ 0 - c:: M Ib ... ~ g ::r P- ~ foo1 0 "" '<: Ib t:; ... 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