Release of Mrtga. 2045(685,686) ~tt 2045 P^j: 685 ...,...],/.11' PARTIAL RELEASE OF MORTGAGE IBY CORPORATION) PAPCO'S FORM 41 PAJl'CO PUBLISHING CORPORATION MIAMI 36. FLORIDA Jurttullrlruar of !lortgugr I(num All .rn iy QJqrnr Jrrnrntn: WHEREAS, HAMPTON BUILDING, INC., a Florida corporation by Indenture of Mortgage dated the 17th day of DECEMBER , A. D. 19 56, and recorded in the office of the Clerk of the Circui t Court in and for the County of DADE State of Florida, in Mortgage Book 376L , Page 397 , granted and conveyed unto THE MUTUAL BENEFIT LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY and assigns, the premises therein particularly described, to secure the payment of the sum of ($ 275,000.0 ) TWO HUNDRED SEVENTY-FIVE THOUSAND and NO/100------------------------------Dollars, with interest as therein mentioned: AND WHEREAS THE SAID HAMPTON BUILDING, INC. requested, the said THE MUTUAL BENEFIT LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY to release the premises hereinafter described, being part of said mortgaged premises, from ,hi' lien and operation of said Mortgage: NOW, THEREFORE, KNOW YE, That the said THE MUTUAL BENEFIT LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY as well in consideration of the premises as of the sum of ($10.00 & OTHER GOOD & VALUABLE CONSI ERATION TEN and NO/100-- -- --------- - --- ------- --------- ------ --- -Dollars, to it in hand paid by the said HAMPTON BUILDING, INC. at the time of execution hereof, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, does remise, release, quit.claim, exonerate and discharge from the lien and operation of said mortgage unto the said HAMPTON BUILDING, INC. its successors, heirs and assigns, all that piece, parcel or tract of land, being a part of the premises mnveyed by said mortgage, to-wit: The NORTH 21. 83 feet of LOT 13 in BLOCK 48 of LINCOLN SUBDIVISION, according to the plat thereof recorded in Plat Book 9 at Page 69 of the Public Records of DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA This Release is conditioned upon agreement by the City of Miami Beach, which is taking the released premises as part of a city-owned parking lot, that the remaining premises under the lien of the mortgage aforesaid shall not be subject to any charge or assessment in connection with parking area: by way of installati, n or TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the same, with the appurtenances, unto the said ma~ntenance of same. HAMPTON BUILDING, INC .-.........,.,..-~ncr'a.~7o'rever, freed, exonerated and discharged of and from the lien of said mortgage, and eVf(,riy,pa.ft thereof; Provided, always nevertheless, that nothing therein contained shall in anywise impair~1t~>or diminish the effect, lien or incumbrance of the aforesaid Mortgage on the remaining part of ;U~ortgag,a pre'rnise/J, not hereby Tfdeased therefrom, or any of the rights and remedies of the holder 1t~r~af. J +/".' . , ",J. \ " ,.., ~ .'~ '~'~" IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said Mortgagee by its duly authoriJ..;'B.fI!cers, has hereunto set its hand and seal this 28th day of March 1960 Signt~d, sealed and delivered in the presence of: ,.-.. /,/' ,~ "- y' ...(-'1' .., ,;.;"-;::"c';'" / i)(ipr.rn G !f 'f I . .. ! , / / /1);. ;(r ., CATHERINE McMAHON THE MUTUAL BENEFIT LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY ~ 'l~.m <:., /"'" / . SEAL , /'.>.~::,< ,/,.:~' ' ' /,/ /'._.'., // ' ,'1>' By... //'t:::/#~'Z .' '.~. .~ ROBERT.' E...C .~ MITH . SErt"CrPr,.s..ident(~'~ Attested by ,h,,",,/,) "- ,/, ~. );~: ~L-<~~-t' I SELWYN L. BIRRELL P,S;ol. ....".,::I"IIY ,. , /,ct~ {,f ". /jn ~tt 2045 r',\C:: 686 &tab of ~ NEW JERSEY } QtUllutll uf 3J )trrrbg atrrttfg f that on this ESSEX 28th day of March A. D. 1960 ,before me personally appeared ROBERT t SM''''~. , ~retJND v,c} and SELWYN L. BIRR~LL respectit,ely Pre&ident and ASST. :LG:::;,,:y of THE MUTUAL BENEFIT LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY a corporation under the laws of the State of New Jersey . to me known to be the persons described in and who executed the foregoing conveyance to Hampton Building, Ine. and severally acknowledged the execution thereof to be their free act and deed as such officers, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and that they affixed thereto the official seal of i'laid corporation, and the said instrument is the act and deed of said corporation, IlitUfSS my signature and official seal at Newark in the County of Essex and State of New Jersey ,he day and year la.~t aforesaid. ( ./~1.3'..._...~.. ::: L l r) \ 1 ~I I .~ ~ ~ '::: .' i -,). .~. u~ -1 I;. :. '...~ ""'" 'i 110/ L'~, ". .. ROREK I i;.l, HA)'.C \'4011'1:'; e;'2UC OF NEW IEf/Sf) HJ. l~L .< ";-j""'i'; I/! ~,' !JIIIII 14\1" ~ ~ ... ~ S c ;:s ... ~ ~ ;:: - ~ 11 ... !. ~ >- ;:s ;:- .... .. ... ~ ~ +-1 n ':< ~ 0 ~ t:Y .... .. ~ '1 -. 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