03 March 27, 2006 WS contents MARCH 27. 2006 COMMISSION MEETING CONTENTS ~genda o Time certain o Supplemental Materials o Speaker's list o Invocator memo o Presentations & Awards list o Addendum o Second Addendum o Notice of closed executive o session o Afteraction o Consent-Originals manila folder ~Regular-Originals o \ ~edevelopment Agency Agenda materials ~andouts folder o Lobbyist Log (See Handouts Folder) ~ublic Hearing Notice Ads o Log of Proceedings electronically recorded notes o Redrope files I of / ~D Burned - (See CD File by Commission date) ~riginal Contents list to City Clerk .AJ.JI o DVD _of _ from Office of Communications ~U ,( FOLDER PREPARED BY:ctYl1, ~,-.:Z!v:tll<,A.1vI'-P / REVIEWED BY: ~ <2:' ~~ y DATE: .--=t/.-?,iJ" 6 F:\CLER\$ALL\LILL Y\CONTENTS .FLD\2006\032706CM.. doc