Agreement 3/15/61 'I'III~; J\GHEEf'.1EH'f) liD(lC' [~n!l ,'ilL:".,\inb, thl~, / --J-- t:!::.. ,lilY of ~~U-. , 19()1, by and bC:tl;(:I'n PHJLf.lflN ;ll~!\Ul'Y COI1POH/I.TION, ;j l;'lol'ld;:l eOl'poratton" t)81'ty of the: f'i l'~;t [YIPt. 11(;/'C'i l1i!f'ter j'efOlTC(l to elf) the ",Sellel,'I ill1r! the CI'T'Y O}t' f.1IMi\I 8Etr:Ii, rJjl'lo('.-Ld:l Iiluntcipal l'.C)l'pol'ation) party of the ~',econc1 [)(11't) her'l;in:I('j-,c~p r'i~r';i'i;ed to aD the "C:ity") H 1'1' N g ,(j ,~; !': 'I' II : 'l'113t f(w' nnd 1n COll~LLc1el'c'ti;1on !)f U\i' ::W,1 of 'l'en (;li]O.OO) DolIn]':; and otllcr' I/cllI1(11)lc con~;lcl(}I'iJtl(Jn, -in ll;:nll [':1111 h~r t.he "City" to the ",';e11cl' : the rC',;<::,:Lllt~ \-/her(;of' i::; llt',r'c:by nr::lmov;lecl;::-.:ec1 by ~J;]l(l ",sellc1''', and 1n (~onf-:1(1.-:-,':tt;J(ln of the i/lll1.Wll ('(,\/en,tnt:J Ik'r'e:Ul:lft:~l' fH--:t forth.. it :1:-, <.lsl'b'l} ])(,t;I:('(C'lI tlli' l)(II.tie:-~ llepeto 'I:; fo11c)\,u3: 1. '1'11e ",(~e11et'" Cl;zree;-; te) :-;el] ;~iHl jlwCil~,lI (lL::ree~-; 1;r) pupr.ha~Jp., >1t the pJ'!C(: bt1(l tl~)rln \;1\1: t'-~-I'm-: 11I'I'I'~ln:,f'I~(.\' :-)~t forth, l~hat C(:!'t;1:i.n rW1'8el 'If 1anel,. :'31t1.1.'I1:,; in 1.h,_' (;:1 i.~.- I,r [(1~'1\L1 De:1,;I1, i'I,Hle (~ol.lnty, Fl()j'lcb.. ,'\(-?s8"1'i.hr-orl ;1:: ro1.lo..:::, I,n ":it: Lcd- l':>.) (lr><::" 1-1\p "',:)<-1"'1"1'7 -r'II'" (r-,II f..,.j . '.' I . . " ,~ \._ I..) .1 ~... \"", (.. I) ,''--~ , . . . ./ ." I "'- '.," , tIlt: ]'(; (:) r) () r TIl ue Ie .'1 '], (, r " LUrC()f,lf - ,': Tf2])J \JI:~ TON, 3(~cOy'di rw to the nl;j L j-,11er'c:()f. "('1:<11,(1,::1 in PInt G(loi~ 9.. pace' (;!j (,f' tlv. I'll:)UJ:I't~("-Ii'(l,: of. Da\lc' County, Ji'101'lc1il, . r) ,- . 'J'hn plr,-'chijf.:C pr'lr:v ("Ii' ~::-'i,l I"n.-l 'h.,ll h. 'rhipty-rl\ji~ 'i'l I')] U3t:lnrJ, 11'1 vc Hllnch'(;cl (t nd 00/100 C> :,' ~'i. ~~ on . (in) rh) II " ":;.t),c. 7F' Ii] (~ i n ":)~Jh ill. the tlme of Uk (~Jo~;ln~ ur tl1,;ld":~~n "t:~t1 i'11 ,'!)n\ "i1f'lrlL;;1 1 t (: 1"1 (; 1) ~r ., ;]nd 1- h (' t1 C i t'IT" rl ~)' r' c. c_~ "J' 1- n I I ~ I ' ,- ...I.. - - .j~ \.... \. I .J.. j,;- ,- v J :iililllll.:IIlC'Cill;21 ~( . i 1)1 ~,::Li.(l ,I O;-3.L nc: J tho :] Util of ,I>:: ven Hun(h'(~<l11](.1 1i':U'ty :'.llld 00/1 (j() (;/i 750 . no) ! ',)ll[),':,: to l\,ttol'ney T.(~(ln;H'd E. hhi'l in V'i~ Ilkni (\lr Lho :J('}'\!l'-'C3 "cndire,'l 11,)' h:ir:t i.;() \.!1(' ";;cllel'" :in CU1,l1r,(.j-,i .:,n '. iLI1 j-,!I(: ;-."::tn:_~,.,,-.tli)n :,- ntempJ.ntc:d h(:l'c~b.:/. ") .) . 'l'1I..: ",',)r11e1'" [l/.::rc:e':, i,n ['111'11 i ::11 t(1 th'.> "("1 : -.," ._-. \ 'v il.hln tllirt.y (laYD J'L"'''11 1;]10. rbh, 11"r';:;'lf; ::n .,L::Li-"i<:l (Ie 1,i~-.],. .I]O\linC: i:lC r,;(> ::1Jmpl(-: t:i.tl(~ t.o :':l:i.',!:trJ,l 'i." h' in i-h,. "~:r~J.l"j.1I -- J celtHl to he 8 ;3()Oc1 :1ll(1 IIWl'lU~I::..).l)J,~ tii']..' ':n'l U,,:. l.,':n_':ci:ii,!1 c,:mtemplc:tb::c1 hereby i:: to 1)(' (~l 0::",1 iini.. '::O,')WI' i h:.~n j\~)i'lJ. 2!f, 1.9()1 nop li..lh~:r' thull t~pl':1.1 29th. J.~~'(,l. l~. 'I'll I, ",(>'J.l(~l'" \"111 {~"nv ';" ill,: :3:,1 d L'l'(lpel.t:~{ tel th(; "City" by [joud ;J!lcl ~Jl1:C['i(:J,~nL "!:ll']':-1nl.~. ,1"..(1, :.:l1bj(:;(~1'. (,n1y t 0('(.' ~3 1:1'1 C t 1 ('In f; C Oln1rlnJ) b', t1 H: l'i':L':f: 1)1: 1'1 " il I( 1, 'onJ n..,:: ",'(1 i no 1 )I~e :~, of the Cl ty or fin ;WIL Beac]l) [1'10['1(1:.1: :.:nd i.::yr;;; CUr' the 'rea r 1 C)()1) U ..-..... i,'l'1Jch i;;lX(j~; ;.1l'e 1'.0 be pro-l'~ltC'(l:,:~ (lr' t1!(~ ,1.'11'.,: 1)(' clnuinC; of the tl':lnSaC tion con tc:mp 1:: t(:,1 11l'1'c b,jl . 5. Cel'tif'Li':rl mmdelp'll itnL'l'O'/('li~I,)l1j lJ(:t1~. :ll'C tn be pa:i,l by L]H: ",SI;111:[''' ::In(l p(:nrlin~ Illllniei[nJ 11!1[il'(l'/('lllt'nt 11cm3 ape to b(: as:;lllned by the "C:l.ty". G. Irhc "Ctty" a[';l',)(c';: I:hiti., U',,': ",';(:11c"l,1I ~~h:ill halfe the rJc;ht to j'cmove the hpd[~e n(l1':</j~ti ne: ,In i-.]k'!(~S l~ l:l.nf~ of the land to 1)(~ conveyed (11'111 t;cl ]'CI'jt"'Jr:' ce:11 [li (.r.: '.;1\1(:h no'.! :Ls in ~)lace on 33.ic1 lanel 1n conn(~(~ti'm 1.i l.li tl1(~ 1:~Xi~iti.nQ: ~opr1nlcl(:1' sy s tF.::m . IN l'fITNESS HHETIEOll') the p:'l1'tie:.,; 11f~l'f:t() have caw:.:ec.1 the:Je present~J to be si!3nec1 In 1:111':1.1' J":.:::pc~etlve 1:()Y'~)()rnte . names) by the/i.]' r'C~3peetJve duly illlthm'.i::c:r1 (d:'fleel'~;) ,me1 the:l.l' l'cspectJve corporate se81s to he hCI't":lmto .:::f.f:l.xer]) h8 of the day and ye3r first above itlri tten. PIIILrIIAH rmr'LTY C0I1POR1\TTOn Rv v..' .1 }{' -?r/ --r" ',t-:.?/ 'l' // 1/ u: I) --- Pl'C ~J 1 ([.'n t l\.rrTEST: )'7{ ,-cc....,L )1Levz >r . / Secrl::.tary CITY Of' IUNH lJE~.CH N BY~ ~~. fl1ay, )(, f\.'l"r ES '1' : f) S'l'ATE OF f~ COUNTY OF J)~ s,s. : I HEHEBY CEHTIFY that on thls ~ I~ day of ~~ 1961) befor'e me J an officer dl1ly authopi :~ecl to adnIlnister oa ths and take acknol'ilecl[!;rnents, person811~1 appea:r'ed S IJ~ l. MIf-,2- and M II- X t!Lf/T2- President and Secreta ry) respee t1 vely., of PHIU'1AN HEi\Ul'Y COHPORATION) a li'lor'ic1a cOl'porCltion) to me; Immm to be the persons \'Iho signed the forer;oJ.n:::; ins tl'ument au s llCh officers and severally aclcnovlledged the execution thereof to be their free act and deed ClS such offJcP.l':3 for' the llses and purposes therein mentioned and that they affl~ed the1'eto the officj.al seal of said corporation, and that the :j(;lic1 instrument 1s the act abd deed of saId corporation. WITNESS my signature and official seal at the County and State aforesaid, the day and year last aforesaid. "'ry Public. State of Florida at Large My commis~3i.on explres: >>t Co!r.mi!SiJlI Er.~jres April 1. 1963 ......,.d ~r Ar,llnCllln I(.!l C,uUlUY (;:0.