Warranty Deed 1575-608,609 I I ....... >- UJ i-- CJ .....-..., ..< -- C) 0 "- u ~ .'" I .. ' LR:ip #11226 r' I.li I ~" [' L-Ny-16v( j ~) 7~; !i, t 508 WARRANTY DEED (TO CORPORATION) "APCO'S I"OItM R. E,! 8" "A "CO "UaL'.HING COIlP'ORATION MIAMI 82. "LORIo". al~bl JnbtUturt. Made tM- Ju:ly______~_______________ 15th____day of A. D. 1929......, BETWEEN KING s-'- D~NSIS:Y ~nd ~_STEL!:-E I>ANSKY,Lhis_~ife____ of the County of_-----D~_ _n,___________and State oL______ Flo rtQ.A-_____________ municipal part:ie.s-of the first part, and____ . CITY -DE...MIAMLBE-AGH_____________. a/corporation existing under the laws of the State of__ Flori~______________________. ha\"iIl~ its prineipal place of busine88 in the County of Dade,_____ _ and State oL~lo_!:.tda________ apd lawfully authorized to. ~ran8act busme88 in the State of Florida, party of the second part. WITNESSETH: That the Mid parLie..a__of the fir!;t part, for and in consideration of the S1101 of Ten__R<?UCirs and other good and valuable considerat~~n.!'l____________~ to_Jhem --.in hand paid by _.the Mid party of the second part, the receipt whereof is hereby acknow- ledged,o-~~V~___granted, bargained and sold to the said party of the second part, its succeij$ors and 88signll, forever, the following described land situate, lying and being in tbe County of_Vade _______n_______~__and State of Florida, to-wit: Lots 9, 10 and 11, in Block 18, of OCEAN BEACH ADDITION NO. TWO, according to the Plat thereof recorded in Plat Book 2, at page 56, of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida. SU BJECT '1'0: 1. Taxes for the year 1959 and subsequent years. 2. Conditions, restrictions, limitations and easements of record. 3. Zoning Ordinances of the City of Miami Beach, Florida. ,~~" s rAT E OF r.. L U H I G A DOCUMHJT Af.?,;( S T M-i P T A X := '=fc';.-- ~~--==-"::: ~~ ~tJl'5' (;';, ~-;A ~ ~ (i~ 'ffJ")\ 8 9 0 O~ COMPTRI)LLEf<'\ 'i---- ~ U . =:: PB,I~t:18 ,-~~7i!iY:rt-----~ STAT E OF f-- LO RI OA 12.9CLJMENTP,gv~?TAMP TAX --- =--;/'1:) "i~,------- ~ AUG10'59 t~"~ ~ ";~ --- ~ = ~ ~I 9 0 0 O~ COMPTROLLER --....,. J ~ - , /:.~~- "-'_' - r-- PB, 190118 -~h"'i~______=: >- I.LJ 1,--- CJ _.._ - :.:..; CJ C) '....i, C) - - ,,- - - - '~.. And th~said part.i,~of the ,first part do_-:-_~ereby fully wa~t th~, title to said land, and will defend . .... the same against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever. IN WITNESS WHEREOF. the said parL.i~of the fir!;t part have hereunto set their hand~_and sea~the day and year above written. Sign~4!ealed ~ deliv red in presence of us: ____j~J-0 (j ~ -~ , , (Seal) (Seal) ~~ G I · pi (' 'I: " 1 r: ....;-:; . .1,1 t ,j r~ '. 609 STATE OF FLORIDA, } County oL_;Ra de >- LLI r-.. 0 Z ..< :~ 0 C) "" U ~:i..r;\ I.t:: CF f- L U H I UA DOCUMENTA9.c~~STAf\1P TAX ~ "UG10'59 ~VI '1"g----- == . - " '<c ~~~ ~ ~-" _.,}I 8 0 0 og C"I>1VTROLLER \ " ~:;; ~JJ ~ == PB. !~)D!18 :-~~1i'if~._::::,,:===. == I HEREBY CERTIFY, That OD this day personally appeared beCore me, an officer duly authorized to administer oaths and take acknowledgments, KING S. DANSKY aJld ESTELLE DANSKY, his wjfp., to me well known to be the perso~ de8Cribecl ill and .who executed the roregoing deed, and aeknowledge~rore me thaL___.~ executed the same freely and voluntarily for the purposes therein expressed, ,..... AND I FURTHER CERTIFY, That the said ,____ , known to me to be the wife of the said , on a separate and private examination taken and made by and beCore me, separately and apart Crom her said husband, did acknowledge that she made herselC a party to said deed for the purpose of renoundnl!, relinquishing and conveying all her right, title and interest, whether dower. homestead or of sep8l'ate property, statutory or equitable,. in and to the lands described therein, and that she executed the ~8id deed freely and voluntarily and without any eompulsion, constraint, apprehension or fear of or froto her said husband. otary Public, State or ~. ~', ~~ 1 J.... My commission expires I "I f"Ly'tj~\f.!,~rr~~ } ",'."'1"1 i'"L'" ~,., ".'.,'~ '/ ,\<1(,2 1. '. ,>j'".. '(:t ~~(' ~ ' "," ~-.::j C,'.,,, ",:~"", :,~~"h;.~t>' el Yr/" :..;:*::'. 80ndeJ by I'\l"~r,,,." , :. '! ,\ WITNESS my hand and official seal at and Statt, oC F1orida, thia 15th Miami STATE OF FLORIDA, County of__,. Dade I HEREBY CERTIFY. That on this day personally appeared bflfore me, an officer duly authorized to administer oaths and take acknowledgments, ______ ._____.____,______ to me wdl known to be the perSOD--- described in and who executed the Coregoing deed, and acknowledged before me that executed the same freely and voluntarily Cor the purposes therein expressed. WITNESS my hand and official eeal at , County or Bnd State oC Florida, this day of , A. D. 194-. .. ~ ~ o ,. c .. .... Iii x i Q n o :lI .. o :II ~ ~ o z a.~! II t. ~ (") rn e.! a ~ CP Q;!=''' !~. fJ!.""t003 Q.. ~~ 0 ~cp....' . ':tIj ~a. r ~ [la1\C :0 ";'Q.. .~aq~ ~ "Ii:! s.cp ~~;. am!.~ )I~' ~ g,. C/) CP ; =: II ! : ..8 ~ tD n.~..t.i:, ~: Q.. CP..., 8 ...... t I ~., ~ ~. a.. tr'.P- ; = II 1-4111 II I l' = -_0 ~ PI' I ' .pt Q. 0 .. "" l:l I ! ,. , ';'!l ~. "" ~ II .. Q. ~: S. ;. CP ~ 8 i" I 0"' - CD tr' .. ~. i ff ~ ~ ;; Laq f: c ~. a.~l ~. tt&.' r ~ ~ 0.\ 1~ I Il.> ;:s I , I If' I I I ! . I I I I ! i I I , ! ~ ,0 CD PI- " LAW OFFICES I I I I ~ I c ~ ~ .'Cl \.\ ~ > = ~ ~ i I I (1l 8 >of ,po. !!, ~~ ~ "U CO) ra 8 o = ui ~... (: ~ Sd, ~\\J ::! !'Ii '0 .., 3_~f ~ ~ ~ ~ ~r , '" -..... ::= I- .... ::'/1 ~. C c; 'j ~ .~ A.,.J ~ , I I 1 ,~' "'.--b . , \ ~i %~\r ~k ... .... F ..'>; ,4li;I MEYER, WEISS Be ROSEN 420 LINCOLN ROAD ". ..... " ",.." MIAMI BEACH. FLORID)', . . . -~