Agreement 11/28/51 <f7' .--- - 'ljfu.s AG1lEEMEIIT. Hade ad entered into thi..& ~ of j?;'/'ktfr?/V'. 1951" b7 and between ANNA. H. KIRSCR, a widow, hereinafter referred to as the n owner" J Perty of the First Part" and CITY' OF l.IfIA~.u BEACH, a Florida municipal. corporation, herein- at'ter referred to as the .City., Party ot the Second Part. WITNESSETH: For and in consideration of the sum of One ($1.00) Dollar, heretofore paid to the Owner, by the City, the receipt of vhich is herebJ acknowledged, and in consideration of the covenants here- inaf'ter set forth, the parties agree a8 follows: 1. The Owner will sell and convey, and the City will pur- chase, that certain parcel of land situate, lying and being in !'iiami Besch" Dade County" Florida, described as fallows, to.., it: Lots One (1) and Two (2) in Block Twenty-eight ( 28 ) of OCE.A11 BEACH ADDI TI ON NO.2. acc ording to the Plat thereof, recorded in Plat Book 2" at page 56, of the Public Recorda ot Dade Count.1. Florida. 2. The Owner viII, within Twenty (20) days trom the date hereof, furnish to the City, en abstract of title showing the Owner's title to be good and marketable. 3. The Owner will convey the said land to the City by good and sufficient warranty deed, tree snd clear of all encua- bz-me.s except rest1"'ictlons of record,. zoning ordinances of the City of Mi_1 Beach, municipal iaprovem.ent lien8 pending, but not certified; end1!u.ea for the year 19~~~' 4. The Ci t)" agrees to pay to the Owner as the f'ullp purchaa. price or the said land the aum of I_ent.,-elght Thousand (~178,ooO.oO) Dollars cash at the time ot closing the transaction conteaplated hereby. -1- OFFICE OF CITY ATTORNEY - CITY HALL - MIAMI IBEACH 39, FLORIDA 5. The i#ransaetion contemplated hereby shall be closed wi thin t"orty-:flve (45) days t"rom the date of' this agreement. 6. This agreement shall be binding upon each of the pa.rties hereto, their heirs, successors and assigns. IN WI1'liESS WHEREOF, the Owner has hereunto set her band and seal, and the Cl't7 baa cauaed these presents to be signed in its name ~ ita duly authorized officers, and baa caused its cor- porate seaJ. to be hereunto affixed, all as of the day end year first above written. . ~A # ~,._-4. (Seal) In the presence of: By He~87~ / C ITY^O~."",llIAMi!IV,A,C,H ..--' \ Attest: ~ \ ~~i ,'-& ,-:,~' - B1./ V I j,- v -~ (! ~iI-~~"~ ~ Mqor ----... STATE OF' FLORIDA: COU1lTI OF DADE: I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this dq personally appeared before DIe, 8.1 officer duly 111 thorized to a<bsini.ter oatha and take acknow- ledgments, DORIS ADLER, as Attorney-tn-tact for Anna H. Kirsch, to me vell known to be the person described in 8.1 d who executed the fore- going ag!*eement and she duly acknowledged to me that she ia the du17 author1zed appointed and empowered attOrD.e7-in-fact for Anna H. Kip8ell and that she, the said Do~18 Adler, executed the foregoing Ilgre_nt as the ect of the said Anna H. Kirach pursuant to and b1 virtue or that certain power or attorn.,.. hel"etofope duly executed by the aa d Anna H. Kirsch. Jll WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set 1.ffJ: .ltmd 8ld ot!'icial seal at Miami Beach, Dade County, Florida, this '2.~M day ot -n~ A. D. 1951. ' My comndssion expires: ~"l:~ '~" 1-' 'v }\ ;>~" ''!f'~ -2- OFFICE OF CITY ATTORNEY - CITY HALL - MIAMI IBEACH 39, FLORIDA