Warranty Deed '111'1' '~l~ l, I, II PAN AMERICAN PRINTINQ CORPORATION MIAMI. FI.ORIDA ml1is 3Jtt~tttturt. Made thi.~ / /) day of ~,~~~ A. D. 19...;W.BETWEEN. A1\fNA H.. KIRSCH. a Hido!.; of the County of Dade Florida lmd State of a H1..micipal part+-- of the first part, and CITY OF' IIIAlTI BEACH, ):a corporation Flo1"'ida ) having its principal place of ,Florida existing under the laws of the State of Dade and State of business in the County of aod lawfully authorized to transact business in the State of Florida, party of the second part. WITNESSETH: That the said part Y of the first part, for and in coosideration of the sum of Ten ( " ,10.00) Dollars and other val uable cons :tdeI'ations ~ to her _-in hand paid by the said party of the second part, the receipt whereof is hereby acknow- ledged, 'h 8 ~ granted, bargained and sold to the said party of the second part, its successors and Df.lc1A assigns, forever, the following described land, situate, lying and being in the County of and State of Florida, to.wit: Lots One (1) and Two (2) in Block ~ei'Jonty-eight (28) of OCEAH BEACH ADDI'l'ION :\W. 2, according to the Flat thereof, recorded in Plat 13001;: 2, at page 56, of the :Cublic Records of Dade CO'Lmty, Plorida. This conveyance is made subject to restrictions of record; zoning ordinances of the City of :Uami Beach, Florida; lUlmicipal improvement liens ~)end:i..ng but not certified; taxes for the year 1951 and subsequent yeaI's. )~.. <0'1' .."., ,iZ.,. _...'; '....~~.." '. '<'~,' ;t.' ~.' ',0 '. ," ....,. },(','" I l' .:t, t.:,,~,/ -;,'::0 : --\(~~~') : ~I' I!~;'- " fA:1 And the said parLY- of the first' part do~ hereby fully warrant the title to said land, and will defend the same against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said parCl:.- of the first part has her' herelmto set band- and seaL the day and year above written. l-~ C\ l~ - ~Jeal) J (Seal) Q1' . 'flii QF IilI.. QRIR .... t ~11I.15 .f.................................._.........._...............__.-._....__.__._._ ~ I HEREBY CElt')?I", Tl.._l "L. tbt& A_" ......cn......dl.J -.,,,............1 h...Ev..". .au.., cu. uCC;,,~. dul;r "Ulll._..l..",A '8 .allllialat....r ~~.l..... .........1 .~,..._ _~1p__...l_.l.".- -.-. ..' ti Birr ,.~~n L_11'....... ..... L_ .Lj ri~'U'- 1i.nriln1i ill ..111 III ..II.I.1l till fU_BJAl.. J~_J, _ J h I Ilfld I r e.~ell.~d the I_e Crllcl, lad nllllllalil) faf thll Itllflla8eB Iltll~.rJa .B!I'lllMlId. ANB I FUR'I'ImR (JER'I'~. ThJ.l t!.~ ~..i' ) liRa,.. Ii .U '8 .In "n , if. It ,liB liP , ,,11 " ~~f>J..IlIl\ Ilftd l"illltll MII_iRII'inl '1IIn. ..II R1Riltr II)' RAil 1I.&fJF1l _BI ti.,IIN..ly ..Ii "1111 Fill. It~. ~_:A }"_~J:._..J. .1:.1 _~l...~ ..1..<1..1. th.t 8lte Mail! L.[~lr J. 1\.'" tJ u:.t iui (II lIu '."'''8 .f ........i.~ nli.lIl1idlill8 111111 !A1I1",~ :J18 an hllf R8h, 'hla ..Ii i.t.n.,- l..llt,th~{ .d~..n...., ).<......u.....1l~ad ar 6f !Gp4..41(. ~L~lh....t), at4ttlt61) VI. ...'tu~ll&hl'C, ;... aud Lv dlv lalldt' dcecl;ht:Jd tlu....."':..~, "8Ild thAI crl.A .0.,.4"'11"1"00,1 t).".. ~H..:...l ..1__..1 t_~l). a-...l ...oq-ln....tAFil,.. aRt! ,..jtltsyt 8M) eSltllntlBi3ft, l:-61........l.. a:ul, a......Il:'I.lcu.....:"".... .31' EaRl' _r ....,. l....n...,;,; ..... M8iti 1I11.III1Ad ~ (~ all. itB!s af Reri.ta, "is WIT]l;J&:ii my Io..i ..i ani.i.l ..Ill .- "'"""" .r..._...__.___...__._._....__._..._....._.__ } 'l) \ STATE OF RQRlB ~. . (' Vtlllt,. aE --.-.-- day sf . j.:Ao-90i94-..;;:;.:......: Not".) PaM;~. !Sl..l~ vC My ..- .:...,...:_- r I HEREBY CERTIFY. That on this day pel'llonaIly .ppeared before me. an officer duly authorized to .dminlste. oaths and take acknowledaments, to me well known to be the pel'llOD..-- de8cribed in and who executed the loregoing deed. and acknowledged belore me that executed the same Creely and voluntarily for the purposes therein expressed. WITNESS my hand and official 8eal at and State of Awirla. this ~ ~ ~ ~ 'C 1'I I&i It :IE ~ II. -- ~ I-f =~ +-+~ =~ ~8 ~O ~~ ~ . I . County of day of ,A.D.l~ ~ o rd 'ri "'" .... p:l o ~ rCl c:c, cd t-,i ......, o (/) n~ t.,.\ ~~:::: ~ Lj ~~ <r: H . :T: rT !..,..01 o -< 2'3 I"':"~ <::: ~ i:;-i H o j 0\ r-l . .~ i Jl J S 'S .S ..s"t1'" ~~~ ]'!L ~~H ~ ~ ~~ S"="::l::lu~ IQi~'O~~~ '" Q Q I-f '.. ~ G:l I "t1 ~ ~ =- ~ ~ ..s .; .. 'c:j9'"'G:l "'~"t1 : S ~J~~ ~~~ :; ~ _"t1 Ql'"ell = ~ I ': ~ ~~] ~ ~ I ell ell "tl bD U ~ ell Q) ... r-. 0 r~ ~ell;.:lZ"t1~ i o "'''t1~1~='''ell ~:E~5~=~~~'Oci5 ~ "'r-l~~O p~ "1: ~ c! C b j G)..9 ~ ~ ~ .~ e-O ,~uS= 'So... rn ~ < '.. ell fll '.. ell U Q i! G) - u u Q g ([) C) o ~ e; en 00 C\J IJ;::I ~ ~ o t < e: fIJ ~ .( oJ .. I I i :!i :I a: 0: o U Cl Z j: z ii: Go Z < u ii: OJ :e < z < II. C\J .... ........ C) o rl rf~ o t...-. ,";-1 C\J ~.~ ,d r~d <~ " C',;) rl rl r'-l C) cU ([) P:) G) ~ Q t1.l ~ o l-l / . . Form No. 8B FOREIGN SERVICE (Revised January 1942) Certificate of AcknoVtTledgment of Execution of au Instrument .:: .. ..' ;:. \...1, , c. , " , , . .~, ~ ~ -1 t . ~. ''', . . I.. ..., U 11 , ~" j , :.".'( \\ ..: ... r, : ,.__-.2. .'; ^j4~ - / /, .;/ , J ,;:~:;' ~:.. ".:' ~~'t.~~/n"7- . 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Ton~o~ ~n~10n~ of the UnIted States of AmerIca at .n--.::'::'.--:-..'!'__:':L.;,:,.~':-L::~c:__':___.___.._____.__m___.____.._____...____ "- +. duly commissioned find qualified, do hereby certify that on this .--.__~.~f}~JL______.______... day of ....D.e.!;:,~nb_e_r:"._,l~,5.l.___., before me personally appeared ____.____________._..___._______.... (Date) .__u.. on --......... -... _.. _. _.......... _. _'...... _ _""".. f.J~T;:-",.. ;~T.!....l.~:C R SC}i..~.:-:::- :::... __ __._ ___. 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