Mortagae Deed
'rtWJ MOR'H* DBD, Bxecu'-4 the 11th da7 ot Mal', A. D. 1961
b7 orrr o:r JCIAJU BBACH, . rlorlda IIUft1cipal corporation, part7 ot
the tlrst part, herelnafter called the Mol'tpcor# to GBOIIIS f.
JACOBI and MID AODliMAH, partie. of the a800ftd part, bere1nat'Hr
called the Mort..,....
W I 'f R 1& S S B If H . !bat tor d.1vera 1004 and. valuable oonslder-
atlona, and 81so in ooulderatlonot the aarepte a. na1I8Cl in tbe
prC81...01'7 nOMa of even date herew1 til, here1ftatter d..or1becl, the
said ICortpgor 40th grant, barDin. a.11, allen, re1l1.., rel....,
convey and eont1rna unto the HIe! IIortpC".' thelr helra and a.a1pa,
in tee 81JBpl.e. that certain tract ot land ot whioh the ..ld Mort_cor
ls now seized and posaea..d, and ln actual poa..s.lon, .1 tute in
Dade County, State of 'lorida, described aa tollow..
A ..-.17 J'IOI"U- ., Lo'. ...., 4~, 4a" 43 and 44
1ft 1l00k 10 .. .....- . pla' 1".'1_ ..... tide
"."lcm ot the W. of ~ ... ....... 111 fla'
look 25 .t ,... 60 .t tMpultUo reoorcI8 f4 Dade
CCMatJ, I'lor1M. Mlaa ... pa.uo1llar17 ....I'S.'be4 ..
C....ncln& .t the aortbwe.' 00"'1' of . '!:rao' of Lu4
~Ueci ot Lou .., 4~1 -.2. 43 and .44 SAllook 10,~
.. .... .. . p~' .... ......U.oa of ..
Iele of ....., , a. reo."" :LIl nat ... 15, ., ....
60 of .. ..bUo reo.. of Dade Cola_ * 1101'1", run
.......tft1J al_ the ...... beaftna of '.5135'-16.14-
W. 81_ t;be ".MI'17 1.... of ~ ~ew1ftc "...n....
,....1 or land to 'be cal1e4 'lnGt -.. I
~ ... ~ ., the MJ"tb...' ....1' 91 . ....,
!! i~!OII>>rl'" of 1.0,. ...., 41, q '3 aDd " 111 JIlMIC 10
of . o..n 814e IeoU. of .. Iale ;I ......, 8.tOl'dlaa
to .. plat ..NOt, tiled in 'la' lINk ., a' me eo of tiNt
=:~ -~.:t :r=;.:~~ .l::..
40, 41" 43 eM ",and '~OM the ....1'17 11M of ..14
meek 10 fer a a...... ., 46.. teet to a = of
OlHule Ou'rft, theMe IWl ....1, aDd ..... 17 dON ...
~17 aM "..1'17 bouDdal7 of c4 ~. 40, 411. 41, "'3
aD4 ", ~ and aloha the aonher1J and .....17 Uae 01" au4
.1.. J..O aad. 81_ . olJtoular 0UJI'ft ban. . NcU._ et 100.0
t..t, tor .. uc 41.... or 131.80 t!4ltt to . poSatJ .....
,... ..........11 t.. a a..taMe ot 165.34 t.., '- . JW4rd on
the .......lJ ir:; of ..14 J'..R. 40, 41, ....a, 4' aad .., aaU
110, 41, ~, ., and ,.,., ..... J'\IR . .,-1>>' al_ ...
ea14 westerJ.7 .l.UW of A14 Lot. 110, .1, _I, 4, ... ..., tw
. a..Uno. of uS." tMt \0 the point of ~J -
. U..nee ., Ua.50 t.., - to . pot.nt ., the ........1'
COI'Mr or the at.....ld tNo' -Aft. J v.nee oca1d.... a.~1!'-a6.7"'.
W. al]. b .....rl1 11M of b. Aiel f.ou 110, 41, .. ~lJ3 ancl
44 ot .. . oU 10. . di..... of 16.119 t.., w . poift$J -..
run I. . )2t-1O.61ltaa tie.... of 109.408 t.., to . ....,
1&14 polftt be1na the 1n........Uon et the diYld.iftll 11M .t...
the .....17 u.uot ..14 r.ta 40, 41, 41, 43 ana .. and the
- 1 -
ea~ter1y line of . 20.0 ton all.,., wt\h. Ww. I'lOnbeI'lJ' 11M
ot South ~ eon.ourMt now 71.' ......, ..... ...
~"rl,..l0D8 the aro or . 01Nu1a1' ..... qft..~
to the l.n .1ons \he ~.Wr17 11M fI a1d r..ou laO, 41,
41, 43 and_~ 6U.. cl ...... itaY.S.n8 hN..l_ el..IIDb. . .....,.... . .. .
8.Q&le t4 1"(__(1'-51.08", . ncu_ ot ___ tee". ~
of' 76.355 ten toboH of' taU _ ~ .. oils.....,...
I, . dJ.atanoe 0116.060 'M) to .. ",",' fit ~.. (I. ,.)
of _14 olHwr 0..... ..... .... I. ,."....31.. a. ,...._
to tM 1..t ....u0Md ..... al-. ... d1Y1.dlns. __..
AU Lo'. !to, 41, 4., 4] and 1M, .. the .........17 1iM
of .-14 11" S~'" . cU.,"'. ot '1.118 t..,to .. Po18 fit
O\lrYll~ (..o.)of' . o1:rft1ar eQI'W, ...... I"Uft .............1)'
81_ ~ aX"O ot a o1rell1u O\II"N "'1..~_ the left alOl'lC
the ~."'ly l1ne .,Mid. Lou 110, 41, 42, 43 ad 44,
..lel .... ~v1nI tor 1_ .~.. . ..val aac1- of
18106... .....3.,.. f ....N.d1_ ot 100 1M.,. a 41.... of 11.'......
teet to . pouw ,...... .t aa1d ouna litlMrla&.JI. 49fl5tt-19."'- .I.
a cU..... of 17.616 1'N'). ~ JIWl .. lIZ11'.3T.S,. W.
.1.. . 11M ....11.1 to Mad 10.61 ,.., a..tan. w..'-1,..".
... ....rly fa-. ot an alII"" bu11dina on 1814 Lot. 48.
41, 4., 43 and 4It, . a....... of IT. 325 IMt .. . po:J..ftt OIl
.... aoutherl,. 11ne ~ .., p~ ......... ead ......
bJ' .... "~ va...._ Deed ~ "- 11th .,. ot ........
1951, ... and ___ .1-. 'f. .1t~' ... ... ...... 111....',
bla ws.teu..:....... ... _et1." II;: '-3' . ..... Iuolua
,.,... I aM. ...... 18 IllIe4 . ....... 5T6 tit
... _110 ........ of ~ __, ftOP1da, ..... .,.
a. T3!01'-':S- W. 81... taw ......1,. 11_ ot the JlIINf4 .t
laad ...,.". _Mid nt;. . .... · p....... eI~ 6111" ,..,
M . ...... ..... .. I. ... '-.18.91 W. .1_ . UM...,...11el
to .. 0._ t.n 41"" . ..1F tJw .. ~l, line ot
the ~u..cI ""~A . fIa.... et 15.11 ,... to a
...... . J ... . e. ....... N. 1 '-41.08... 11.. 41..... ..... . ".. ,
J!.~ .... OIl .. _tbeI' 1.t.aJ of ... at___o"'.,. _.,
A.J ..... J."UI'l a. ~t_ I.,.. W. al.. the 8a1d........ 11
1SM Of .,.,.... · AW, . a....... of 89._ ,.... the .... et
.~ fit tM ,....1 of lad ~ tl...nMd,OODtal1d...
o. .." ....., ... or leu, .. 13,691 ..-.. teet.
to HAft AIJ) .. HOL'D the sa_. tosether "lth the tenement a,.
hered1taMnt. and appu:Mienan..., Uftto the ..141 .~aaS..8, and. aeir
he1rs and a..lsna, in t.e ai-.l..
AJfI) ..14 IIort18&Or, tor 1 and it. aucc...ora, 1...1
rap"....t1 v.. and. a.8ip. 40th oovenant w1 th ..14 Ion......,
thelr heira f lep.1 repr...n'-u ve. and .s.lane, tbat sa14 JIortpaor
1. lndet...1b17 ..lsed ot ..1d land. in tee 11IIple J ~t the A14
IIonplor bath tul1 power and lawful 1'1Iht to conv.,. ..14 land. 1n
t.. stapl. .. .tor...1.4) 'ha1; :1, aball be lawful tor H:te! Mort_s...,
thelr b.lra, lesa1 :repreaentative. and, at all t~. peaceab17
and qu1et1r to enter upor1# hoW, ocoupy and enJo1 ..14 laMJ t;bat
.a14 land . tree trOll all ene_branees J that Mort_or, 1 t.
succe.sors and lepl repreaentati vea # will _lee such further ...uran...
to pertect the tee simple t1tle to sald land ln .ald Mort..S_.., their
heirs, lep1 repreaentatlve. and. .aslgna, a. -7 re..onebl, be required,
and that .ald JlIortgasor does here_ tully..want the title to ..ld land
- 2 ..
and will defend the same against the lawful claims ot all
persons whomsoever.
PROVIDED ALWAYS, that 1t sald Mortgagor, its sucoessors
legal representatives or assigns ehall pay unto the sald '
Mortgagee., the1r lepl repre..ntati vea or assigns, the
certaln promissory notea" ot wh.ich the fo1lowlng, in words
and figures, are true cople., to wit.
'.1 ,
, '.' . "'~ '.y~\,
. -
.. ~.~ yt26t68 .. . ..'1
;~ YBAIl- ~___..==.~~_.~_-:_ ~.~ ~._-mtl_j2 61
-~-_/ft . .P-~~-~- - -. ---",,-.('~~~~d7~ R #
-~";'O//Ud.-'E~..~~~./~/n.A-~:r;ra?r~. <. _ P. I. / rrpe{1'0?;Z:~4&//Ir/f"Pff4
~ . . -au ~lt_._~__~. .____~&t!C&I ~ IQ~ AC~'"
;i~~$:.92'''-LIacQ1n ~._..H~~~'1SIlOO -.- -<~~ I
I If I IM'lII1IPmrtMt?(-Y9UdIhNaTNr' J&j. -~ - ------ -~ -.-- ,~~ Beach JPlOP1da ' I
I: Co or,.erO/'tkISltrte/tln'ltel ayreetc-uitiV/:J:a11?/lrrullllllhll7Plll___ __ __ · -- --- - I
I, 'f)/ldema?ldola/'la/IrJ?h k, I'hlal'ld,llotlt'NI///O/'lft{!711l'/lla -/. --. - - - - -- 1l/'IItI/il(1J7 U, ~
,,~I O'/Vlll/N,/,cqWh' ,''''/NI "N~;:;';:tr.f!I' l'l'a.rfJ/labll! allnrll(rJ'He.\ /Or 7/l""171C:~tJ~$aw':!"J'1lIt"0aQ 61" om'/;'%/i.::::;;f. :,O.fY'tk, 5ir//'I(-<</I/lIu.t4'r. /he ?/lake? rl. / '
, !221 . - "1W'?~~~hq.:~I~~:~;;:~;;,"'''.rt?NtY#M~
/) BJ / 1'I.t.NU. . "'!2 percell! I
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and shall perform, comply witn and ab1de by each and every
the stipulations, agreements, cond1tions and covenants ot
said prom1s6o~. notes and ot this deed, then this deed and
the estate hereby created shall cease and be null and vo1d.
AND the said Mortgagor" for itselt and its successors,
legal representatives and assigns, hereby covenants and
1 . To pay all and singular the principal and
interest and other sums of money payable by v1rtue ot said
promissory notes and this deed, or either, promptly on the
days respectively the same severally become due.
2. To pay all and aingular the taxes, assessment.,
levies, 11ab~11t1e8, obligations and encumbranoes or every
nature on said deacr1bed property, each and every, and 1t the
same be not promptly paid the sa1d Mortgagees, their heirs,
legal representatives or asslgns, may at any time pay the sa_
without \~a1v1ng or artec~1ng the optlon to foreclose or any
r1ght hereunder, and every payment 80 made shall bear interest
trom the date thereot at the rate or 4" per annum.
3. To pay ell and singular the costs" charges and
expenses, including lawyer's tees, reasonably Incurred or paid
at any time by said Mortgagees, their legal representatives
or ass1gns, because ot the tailure on the part 01' the said
Mortgagor, its successors, legal representat1ves or assigns, to
pertorm" oomply with and abide by eaon and every the et1pulat1ons,
agreements, oonditlons an~ covenants ot sald promissory notes
and this deed, or either, and every such payment shall bear
interest from date at the rate ot 4~ per annum.
4. To permit, COIlI'Itt or sutter no waste, 1Ulpa1rment
or deter1oration or said property or any part thereot.
5. To perform, oomply with and ablde bJ each and
every the stipulations, agreements, conditions and ooyenants
in said proJll1s8ory notes and ln th1s d..d set forth.
6. It any ot said sums ot money herein referred to
be not pronaptly and tully paid wl thin thirty days next after
the e... aeverally become due and payable, or it each and
8.8t'J the stipulatlon., agre...nts, oenCl1 tions and oovenant.
ot sald promissory not.s and this deed, or either, are not
tully pertormed, complied with and abided by" the sald aggregate
sua mentioned In said pr0la188ory notes shell beeoaae due and
pa,.able torthw1 th or thereatter at the optlon ot the Mortp,...,
their heira, legal repre.entatives or .s.1gn., as tull,. and
oompletely a8 it the aald a"~pte s"J'!' ot fttty-two thouund,
Mlne Hundred fh1rt7-...en and 50/100 (.52,937.50) Dollars
were originally stipulated to be paid on suoh day, anything
in .ald proad..8oX7 notea or hereln to the contrary notw! thetan41ng.
Df WItIIU8 WIBR.BOJ'.. the sald party ot the tlrat part
he. caused thee. presents to be signed 1n 1 t8 nalle bJ 1 t.
proper otticers, and 1t8 corporate ...1 to 'be hereunto att1.xed..
.. ot the da)" and year tirst above wrltten.
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(}-/~ /..-. L <'./ ct J.A. \
- 4 -
comm OF DADE
1 88..
Il an orticer authorized to take acknowledgments ot
deeds aocox"d1ng to the laws of the State ot Florida, duly
Qualitied and aoting, HEREBY CERTIrl that D. LEE POWELL
and R. Wm. L. JOHNSON, respectively tiS the Mayor and City
Olerk of the CITY or MIAMI BlACH a Plorlda municlpal
Corporation" to me personally knoW\ aoknowle<lged before me
that they executed the mortgage in the name of
and in behalf of B61iCi C1 ty 1 by d1l'ection of the C1 ty Council
of said City and that they a~tlxed thereto the ofticial seal
of said City; and I l'UR'J.'HER CBM'IPYthat I know the said persona
Uking sald aCknowledgment to be the inca v1duals descrIbed
in and who exeouted the said mortgage.
IN WI!NKSS ~'lIIR&0i', I hereunto set my hand and otticial
seal in. the City of_ M1ami .Beejh in the County and 8tate
atores8J.d, this / '> 1 day of oJ) C:L~/1 1951 .
./ I .I ,/ --..
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j ! / /LcC c(~j
~t8ry PublIc, State
La rge
I. . ..) //. ,/
o't ~rt~8 At
My ooumu.ss1on expiress
J/-It(' - ! ~