Agreement 3/6/1951 m~ THIS AGREEMZNT, '"ade and entered into this b -at day of PeEJl?HQI7, h. D. 1951, by and between AbHAhAI:: SELEVAN and LENA 3ELiWAN, h5_s wife) Farties of the [<'iy::,t Part, hereinafter re- ferred to IlS the "Sellers" and crrv \ 1'\ I',':.iAl 1 i:,J:<.;ACH, 1:3 rnunicipal corporation of F'lorlda, Party of the Second Part, hereinafter rei'erred to as the "l-urchaserll, WIT N E SSE f h : For anr') in consideration of the stUn of One Cir> 1. (0) Dollar heretofore paid to the Sellers by the Purcha3er, receipt of which is lie reby acknoii./led;'ed, ancl :'L n C oDsiderl::tt ien of tho covenant s .. hereinafter set forth, tte parties h rein agree as follows: 1. The Sellers will sell and convey and the Purchaser will purchase that certain parcel of land situate, lying and Leing in iami Leach, Dade Cou.nty, 1:<'lorida, descrlbed as follows, to-wit: Lot Nine (9) in block 'rhirty-sE-wen (37) of PAIJ'II VIEV, 3LJbDIVI,sION, acc ording to the Flat ttrereof, rec orded in Flat Book 6, at page 29, of the PublIc Records of Dade County, Florida, together with buildings and improvements thereon. 2. The Sellers will convey the s&id land to t~e Purchaser by ad and suff:icient warranty deed, free and clear of' all encum- brs.nces except restrictions and limitations of record common to tbe netghborboor'!; zon:! ny ordinances of the C5 ty of ~.:ia:ni Eeac.h, l"lOI'ida.; 'pen~Hn~" City of h:ib.mi Heach Ij ens; taxes for the year l~bl which are to be nra-rated as cf the date of closing the transaction contem- plated by thiS 13{:jI'eernent. 3. The Purchaser aZrees to pay to the Sellers as the full purchase p1'ice for said land the sum of ;J:hirty-i'ive Thousand and nO/lOO (;~i35,OOO.OO) Dollars cash at the t~.me of closing trie transaction contemplated hereby. 4. Ehe transaction contemplated hereby shall be closed within Forty-five (45) days from the date of this agreement. Iossesslon and occupancy shall remain in the Sellers until June 15th, 1951. -1- OFFICE OF CITY ATTORNEY - CITY HALL - MIAMI BEACH 39, FLORIDA 5. The Sellers will, within twenty (20) days from the date ~~,\ hereof) i'llrnish to the J:'urchaser an al;strac.t c1' title Srli. wing ;3e 1lers' t it Ie to be (:ood and til81'ket able. 6. This a;:';reement shall be blndin.::; uJion botL par-ties, the :)ellers and the lurchaser, their heirs, successors and assigns. ET i";=TNESS VvH!i;HEOP, the Sellers ilfJ.Ve hereunto set their hands and seals, and the .turCCiuser has c.aused tbese ,~,resents to L.n s:i[~:ned in :Lts name b,y Ls dLlly authorized officers, its corpcrate seal to be aff:ixed, attested by the City Clerk of ami Leach, L"lorida, as of the day and year first above written. Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of: ~~ L~~ (Seal) ~.~ ~~.R,J-~<_d~' _ j\\\ -. ~ fl." .~.._ ;-\ . " l ~ J;"'~"- "}\',r-- , CITY GF MIAMI BEACH ~1~( By Attest: C2~~" C1.ty C er ~ '" -2- OFFICE OF CITY ATTORNEY - CITY HALL - MIAMI BEACH 39, FLORIDA STA'rE eip F'LC,HIDA: 33 COUNTY OF DADE: I ..HEFEBY CERTIFY that on this day personally 8.Fr'Oal'ed before me, an offIcer duly RlJthcrized to f.H3ministor o2ths and take acknowledgment s, AERAHAM SELl:~,;vA~T and LENA SELSVAN, his wife, to me well known to be the persons described 1n and who executed the foregoine; H?;reement, B.nd they acknovJJ..er'l,'''ed before me tl1at tl1ey execut ed tr e salle for the pury'os os tl~erei n expr'ess ed. IN WITNSSS VvH.~R~OF, I h,ave her8unto set my hand and official ~8.ml teach, Dade Ccunty, .F'lorida, th.s ,%...::I'(.1ay of YU9ler_-aJ.'.f) A. J). 1951. -f 6-~~ ~bJ..iC, State at Lar5je '" Ai;> -<Y'th~ of Florida My commission expires: OFFICE OF CITY ATTORNEY - CITY HALL - MIAMI BEACH 39, FLORIDA