Agreement 3443-11-13 (3/29/51) ROOK ~14ltJ PAGE 11 THI3 ACrEli>J IT Lac) e am) en::' erec1 in[;o this ....<It.., .,' day <:",- /i'...... of. 1\1"'rc~'1 II r) ] C). '~] '"""'. ,d.. 0..,. " /,., bYl.nc1 betueEm COHI<I '11,' c.).c.'.:" I1JF.TJ-' i.) ":cD (, .;- J '\ I...J ..J. _ 1 J. I 1. ~__J , a cornor?t ion ors"r'dzed and exist c! unc1 er the la1vS of the State of Florid~, Party of the First Part, hereinafter referred to as the "::~el1erll and Crey OF' liIXf.1J,T;~~:;~l, a municipal corporC!tion of' Flor , P".rty of the JecOI:d FTrt, herein? fteI' referrecl to ;.J.S the "Purchaser", i,__J_.,._:,12J~"" -;-~~ .,"~}-",.~~:~~.-~U~~LJ.. For 3nc1 in cors iderat ion of the S1JJTI of One C,;}. 00) Dollar heretofore paid to "he ,3eller by th.e Purch'1ser, receiDt of '.vhic.h is hereby aCkn01Tledged, and in consideration of the covenants hereinafter set forth, the parties herein agree as follows: 1. The CelIeI' 1vill sell and convey and the Purchaser Hill purchase that certain parcel of land situate, lying and being in lIianli Be:1ch, D),de County, Floril' a" descri 1)ed as f'nl101Js, to-~,{i t: Lots 16, 17, lA, 19 and 20 in Block 37 of P\I,J.j TI2:; SUBI'IVIHCJj;, ,?,ccording to the fIsc ereof, recorded in 1'18t Book (" :1t nap'0 :29, of trjr lublic Hecorcl s of ]):1.<3 e COlJnty, :i'lo'oida' itiJeinp' und erstnocJ 81"10 3,,:reed thn.t tj'e ,c)eJJ,er reserves does Dot incluele in e sale cO"lter:l',la';erl 1JY this CJ.PTeernent, the fol10\'llng: \ 1J fUl~n I. .!-ur p -f:l 'r1:1i cL-l-i n C' c Y:l '") C ~l i 'flerv '"lnr-:1 e rl11-L r)r1 eX1 t ,'~- ... .. '. L l, . .._, .L '. ;.,~. , 0J..'_';"", ." .L..,J. ; v '., ',~__, ,. J.. not nf;c'r1:J,ne.tlv aIf:Lxedco the re,'1lcy, IJlcludlng , " . t l'b '1 d TliJ.J.nCJ.::'gs, carcoons C' u1'es, I. rary DOO.,\.8 an bool\: shelves, ga.s :leaters, veT'etim bl:LncJ s, 'xiI' con,:" ditio~J.iil?; uni tcmd ducts, large electric 1,Ilndmr ven- tilatjng fan, all special nurpose li~hting fixtures, kitchen sink in ~arape anartment, movie screen and all movin? picture equinment, sound eClldnnU2y,t vlith .:mr;:li- fieI', three urinals, such Shrubbery and trees it may be desired to retain. 2. The Seller will copvey the said lands to the Furchaser by goocl anc] sufficient W3rranty deed, free and cle:Jr of all encum- brances excent restrictions, conditions and limitations of record common to the neighborhood; zoninc; ordirla;lces of the City of r.Liami Beach, Florida; ~ending City of Miami Beach improvement liens; -1- OFFIC.e: OF CITY ATTORNEY - CITY HALL - MIAMI BEACH 39, FLORIDA BOOK 3443 rAGE 12 taxes for the year 19f)l '"Thich are to be nro-rated as of the d ate of closing the transaction contemplated by this apreement, unon the basis of the 1950 taxes unless the accurate amount of taxes for the year 1951 1118Y be ,'J.t that time definitely ascertained in I,vhich event such pro-ration shall be macle UDon tl,ehas:l.s of the 19;1 ta:res. 1. The Purchaser agrees to Day to thA Seller as the full llurchase 1Jrice for said 18nd the sum of One hunclred ni,eteen thous::mo eicol1t hundred (jl19,3CJO.OO) Dollars cash at the tiri'e of clos the transaction contemplated hereby. 4. The transaction contemplate0 hereby shall be closed within Forty-five (45) days from the date of this a~reement. Possession and occupancy shall remain in the seller until July 1, 1951. "). The Seller "trill ,Hi t:in tVJenty (20) dlY'S from the date hereof, furnish "co the Purchc~sElr i'1.n abs tract of title sDovrin~ seller IS title to be ~ood and mar]etabJe. 6. This'=ta:reement shall be bindina: n on both 'i11~,tiss, the Soller the Purchas'r, their successors and assigns. .T ., ~,I e D?rties hereto have caused these -nr\~s(,;nts to be s:Lr:ned in. l,b'- ir cornoI'J.te n;::H;1es by r ly authorized office's, ::)n.d\;1c!eir r0specti ve corpornte se:~J s to:je ~3.f ~ixed ,3.8 of the day nnd year first sbove written. ,1\" !) v \\.... '''(;;1 j) COiJTrl'~ Ol',D ,:"'~", :.,~: ~ I ; \ . . .., . ".' r.>- , I.u <.. / _,,/ . ',.' ~.:l.) ,"I ir.-. (. ~-- '".. \ " ' Bv i .' h,_ ,/, {r: ...... J . .~' ..' .. "" ~ \~...,~" . '~-.:t,=P-reslden~~-1~~~~t:~''''i;': . At to s t:; '-'~"1~c%-::/~:: '..:::-~ .:=- ~~._.-.._.- CI'I'Y uF LLi.;':1 j) ]3, \I.--~"---W ( l_~( _.._. .._____.. ---... ... .. - -.- }l'tyor ... <{ / J ;of \ .1_. net '-<./' il. l, t .~.o t ~ "_.._ ..... . ..,.. _.,.._.... ...._...._ __ ._ ... eitv Clerk .-'.::-...1- .. .. .. ._- -?- OFFIC€ OF CITY ATTORNEY - CITY HALL - MIAMI BEACH 39, FLORIDA 8001< J443 rAGE 13 .~3 rn,'~rTl ~..~~ [l'LOtnn.i: (~UTTTr-c:{ ()I(' }; /t! );.~: I H ,), BY C:i~,TIlt:Y, th;} t on thi s (1 ay er sona11:T a eared /7) I}.' / .' ;: ,,,). V.u _::: :::0::' cn; -~:c-re t::::,f!;::~~t::]~, a:; i:~:~~_~~.~ ~~~,':)! LP1." 'f) }{ijlTIJ :i rm , n corTOrcltton OT'0;:)pized and existinO' under tne 1aHs of the State of Florid~, to ITS Imown to be the )ersons who signed the fo~egoing instrument as such officers and severn11y acknov,lec1r.;ed the execution thereof to be their free act ancl deer] ,J,3 such officers for the uses and D1JTIlOSes therein mentioned :).n(l th t they af,'ixed thereto the officin,l sel,l of S 'C1,iCi corporation, an() t:'l': t th(~ said instr1Jlnellt is the act and deed of said cornoration. "ITL'TFrY) ]'Y sie:nature and official seal at J.Ii"l.lni Beach, in the CO))}, ty ann 8t~te aforesaid, . ~'l .,.' f thls _::....:;_ day 0,. -- ~_,~,';;,,'_-:"'...,. . ... ,;'~._- -,.,,- .c. U. 19-';1. . \ " " \ ~ : i j , J I ! -- \,'.' -.' / '. ..-. ,/>' .. ,'., ,,"'" .' -;I" -~ ,I,., .~,( Jl..' , ,~. -.........--~-~.: #_.-t.~,- J"~. I.......:-""'~.c /' , ---fJ ofa:r:"; T:-;lbffc;--;3-tn'E8';;:r'~iiof~~'- L - . arge ~~:;~,-i," .' '\ .- v conrnlssion ex'nires: Ntlta~ Pu~!i;, Stete. Gf PI",id. .f l.''f.e, My c.mm""on expire' M..,c~ 2~, 19!2. Bend.eI by ^m.rken Su,.ty C(), of N, Y. - - <"~, /'//11':: ".:' . ':', Ilil JJ,jJ1 t~; ~tate of Florida, County of Dade I his instrument was filed for record the._~....d~y of ~ 1951 aL~.s.i'~L:M and duly recorded In 4:?~ ~ -.- BooL~~~.on Page__~__.._, File No, AA ~L..r~-G> E. B, I..EA THERMAN Crerk CirCUit Cotlrt ByJ~~D.C OFFiCe: OF CITY ATTORNEY - CITY HALL - MIAMI BEACH 39, FLORIDA