Warranty Deed 2825-209,210 ~:~O;F :l-lt~L-_~! I HER.EBY CERTIFY that on thi.e day penonally appeared before me, an officer duly anthori.ed to administer oaths and take acknowledgement., his wife IRVING WOLORON and RORF. WOLOSON, to me well known to be the personJi de.eribed in and who executed the foregoing deed, and acknowl. pre88ed, edged before me thaL-~~_ executed the same Creely and voluntarily Cor the purpoee therein ex. AND I FURTHER CERTIFY, That the 8aid Rose Woloson , known to me to be the wife o( the sairl Irving Woloson , on a eeparate and private examillation taken and made by and before me, separately and apart from her said humand, did acknowledge that she made hel'8elf a party to IBid deed for the pnrpose of renouncing, relinqniahin8 and conveying all her right. title and interest. whether dower, homestead or of separate property, statutory or equitable, in and to the lands deecribed therein, and that she executed the IBid deed freely and voluntarily and without any eompnlaion, coD8~t,_apprehensioD or fear of or from her IBid hnaband. WITNESS ~y hand and official leal at li[:Ie.I..A9--~__~"'-:-r. County of /'J!1-.....(;.0/e-... ...d State oL New York 1M. /? tc \~ \ l ~ l11 J j 11 J f I ( I, \\'cIa,-~. /. Februar y ':~.,..'" ......::~'~i> . ..' .111'~. .... ;~. expiree: to, '1f".l"Y \y1: ..,. /3 nJ :._4 ~~1 e;;f~l.~ 0 /., ) ;'-- 1:'-,', n'j'r<.-w't' _ I \v......"'-,.. .; p, I r--) \.... .:;..- ,~; J ". ,.) \ ..,. ".. .~': }:--.... """--:0;':;:: f: (;'f; ,\ \ ,.>' I,IIN/ /.~ 11~ I ~1 ~',', ',\', , A. D. 19.!L J e- I 0 '-fl ~ .1"'l . 0 ""',. j. .... 'Ef I: I 0 .. t :I .... e \ lTl eo rrt z .. II . :I m "" ~ m .. .,-...." , . z . r- \ i',- E \~ ,X JI1 ::u i: \~ ;- \ ... I. e.. ;. ~ ~ l.a ~ 0 "IJ . 5 · l~j -- ~/ o ~,- f t, ~ e .... P. !' 1:0 ~ ~ ,A.....a.A..."--__ NotaIJ P8IaJia. StatII 01 ~, ~,.I_' ,~;,'; "',!r-.-,y t', to. ., . r~ ~ , if7 ; (')0 -, e:~ if ~H r.o<: 'O~ H = 0 ailZ: "10 .....Ci) ~ Illl:tj l-'-!l ct' (1)== ~ .....~ 0 .0 H t"I = 'll =:s> 0 :l> ~. ("J) 'll O"IJ := () o. ~ Z ... Ul ~ ~ I .... ~ g, = ;0 0 3: ::q l1 .. :::0 0 t!fJ III rtl N tr.l ~ .:IS ~ ........ , i:l 0 ~ N b () t:Y 0--. ..... t/.l '0 0 III Z I-' .. ...-:": !:".~ -.. 9 ~,.-1~ ~ ~::,'~? .';:;,J ,)\ ~, __0 . --"'. '.--y" '(;,.... U) \" C' I,..~ " . - .;jI ~ \~ ~