Satis of Mortgage 655-303,304 BO'JK W~- tll t>55 PAGE 303 d ~ ~ Ii ~ti ~'(i).1 ~~,~~ If \i (i N' - ',1 I~ /i \ ,.-f" '''f'',,',,' ,'/'.) ~~~;,~ ~~rp ~~~ , 1\ ~~ - ~r tf.~ ~~ !ii'~')l ~~ iji~' , ,\ ~1,-'.~' ~,~~ .,~~ "ih 1'/, <~,.;" /, ~. ri \'~ I ~~:~ t~ \ ) -~ (. I SATISFACTION OF MORTGAGE FORM R. E, 22).11 ~utt!ifuttion of :!Iortgugr 1(11UW All lIrl1 ial1 m~rlir 'rrlitl1tli: ThaL---119J:.ttmf::K_g-!__i1ry zmi sh _______ the Y,';.,11....c.r of a certain mortgage given by______ "i 1 '~!;' r, ~ '~,. f. f' l'j'~i (" ,.il rp to HOT't i mer C" f' ! Z,Y'; : '~h - .. - 1 \ hearing date the_~''-=-__,day of_..:2:!:1_____________A, D. 19~'---'-_, recorded in Mortgage ~ '-'c c' , - Book____~page-~=....:--_in the office of the Clerk ()f the Circuit Court of .: i ' ' " County, State of Florida; given to secure the sum or i x!-i" .,~rl~'::'r'-',,-~ri Dollars, ;' i r"_'; r)(! "'j; . evidenced by ()nE> certain note___, upon the following described property, situate, lying and being in , ' I A 1--, , County, State of Florida, to-wit: TI,)1 ':,' '.,';1i1,!~:~r;t:,I-()r.~ (:);) r'\I'ji-'l'l ~ l-':"\,/j. (""Jr." ',! I - t"., ,-. ~,(:., (") 1, I r:. r hI - C') 1 , I' (:> L, ': _, ',' " ',. ,,_,",' , " ',' <. ~ ' " , ~ 1 ,"',,' Cd ' _; 1 ,r,c, , ) ",' ",:;, t,' ,;'_ i "~ ,', (, ::: ;', ',; . ' r. ,..1", .. Ii" ~,; (- I 't'.l - ~",.. / ') M ~ "', .- y. '~, " _i,:~ 1 ,. L ',.!.. f) ) ..,.... ~";. '" v', t- J. i_. ,:.' " / ~ ,'.,,... , \.\i ,._11",: ~,.., __~ .... ,," ~ lj_l 'I ~". " -n a. J fo." ~ .,' -} .1 ~ () , : )~,~ ',I "', 'J 1" t (")("';',"; .:-"fT 'TT'--"--"r -, (""'~'T.'''"'~~ ~,n......I'"'-",\+ ".-' ".,.- ',. , , '.J .. "'. '-:; 11 ' . .....r'.' 'f~ 4" " .- ,i [.. I, , ('r.... I' ! 'I ~ , ".", (,.,r; - , f"I ' ~, r (_; T-l; '~ (' (-. ~-'.. J i ~ I ~ r c ,'. 1 ~, . have received full payment of said indebtedness, and do hereby acknowledge satisfaction of said mort- gage, and hereby direct the Clerk of the said Circuit Court to cancel the same of record. WITNESS ;', r;" h . " r 1] day of ,:',. lr}.~ hand-_and seaLthill '.... A. D. 19 ".' 1 , sealed and de 'ver:~/~the p~~-,e of: . ~- t/ ~J' ,~/"'L- 1 ~ ~~_..1 J (Seal) (Seal) ~ ,~ ~~. :~ I BOOK 655 PAGE304 ~ STATE OF ~ ~ I '~.r >-, -.J.I COUNTY. } ~ , . o:l l"O a '=' ',,- ~ ~~~ '-<!l ~ 8 l:.: ; .. ~ ~ ~ > ~ I; ~ "- z ~ ). CD ..... fa 3: ~ ~ Q '" I; ::r. :u III S. I; n CD m > . ~ en (") [ z ~ Q I; 'II i" c.., ... ~ :'! .... ~ lJJ :E z ;' ~ ... s+ ." ~ Z (") 0 ... ;. :u ~ Cl -I .... " 3: 0 := 0 :x: = " ill Ci 0 :u Cd b ~ ;i .. I'll . if? .. !'l 0 Q M\ ~ :u ::u Q I\) > g N ~ ... :s: ~ ~ 0 ij \ I '!- P t::t 3: Z l j; .... +-t J: " ~ S ~ ~ .... fa f!j ~ r --= ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ '-<!l ~ Q Q.. - i'''! ;::" I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day personally appeared before me, an officer duly authorized to administer oaths and take acknowledgments,Mortimer C. G""yzmi sh to me well known to be the persolL-described in and who executed the foregoing satisfaction piece, anrl executed the same for the purpose therein expressed. AND I FURTHER CERTIFY, That the saM acknowledged before me that 1 ,{CC, , ~ . . , ' '-l 4-~. known to me to be the wife of the sairl on a separate and private examination taken and made by and before me, separately and apart from her said husband, did acknowledge that she made herself a party to said satisfaction for mortgage for the purpose of renouncing, relinquishing and conveying all her right, title and interest, whether of dower, homestead or of separate property, statutory or equitable, in and to the lands described therein, and that she executed the said instrument freely and voluntarily, and without any compulsion, constraint, appre- hension or fear of or from her said husband. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed by official seal at ,,",!." 1 and State, this \ ", ,J i, h" day of ( " 'i ,r 'J. . Wv Ct. ~i(~~AL):J Notary Puhlio. State 01 ~~~....,,~,,~.~..: "',i'it L.. .. ""'{', , said County ,. ,-. A. D.19';.' ~y" ~~~i~si()~~x{>iir~~: j I d ' ~,11 (Omrni5 O";'r!:ie~ Jdn:"d,"j ~~;1, i 1 L ll,,,,ddd by ^IIi6"Cdil S,jfdt~ C~'. \11 N. y" , 19_ '" .-'.!', :,;) iJ' f\ 'l'~ : ..- Ij) ,/ ";c, ..-() , ~.;:.~