1925-1051 RESO ~ ~ ... RESOLUTIon NO. 1051 I f j I A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COOlfCIIJ OJ!' THE C I'fY 0]1 MIlJ.,U J3lTIACH, .i.t'IdOi1 IDA, CALLIUG AU ELEC'rrOH :8 VIHrCH 'l:Hr.:W~~ SHALIJ Bl~ ~)UBLrrTrl?;~D '1'0 A VO '}j'~ 'i'lE;: LfAT- Tl~R 010' J?HE ISSUANC.G OF D()r!])~3 OJ? ~-;AID CITY IN THE SUI;! 0:81 :;:;l,Z,tjb,OOO.OO, ~-,10:{ TH1<.l VAHIOUS rlT.m)O~m;-) nr '2HEJ :';~j:;SOJ,1T- r'crON :yrATED. 'Nl.!EH.;~AG, the Oit y Council of thr; City of l.Timni Bop.ell, 1!'lorida, deems J. t advi.sf.l.l)le to iasue bonds of saicl C1 ty in tho amounts and for the lllun:icipal purposes set forth in tho election notico provided b;y" this rOSI) lut ion, NOW, 'rffi~RillFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MIMEI BEACH, FLORIDA: Sf3C ti on. 1. 'rhat subject to tho authorization of the duly regis- tored and. Jualified voters of said City who are freeholders therein end who ere ownors of and pay taxes on real or porsonal property within f2!,aid Dity, :participatit.\lt in the election which is herein called, the negotiable coupon bonds of the City of' 1.1iami Boach. ,L!'lorida, shall be ~ssued in the amounts and for the several purposes set forth in the ~lection notice provided by this resolution. ~oct~~. That a special election is horoby called and 'directed to be held at tho City Hall in the Oi ty of Uiami Beach, P10rida, from 8 o'olock li. H., until sundown on the 31st day of July, A. D., 1925, for the purpose of submitting to a voto of the duly registered and qualified voters of said City who are freeholders therein and who are owners of and pay taxes on real or personal property within said City, the ten separate questions as to whether the bonds mentioned in oech separate question shell be authorized, which ten questions are set forth in the election notice provided by this resolution. ~?~t:ho,!!.~~. That the City Clerk who is also supervisor of registra- ti.Oll, open the rogi stration bo oka of sai d Ci ty fr om 10 0 r clo ok A. I.r., until 5 0 r clock P. M., each day, Sunday o::r.ceptod, f-rom this date Wltil July 21st, 19,~5. for the purpoae of regiDterinr.:; thODG porsons who are '~ I i qualified to register for such election. tIll~]i"'lI r~"" .~e-.. " "":',,. ,~"'-..~'......-.._~,......' Section 4. ..... ----- 'fhat Joseph Monfils, :.1. H. jjlarr and John lI. Crist I I I be and they are hereby appointed insp3 ctors and Ethel Stephenson is hereby appointed Clerk for the purpose of holding and conducting said election at the time und plnee aforesaid which names the City Clerk shull oertify to the Mayor. Soction 5. ..- - That said Inspoctors and ulerk shall oertify the result; of said election to said Ci ty Council wi thin five days aftar tho holding of said election. Sect ion 6. ,. -q --d That thirty days notice of said eleotion be given by the Mayor of said City by posting or aauSing to be posted, the not ice hereinafter provided for at least thir ty days prior to the date of said election in three conspicuous places in sa~ City to- wit, the City Hall, a.t the Post Office and at Hardie's Casino, and by publishing the same once each week for thirty days in the Miami Daily News and Metropolis, a newspaper published in the City of Miami, Florida, and of general circulation in said City of Uip~i ,w Beach, there being no newspaper published in said City of Miami Beach. Section 7. That said notice of election sball be in substan- J __ tially the following form: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that an election has been called by the City Council of the City of Miami Beach, b'lorida, and will be held at the City Hall in said City on the 31st day of July, A. D., 1925, at vlhich there will be submitted to th~ duly registered and qualified voters of ,said Oi ty who are freeholders therein and who are owners of and pay taxes on real or porsonnl proporty within said City the following questions: (a) Shall the City of Miami Heach, jl'loridn, issue negotiable ooupon bonds in the surn of ~188, 000 for the purpos e of con..."3 truoting a building, the laying of a discharge draL'1, t he installation of a pump and e~uipment all for the operation of a plant for neutralizing and disposing of sewage? ,""",:".;,~',,'.'.rp ;,'i""" ".... '"Il,,ll',l>rl.'f I I I i (b) Shall the City of Miami Beuch, Florida, issue negotiable coupon bonds in the sum of $134,000 for the purpose of paying the City's share of the cost of constructing sanitary sewers? (cd Shall the 01 ty of Miami Bouch, l!'loridn, is:3UO negotiable CQupon bonds in tho 81m of ~66,OOO for the purpose of paying the C1 ty' S f.-JharfJ of the cost of construe tins storm sewers? (d) Shall the City of Miami Bonch, Florida, issue negotiable cc)upon bonds in tho sum of ~150, 000 for tho purpose of extending and developing its water works system? (e) Shall the City of Miami Beach, Jj'lorida, issue negotiable coupon bonds in the sum of $76,000 for the purpose of construoting three bridges across Collins Canal, a waterway within said City? (f) 3hall the City of Miami Beach, I!'lorida, issue negotiable 00U11011 bonds in the sum of $16,000 for the purpose of paving its streets? .fl' (g) Shall the City of Mie..rni .Bench, i!'lorida, issue negotiable ooupon bond~ in the aum of ~20,OOO for the pl~pose of developing 1'\ and improving its public parkB~ (h) Shall the Oity of Mia~i Beach, Florida, issue negotiable coupon bonds in the sum of $15,000 for the purpose of oonstructing a wharf or dock for its sanitary department? - (i) Shall the City of Miami Beach, Florida, issue negotiable. coupon bonds in the sum of ~?300,OOO for the purpose of com truoting groins or jetties for protecting tho water front on the Atlantic Ooean in sain City against actions of tho sea? (j) Shall the Uity of Miruni Beach, Florida, issue negotiable coupon bonds in the sum of $390.000 for the purpose of constructing a City Hall and a machine shop and warehouse for the water and sewer departments? Inspectors and a Clerk have been appointed to conduct said election at said time and place. The reg1atra.tion books will be open from 10 o'olook A. M., unti15 o'olook P. M., each day Sunday exoepted. from this date l'" \.,r. ''''.''r' .. ..i;~r:'.~':.<'~ '.\ ;*-"0""1"'''''>''''' ,;,y,>.,..~"......I,'.;t,+ ,.....""",1 ..,"'~ until July 21st, 1925,1 for tho registration of persons qualified , , I I to registor for said election. LOUIS F. SNEDIGAR. lJayor of tho Uity of 11ia.'1li Beach. .15'101:" ida. Section 8. That tho form of 1)sllot to be used at said election sho.ll bo in substantially the following form: CITY OF UIMJI B~ACrr, FLORIDA. BOND ELEC':CION JULY 31st, 1925. IJake D. C:rOH.S .(x) before your choice. (Here shall be insertAd all of tho propositions sot forth 1.11 tho election notice provided by this resolution and at tho end or immedia.tely a.fter each proposition as sot forth, thoro shall be printed a short line (.......) f'ollowod by the word llY'~Sll. and a short line {a..a....} followed by tho word "UO". .jll"\' 1 , Section 9. --."............-...- This rosolution 81mll be affective immediately U!lOl1 its pas sage and adoption. PASSgD AND .ADOPTED this 24th day of Juno, A. D., 1925. () /7 /f/~~ I /~t~f' "ci-ty ~ColUllC~i.l '" A'r'i'i<JST: f if) . ~::-~2,.~,,~>.~.. Ci J drGrk J' i