1926-1298 RESO , 0' " rt4.tiltl lllI~if~ ... RESOLUTION NO. 1298 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF 2!HE CITY OF .MIAMI BEACH, lH~RIDA, CANVASSING THE RETUlhfS OP AIr ELECTIOlr ~LD JULY 31st, 192~), AND AUTHO.RIZDTG ~J.1H.r..; ISSUANCB Db' $1,355,000 Db' PUBLIC D~ROV~;[ZNT nOlID~ OF SAID CITY A1ID Rl~PEALING RESOLUTION lTO. 1093, PASSj~D AND ADOPTED AUGUST 1, 1925. WHEIDlAS, tho City Council of the (;ity of i.Iiami .Beach, ,h'lorida, on June 24, A. D. 1925, passed a resolution authorizing the issuance of bonds in the sums and for the purposes hereinafter sot forth, subject to the authorization by the duly reeistered and qualified voters of said Oity, who are freeholders therein and who are the owners of and pay taxos on real or personal property within said CitY,at a special eleotion which said resolution direoted to bo held on July 31st, 1925. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Uity Council of the city of Miami Boaoh, ~lorida: (\' SECTIon ONE: That said Oi ty Oouncil has on AU!:;us t 1, 1925, publioly canvas;3ed tho returns of the aforesaid election which can- vass was made solely, exclusively and entirely from the returns of certificates of the Inspectors and Ulerk who held and conducted said election and this Uity Council acting as canvassing board has found: That upon the question: "Shall the City of Iliami Beach, Florida, issue negotiable coupon bonda in the sum of :;$188,000 for the purpo se of constructing a building, the laying of a discharge drain, the in- stallation of a pump and equipment all for the operation of a plant for neutralizing and disposing of sowage?1t 26 voters voted "Yes" and No voters voted "No". '.chat upon the question: "~hall tho City of Miami Beach, lHorida, issue negotiable coupon bonds i.n the sum of :;;i134,OOO for tho purpose of paying the Uity's share of the cost of constructing sanitary sewers?" 26 voters voted "Yea" and Uo voters voted II No 1/. . . '.chat upon the question: "Shall the City of Miami Beach, Florida, ..; Ii 1 ~'. issue negotiable coupon nonds in the sum 0 f ~$66, 000 for the purpose of pfl;jril1f.j tho Uity. s share of the cost of constructi,ns storm sewers?" 26 'Vo-!Jc:cs "flotccl I'Yes" llnd No votors voted "Noll. 'JJW.t upon the question: IIShall the Cit~l of I,Iiarni Beach. j1'loridn, issue negotiable coupon bonds in .tho sum of ~150.000. :1"or tho }HU'pOno 0 f extending and dovelopinij its wator vlorl::s sYfltom?" 26 voto:rn voted dYC:JfJiI anc.l Ha voters voted "lJO.1I 'J:hat upon the que st ion: IIShall the ui ty of IJiami Beach. l"lorida" issue negotiable coupon bonds in the sum of {;76,OOO, for the purpose of constructing three bridges across Collins Unnal?" 26 voters voted "Yes'. and No voters voteu "NO"", 'that upon the question: "Shall the City of 1:11ami Beach, Florida, issue negotiable cou11on bonds in tho sum of :;p15.000 for the purpose of paving its streets?" 26 voters voted "Yes" a!ld Ho voters vat 0<1 "No \I . ~hat upon the question: "Shall the City of l!iami Beaah, Florid~, issue negotiable coupon bonds in the sum of :jji20,OOO -r,)r the purpose 1\ of developin,:'; and improving its public Parks?" 26 voters voted "Yea" , and Iro . vo tors voted IINo". 'that upon the question: uShall the Ui ty of Miami Beach, b'lorlda, issue nogotiable coupon bonds in the sum of ~15,OOO for the purpose of constructing a wharf or dock for ita sani tary dep8.rtmont~.. 26 votere voted uYes" and No vo tel's vot'ed IINo". '.J!hat upon the question: "Shall the City of LUa'11i Bench, Florida, I i ,i ..\ issue negotiable coupon bonlm in tho sum of ~300tOOO for the puxpose of co~structing jetties for tho protection of tho water front on the Atlantic Ocoan in said Oity aGai~st actions of tho Boa?" 26 voters votod IIYes" and No voters voto(l "Ho". 'fhat upon the quo~3tion: nahall the City o:~ I.!iami Beach, l!'loriua, '.'f', issuo HOgO t ial)lo COu";')0 n 1)0 tHIn :in tho sum of ,,,~390. 000 iOor tho pUl'pO 30 of constructing a Uity Hall and machine shop and warohouso for the water and sewer departrnonts?" 26 yotors voted "Yes" and. No voters voted "lToll. And that a majority of the votes cast upon ench of the aforesaid questions was for tho issuance of said bonds and said City C01L~cil does hereby declare tho result of said election upon each of said questions to bo for the issuance of said bonds in the aggregr:te sum of $1,355,000. Slf9.}:!&~L TW.Q: '.l!hat pursuant to said. 8.u....horizntion at the said eloction thore bo is:3uecl :;i)1,365,00J of negotiablo coupon bonds of tho City o:r Ll:Le.mi beach, b'lori(lD.. bearing da.te Uarch 1f,t, 1926, and bear- ins intar0st at a ra~e to be hereaftor dotor:ninod, not exoeeding 6~ per annam, which interest shall be payable sOi1i-annua11y on the first daYfJ of i.1[l.rch and ;:)opte:aber in each year 8.l1.d be evidonced by coupons attachod to the principal bonds and both tho principal ani interest s.hnII be payable in gold coin of the Uni tad 8tates of tho present stundard of ~eight and fineness at the Unitod states 110rteage and 1:rus t Company in Hew Yorlt: ui ty, \7h1ch bonus :::ha1l be registerable as to principal in accordance with tho endorse~ents which this resolu- tion directs to be pr:l.n tad on said bonds and that thB Ui ty Ulerk of said Uity is heroby designated Hegistrar for th~t pu?pose. (j I SIWTJiON THRl~m: 'J!hat the said bonds shall cOL1prise ten distinct classos, each class distinct from the remaining classes by the numbers a881 gn(;)(l thereto as hereinafto:r in this resolut ion provided, and that the a110"Ll.nt, purpose of issuance and maturi tiGS of each class shall be us fo1lorlm: the day and month of all ma tur i tLos to be the first day in JAarch in the respect ive years statecl: b'or cOllscructing and equi:pin~ a plant for neutra.lizing and dis- posing of sewage, ;p188,OOO, matllring ~9,OOO. A. D. 1927 to 1933, in- elusive; $14,000, 1)34; '10,000, 1J35 and 1936; ~21,OOO, 1937 and $10,000 1938 to 194.4 inclusive. ~or paying the Uity's shara of the cost of constructins sanitary S8wers, ~134,OOO maturing ~6,OOO A. D. 1927 to 1944, inclusive and ~13,OOO A. D. 1945 and 1J46. .Jllor pa;yinG tho Uityls sllfl.rG for tho cout of cOlJ.structi:1.g storm sowers ~;?66,OOO maturing ;;;)6,000 A. D. 1027 nncl J.9[~rJ. ~3,OOO 1929 to 1946, inclusive. ~'~i .L1'or extending and developing its water vwrks system ~150,000 I " maturing :;P7,OOO A. D. 1927 to 1944 incl~lsive and ~il1(~,OOO A. D. 1945 and 1946. .w'01' CO;l;Jt:C,lcting ol'id.:sos ;~;7G,DOO matU:cLl(o; \;''1,000 A. D. 1927 to ly.~2 in(~lu;,:d.vo and \/3,000 l~. D. 19/1~0 to IJ<1G LlCl,l~d.vo. ]i1o:r: paving it:, streots ~ilG,OGO r,utu-ring ~;l,OOO 1\... D. 1927 to 1 'J42 inchw i vo. }}Ol' a.OV010;1J.D'!, ancl im~)rovi:l!-: it:] lJU'll'ic l'al<:n ~;i20,OOO mntl.rin~ 01,000 a. D. 1J27 to 1946 inalJsivc. lito!' con::.;truntln,; D.. Wh~l:cf 01' a.oc';: for its 3nn:Ltary department ;~J.5,\)O.) mntu:cLng ,)l,OJJ A. D. 1927 to 19"11, inc1'J.o1ve. FoJ'.' confJtruoting jetties for protGctirl~ tho 1."fllterfront on the A t1aniiic Oooan in said 01 ty a:jair.s t actilm~3 of tho soa ~300, 000 matur- in~ ~15,OOO A. D. 1927 to 1946, inc~lsivo. :ilo!' cons truc"GinS n 8 i t;{ Hall an.l rnnchi:lo Dhc)ll and waroho use for / the wator il!ld sewer de-part;!1ont ~?390.000 maturinc; ~,iJ.9,OOO ,L\... D. 1927 l to 1941 inclusive and ~21,OOO A. D. IJ42 to 194G, inclusive. J.i0.QTI9JT FOJill: fi'ha tall o:!? the bOll(l:> :lo:.."e i:'l un thoI' izod shall be in thclc1012ominations of ~l.OOO and ~:)hal1 be dCfJigtlated. IIPublic ImpI'ove- ]"1' mont .oonc1s11 and ahall be alike in f 01':11, oxeop t as to du to of maturities and. nurnoc:r:J, und that the form 0 f Daid bonds, coupons and registration endorBo::10nt, as well as the manner of oxecution 0 f Gllid bonds !md coupons 8nd rcrtificate of validation 3ha11 be suh~t~ntially as follows No. %il,OOO.OO UNI'l~gD STATE3 OP .AI,EHICA Sl'ATg 0]' PliJ:UDI'.., CDUWi.'Y O}~ DAD~ CITY OP LlI~U 13~.ACH PUBLIC nIP _..'.)Vi.;,~,a'J'l.r J.;o~r.os lmow ALL Lli-,:U BY 'PHi~S3 }?:mSl~N'.2S, f2hl1 t tho Ci t;y~ of l.Iiam i Beach, .b110r lda, in the Goun ty 0 f .!Jade and ~3tlJ. !.if) of 1)'101' ida, is jus tly indebt- ed 8.:1(1 fo:c value recoivod. hm,'el)y pro:11lSCf3 to })ay to the bearer, or if rOBis.tared. to t1H) reglstere(l Ofme:c 1;horoot'. on tho first da.y of l1o.rc~h. 19 ,tho -or1nc11Ja.l fill'll of Ono 'jlh()ll~~n.:l(l Dollars ',7ith i.nterest -- ..... ..... theroon at th'J rate of __ per cnnt:!o:r anntL.l, YJ8.;lCllJlo somi-annu8.11y, on tho first day (:3 of' March and ~ept8mb()r in oach year, upon the pro- sontation and surronder of the annexod intor(33t CouIJons as they sever- ally beCO,ni;} due. Hath the principal and into:rost ot' this bond are II' pay~bla in gold coin of the United stutes of tho pro~ont standard of wel.p,ldj aacl finEh18GS at the office ot' tho united states l.lortgage .$.; 'l'J:LWt IJonl])i..ln:1 ill tho IJi ty 0 f Hew Yor;..:. .r.'Ol' 1,ho prompt paymont horoof, both pr:i.ncipal and inter.oGt. :li3 tn.) EI1!!lO 8h8.J.1 beco:ne due, tho L'ul1 :f'u, i. th, cred,i t ul1(l :rosou::cces of sa.}<l I;ity of :.Ii.r'.m1 Beach, .1!'lor.l.da, 1..1.1.'0 hereby il'rovocably pled';od. 'J.!hi:3 llOnd hi one o~f' a series i::i3ued by said 01t;, of Ilinmi Iloach. J!'1or~i.(1[)... for tho purpooo of ]laying tho C08t~:; o:~ ccn.'tain pc:r- rnanent muni c ipal impr aVOIDant sand rmll1icipal e quip:n ant as set forth on tho reverse of this bond, under tho authol' i ty 0 f and in full com- p lianen wit ,"1 tho Ui ty chm:' ter and hn.8 'bo on o.utilO'cizcj(l by tho vote 0 f tho majority of tho duly rogistered [;,)1(1. qunlif'iocl oloctors of said 01 t:r who aT i) :freaholdez-s theroin ancl v/ho arc O\'lGors of and pay taxes on 1'00.1 01:' ~le~i:'s onal property wi thin ,mill U1 "'cy. vat in::; at an elect ion losul1y called and hold for that purpose. It is hereby certified and recitod that all acts, conditions and things re qui:red to o:;dst or to bo dona procedont to and in the issuan.ce of this bond by said charter und the laws and constitution of J:!'lol'iJ.a. have happened. exist and have been porfol'.nod; that pro- vis ion has boen made for the levy anll colloe tion of n. direct annual tax upon all t!:),xable p~:operty within said city suL-'icient to pay the interest and principal of this 00,"[(1 an the 8ft'']!) 8h8.11. become due and that the total indebtedne:3s of said lJity inclu.din,~ this bond does not exceed any constitutional or statutory limitation thDreon. 11h19 bond maJ be registered as to )1r i.'1.cipal in accordance with the provisiJllS endorsed hereon. IN VI ri.llri~f)S W..ID~l~E:OF tho sulcI Ui ty o:f ~.uaf.1i l)oao11. .t!'lor ida, has cau.sod this lJond to 1){) sir;nocl by ita ;,~ayor n.nd lJit:T U1Gr~:, under its soal ai1d tho intero:Jt coupons attacho(l horoto. to 1;0 ~1i~necl with the facsimile oi8nature of said. Ula:L'}:, all as 0 f tho f i:l':Jt day of Uaroh, A. 1). 1926. l.Iuyo::c Ci t.'! Ule:rlc I I EUDORSBl!IENT CONC3RHIHG VAL I DA'r ION _, 1______ Validated and confirmed by decrae of the Circui t Court for the l'Jleventh .rud icial Cireui t 0 f tho ::>ta te of b'lo :cidu, in and for Dad.e Uaunty on 1926. Clerlc of L:ircllit Cl)U.:r.'t, J.!lleventh Judicial Circuit, Dade eounty, .l!'lo:c ida. llliPORSEL1ENT CqpC.ERNING REGISTnATI.Ql! This bond may be registered as to principal in the bond regis- tor of said Uity. notation of such registration to be made hereon by the Uity Clerk or such other officer or agent as may be designated Registrar by a resolution of the governing body of said eity and may thoreafter be transfe:cr ad on such regis"ter by the reg iatered owner in person or by attorney, upon presentation to the bond registrar, ac- W companio(l by delivery of a written instrument of transfor in a.form approved by the bond registrar and executed by the registered owner. Such trans for may be to bearer, after which this bond shall be subject to succo:3s1ve registration and transfers as before. :Notwithstanding the regist~~ation of this bond the coupons shall rema.in payable to bearer and will be transferable by del i very. Vate of ~egistration Name of Hegistered Owno 1.. . .rlegistrar .!iEQ.T~Ol{ IH~~: That after tho pro]Jaration of said bonds with proper maturities as provided by this rosolution the said bonds and couI,ons annexed. thore to shall "be s tu..'lpo(l vd th the numl) ere 1 to 1,355 inclusive in the order of maturities, the nixty-nino bonds maturing in 1927 to bear the numbers 1 to 69, inclm',ivo a11(l tho G9 bond."3 matur- ing in 1928 to beur the next successive numbors 70 to 138, inclusive, and 80 on, and that thereupon there shall l}o uSGiGnocl to the bonds f I I '-""'h."'V.~frl>' w for the constructing and equiping a. plant fOl' neutralizing and d i8- posing of sewage ths lowest nwnbers of bonds havins the maturities herein dosignated for such bon~. ufter which there shall be assigned to tho remaining nine classes of bonds in tho ardor in which said bondo are desc~ibed in Section Throo hereof. the lowest available numl)crs of bonds having the maturities designated for such classes :l.'espocti va ly, and on the reverse of each bond there shall be printed a statement showing the amounts, numbers and'maturities of such ten classes of bonds and a copy of such statement shall be recorded in the bond record of said City; that the purpose of the provision made by this Section is to place said ten issues of banda in more market- able form and to save the expense that would be necessitated by print- ing ten different forms of bonds and to simplify the records of said City. at the same time preserving complete separation and identifi- cation of ea.ch of suid ten distinct issues of bonds. SE,CTION S,IX: That in each year while any 0 f said bonp.s shall be outstanding there shall be levied on all the taxable property within said City, a direct annual tax sufficient to pay the princi- pal and interest falling due in the following year upon each of the said ten classes of bonds which taxes shall be collected as other City taxes and shall bo used for no other purpose tlmn the payment of said principal and interest. SECT~ON SEVEN: That the City Attornoy is hereby authorized, but not required to proceed to have said bOilds vulidnted in the na'Ile of said 01 ty by tho Circuit Cl)Urt but in thl3 event he does not ao proceed. then the val.idntion endorsement:lCroin providecl to be printed on said bonds, ahall not be printed. SELCTl91Ui!91f~: That the City Clerk untl Ci ty Attorney take such steps as may be ~eccssa:ry to effect an early sale und delivery of said bonds and for that purpose the City Clerk is hereby authorized und dh'f3cted 'to advertL-;e for soaled b ids for the 8HG1'3. l.;.....:,.,)...: " . <':i".,\~...:,lii:'~";<,'i':"';' ';':, .-:j" .i'.c,', "."'i.',.;".,,,,:,''''''''''l!Ii>~1'I''/t<~'.w,;.., : .. I I ~~~o~ ~INE: That Resolution No. 1093, passed and adopted by this lHty Counoil August 1, 1:l25, 8'.1titled "A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Miami Beach, Flol'tda, canvassing the returns of an election held July 31, 1025 and Authorizing the is- suance of ~1,355,000 of Public Improvement .Bonds of sald City," be and the Game is hereby repealed. SBCTIOH T'r~n: That this resolution SAA1I be in force and ef- -~---_.~.... ........... feet ir::mlOdiately upon its adoption. PASSED AND ADOP~D this 24th day of ~ebruary, A. D., 1926. /7 (// ..) ~' /' ~ ~~'C':'> I .)< "o---~? 7 r ( - c J. ----r / P:l:'esident of '1 t'y ouncil ATTEST: ,''J'' ~""2""'''- Z"-"~ /~ .. (' '(YI_~ . ,-"C-vt:,..<_L;.:','.(.:.<t"......-l .....",...,.~.~.. ". ~i ty Clerk ' iW I 'Ji i