Quit-Claim Deed 970-457, 458 . J~ QmT-CLAIM_D_E~~ ._~__ _ _ ~___~l,",'~:_::_________ _"~~':'~~;'p:~~ I ~:~E~:~rut~:~:a~e.t::;~~~~;~:-::n:le rA. D. 192_6_, I . .of the County of I Juwl. ~ and State of ~? ~ - part Y of the first part, and , ' oj or TY OF MIAMI -BEACH,.~ mU,nJ cipa..' c.o.:rli>9ra ti.Qn._ u:n(le~. the.. laws of F1.Q~i d.a , \ D~de" .and St'ate bf, Florid~ of the County .of ...part Y of the second part. WITNESSETH, That the said parL..Y. of the first part, for and in consideration of the sum ofONE._DOLLARAND.__OTHERY.AL.UABLECONSlDERA TIONS - - - - Dollars, in hand paid by the said parLY.. of the second part, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowl- edged, ha s remised, released and quit-claimed, and by these presents do. es remise, release successors and quit-claim unto the said part y of the second part and itS;i:ntixlK and assigns forever, all the right, title, interest, claim and demand which the part. "1_. of the first part ha..~.. .... in and to the following described lot , piece , or parcel of land, situate, lying and being in the County of Dad,e..... Florida , State of to-wit: All ():t:B1.QQ~..:3 ~ 9:f.:__Q.QEANB,EA eR ADD:J: T I O~ #=3,. . .... a.$ u'bdi'lij;!.iQILQ.;LJ..and_._a.Q.o_Q:rd1ng___tQ___~__p-l.a_t ... .__.__ .._ .the.r~ Qf. .:r.e.Q QJ,'g.e Q._1XL.l?1g._t .JlQ_Qk__.z_'-___Qct._~.c.lli~L J?J._________. ... . ....._Q_f_._lh.e..Eubl1.Q__B.e_Q.Q1:d~LQ.!__Dade__. CQ:lJnJiy'-___El.Q1'lgg,,__. I . a ~\ ._..._._._._____._..~g.1~___51'!!J~_21_~J!!!__s!e ~_~__t~___E~_Y_. ~!l._.fQ_~m~h~___p.~~P.~51_~ of c on v ey ing -----------------..-..-- --_._~.. ?-ny__.~l'lt~*_~.L~.t___~~~hl9_h___.:t11.e.._.e~g.J1.t-QJ~--h ~ r_~ln___m~y_J~~y_~.__~_~..j~h~___~PQy_~_..9:~_~9.:;_I!:)ed J2!'g~~.Y_1.___1!9___Jh~L$~~-n_1!~.~_J]._~1_:~J!lJ.__J~_hJ.9Jt..~i1.~y._~9.~._.h.?_!~_J?~_l?~___.<?_~.~Y~I~.~___?y _tha.:t.___daed___o.L__the___granto.r___he.rein__Dy_.._Har.r.y...Kali.sh+-__hiJ2___a_ttQ}:'ngY_~lD --=__.. fa_Q_t~___t.Q_. .Ha.r.ry-__.Kall.sJLan.d___Cha.r1.e.s _.Ki b e~.._.. da t~-g_..A1M1~~_1i____?~_J.._J_~.?_f?.J__..___.. . ~Y.._.~~hJrih__.~.~jV[~&u!nt~Jl9- e<l._ t Q_ CQn't~y ..~11 eaJ:?QY.~__~.~~ Cl:r.~_~~~..l?-!-l:9:~..___.. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the same together with all and singular the appurtenances there- unto belonging or in anywise appertaining, and all the estate, right, title, interest and claim what- soever of the said parL.. 'y. of the first part, either in law or equity, to the only proper use, benefit successors and behoof of the said party of the second part, it8~iiJ:and assigns forever. IN WI~NESS WHEREOF, The said part Y of the first part ha.Sm . hereunto set.~~ S \ hand and seaL the day and year first above written. Sign~7:~ ~Ad delivered in the presence of: I ~7/1~!A~~l. .. (Seal) ..-, , i Iii I I il Ii' )~ i,' I i~1 .tI. It! "/ I Ii 970 PAGE 458 "'tl ~I ili I I I I I i I i I I i I I I iii ~ \ 1 'Iii HI' Ii Iii II i,i deed 'd making ,Iii the foregoing , AND I FURTHER CERTIFY that I know the sal person I '.aid acknOW.le.. dg. ment to be the ind.iVidual described in and who executed the said deedh J 14'~'<:.t. };;:~~SS WHEREOF, I hereu~t my hand and ome; y 71 ~ ' "mty and'State, this / '=-day of If? A, D, ~ 0, I , c/Nat~' , ~ t " ~4 My commission expires ~..3.!JI92?n' J i t I STATE OF h .~ Lj~ /~ I ... } COUNTY OF I, an officer authorized to take acknowledgments of deeds according to the laws of the State he of Florida, duly qualified and acting, HEREBY CERTIFY that_____:J AMES.Ji' !__J~_~P_QB'~I.,PL_____ a single man,._ to me personally known, this day acknowledged before me that. " ~ 0/ , L. .... .IL,-I9.66. 'r I~' 90$' .... J.N ,ii-:CORDED IN THE....e .. . , , ~ry!"(;O~ elM OEO F HQ OOk NOT liaC i\~tJvl . ',. Ll Y. CLERK Ol"QUIT COU.JW DA'DecOUNTY, FLOR1DA ". i' .It ~ ~~ ('l) 8 CD >oj p.. t~~.::: ()-.......,. ,.: p.., :F :' :g. ;, ....:. , ) '1/, :'J f: ~ Jt ~;J ;: : '.' "~. ,.... T'Do- " c.~t.- I , , t ~ ~.. ;.~ 1f;'~, , I ~ ~ ., ~ ., ~, ~' . fD.~ gr,?: .,:..' ~ t::'" : 'v~ I'. ;.. .. ~ 1. :' '.,1~.' ~o; >oj i 1>i:: i !'i" .lb I\'J!'. '. i 111 I .' .l!.. ~ " 'Ow ,..~ '.. .. 't::1 , , ~ , ~ , , , , , :0 Ie... I lH !> H !~ [f-<: : p.J <I 1 ClJ j :0 I :~ !~ \1 , :. I'%j to'f' ~ J~ t-3 I "'l lH if 0 I i~ 0 s r' 'tI ;H \0 , ito :~~ , I> , , ~ It""f , , : !tj 1 ~ .... ca I r ! .... ''t. cs .. _'i< ....,.... ""W"'''-'~'_'''~'''. .;.......~~"'..'-'."..'"\t'~".,....j ~r.....".. 'O'''''''V-iit lIl' ""''il'''~' .III''''''....'V.'I;I '. '" .,..... Stat, oj N'fD York, } , CountrJ oj NWJ Yor1c, ft.: No....17.45.:J....s.;.. B ....1 . -. ,j'.I. '. .WILLlAM b ..C....O...~...~..~..IN~...r:Cl er... 11:... o. e UDty 01 New~ Yk, aDd Clerk of the BuJll'llJD8 Court for the ..Id f ~.l /;' .' ", ". :/'1-;"= a un of Reeotd, haviua ,DO BEREB~E~, That , . .""0"'.... ! '-"," ,'..- . ," .~ - # - . . ....'.v;". ~ ~ ~ ",..' .\ ......,.,...,.. ,j .hqI(~~ . . ~ th~'d~~ti~~ ~~.. .. . .. oM;d tb~' ~i ~~ '~b~~i.;d~t ~ ~~'~xed ~: ,. ~Jmtten, waa, at the time of takinglUeh depo8itioD, or proof and aolmow1edg- t..;.\.,.b . ,: ,.5':. and fo~ ~uch CoUDty, d~y. oommillioned and Iworn, and authoriaed b, the .~.. ~ dopw_1IId '" ~ oaIba W ~ · ...executed Ii jji J II; I . ! I,' :\ "l '/ '.) Jll ) . 1 ,). ~ .. - -I ;. m ~I III II 1\ ')J I:' c:::,. : , 11; : I " ,.......>,.~ '., ~.;;;i (/ r~n . ~. (~ .' ~ := .... ... a ~ =:. a s ~ ~ , a.J ~ " q u; !! (')') :i " !!~ :d J I ~ I ,,'" , ~:z~' ...~() 4