Resolution 6/24/1926 r ..". ..,. 'f 1,- . ..~ - 973 PAGf143 RE (,..AT~~_!L_..O'OLOOKi?M AND EOORDEO IN THE EOOK NOl ED ABOVE GEO. F. HOLLY. CLERK CIRCUIT COURT DADE OOUNTY, FLORIDA BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board of Direotors of IALKIB REALTY OORPORATION', a oorporation under the laws of the State of Bell' York, at a regular meeting of said Board at 1 West 39th Street, Hew York Oity, that said corporation sell and by warranty deed ~ oonvey to the Oi ty of Jliami Beaoh, a munio1.pal oorporation, under the laws of the State of Florida, the following desoribed land 100ated in Dade Oounty, Florida, to-wit:- and that All of Block 23 of OCEAN BEACH ADDITIOB, 13, a subdi~ision of land aooording to a plat of said subdivision, reoorded in Plat Book 2, at page 81, of the Publio Records of Dade County, fiorlda, ~ ,P ~~J~ and ~~ I t . a8 President and Secretary, respeotively, of said oorporation, do exeoute, aoknow1edge,an~ deliver a deed to s~i4 Oity to 8aid pro- perty{..:tcf'whioh deEfd said oftlft!i'are au~tl6rrred'- to8.ffl:i the seal of said corporation and aoknowledge it as the act and deed of ~ said corporation. . ~ PASSED AND ADOPTED this Kay /8 ~ A. D. 1926. <4k~ esi ent . .~< -, , 3::'"~~;~'~",., ;. '.- 1'0..'+-.. ""''''.1. ~t,. '...... ~.. .....,,:,.,.1.. :OJ.,", l; "" '~'&~I\II" . ,,~,.. .... /.8 ':~':~\,~~.~'....':'" . '<:.- ,~ .,.. i-'~,tt,",1" ~ :~\lql:fkS?oG .~ ,~ ~~)~. ." ....... v! "f ,,\~ :~...":';";~' .";, f} \Y..h':>~.~"~~' ,<":,, . ! , ,'r (>.-:':. '''\ "\ "".', v....f\l t , '" ~ STA TE OF BEW YOme: CITY OF' NEW YORK : We, ",~~e ~der8;,~ed Of;.~,.bei;j res.v,., presk'" '" den, afd Secretary of KALlIS REALTY CIIPORATION, mentioned in the 1" forego~ng resolution, ,do hereby certify that the foregoing resolu- , tion ~s passed and adopted by the Board of Directors at a regular I meeting assembled at the address stated in said reso1utioa. ~d that the seal affixed hereto' is the seal of said oorporatioa.. _.'::"7\,\, 5.~. -- .....t:}>.~, C'r.. A." (".'. tll WITNESS WHEREOF 'We have ,.reunto set our han~.~"::::!~~-~.: ..1........ (') 'tI.r .~ Ci'.: 9~. 4 G? .... ... Kay I x ,A. D. 1926. ..~ \ ~..,~:~:"'_ ~.:t7 '\e~o 4'~4U{)')lk~ .. " I '~\"1 " ; \, -J',,-. ~ .... ! l__ ~i ~~' . ",.I!!-" .... ~"~,~ ~"...... ~.............. . "'-", &.... ..........' .~..... ..JtI.. ........_ ,.,......., ..;,.. .A. ~ l ~ '. ~ f~' '~ ~]j"f)r; .. 1I uJ."r.!,r '..' ,",. J ., :,,: "',J ,', J l.:) 'f""7.t1 A J ""\ -"~ ~ Ii ,-, ...: .~. ",f 'JI~ V 'J [~~j 0 I ::;"*971"' c- ".J/ p~ iVnr' G. , ~ , " I .. ~ j I ..;,;....,.......';.'...' .~. .,>;-...;.;;;::';'. .,. .. "J' --. ~,.I. . :,'1( '., , "~,' t ,;.} /'*7 it...., 1 ~,,' - I '-.j ,;..1 t / ._' I.., ... .iI> :41 ~~4!.. .;. ...~.;...<.o;v.' '>'1'",,'. ,,#'_-'\10<"""" .. ~.. d ... if :. /J . .,. /1.... " ~. ....... ", ,," .. ~~..~*. ~~, ~ ~ h 12 ~~ 8 \:.; c ~ : ~ tJ\' ~ ,1 ~ ~ ; "3 ::: >-:J '1- l.. 'iV'I'I --.1 \..J . a l.. ' k 'l :.:..: -l l.. (I)' U ,c:: ":;; \:'-.J. ;:... ""' ;; ~ ';.5,~, '"" ~.~ ~ C"! ~~::: . .~ ~ " .::c: '"'- ...., 'b ~.... C) c:: 0 "'- .~" -~'- ~1l~ ,g ~ -' ~ -::r: ~ $ ,12 c:, C; .... _ _ ',.:) -..... .........:::::1 I \~- =:: '-:"t,. , -': S. ~: ~ ~, ~~ I.t.. :,.,. i ( - : o ~"- ....- - :v .. '.~:/; '-,:::0 .....~ ....., ~- ~ ~. ~t;' . ;;""il-w.;,' I .. -- -. - ........-......... ru17,1 11111 ~l J I 'If' ,,/IF "", '. :, ....~ ::~ t;~' ~ - '. - \ I .. nn. ~.____ -:.. -, -.........;.. 0,.", ,.'.", .., , 'Ii , .. i( ,. ~ - .. .. ~ ~\r ~(i . ., r!I -y ~.{~ ~ ~ R:\. .. . II! I"~ JJ