Satisf of Mortg 165-408, 409 " +1 ; 1: . il I . . . .. . .. ...... j, .~,,_.. - H_ ......~ it ~.~ L~'P~ PAGE408 8A'l'ISFAC'!'ION OFl\IORTGMfIll nEFTY'S FoRM~:;E.>e2% ~utlafuttinu nf ilnrtgugr \. STELLA LANDAU KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That the owner and holder of a certain mortgage given b:y)CALIIB REALTY _QO~ORATIOI-L of ~ !.39~h~treet, -'11' 18ik Oi ty, a New york corpo. ration, autlioirzed To dODus1nesSU1 fu~or , STELLA. LAWIaU, filed for bearing date the 9th day of February , A. D. 19 26, xaJliej:i:lxtkAxbv/O.~<< rec&rd Veb. 9, 1928, as Olerk's File No. B-14851, Xl!iXdI: ~K , in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Dade County, State of Florida; given to secure the sum of FIFTY THOUSAND - .., ......-..---- ... - - - - - - - - ~ - - - - - - - - --Dollars, evidenced by three certain note.Jl, upon the following described property, situate, lying and being in____Dada County, State of Florida, to-wit: ----------All----OL Bl ock 23 -'1f OOnN 'RF.A.CH ADDI TIONI--13-.- acoording to a plat thereof, r~orded in Plat Book 2,' at page 81 of the Publio -Records of Dade County, Florida. have received full payment of the said indebtedness, and do hereby acknowledge satisfaction of said mortgage, and hereby direct the Clerk of the said Cour.t!o cancel the same of record. WITNESS my hand_ and seal_ this~day of )lay A. D. 192-6-. Signed, sealed and delivered in presence of: /lJr~~~ _f2~ '" I ( , I I '" I I I I . . i 1.1 II '1.1 F 'r I , I I 165 PAGE 40Hllli f...".'..'.......... .',"',"", ~ 'I i Ii Ii I III 111 ill; Ii I I I I, I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day personally appeared before me, an officer duly aut~or- ized to administer oaths and take acknowledgments, STELLA LANDAU t;vvl-J ~ ~L~___to me well known to be the personi described in I \ t' J. 'J . ~!i I, I i I J i ~ ~ """ ",,-' } and who executed the foregoing satisfaction piece, and who acknowledged before me that ..tf!J'ht!!,..-ff1J1 executed the same for the purposes therein expressed. AND I FURTHER CERTI~, That the said /~ _~ , known to me to be the wife of the sain .-/'~A""" .--e c>:! ~ ~ , on a separate and private examination taken and made by and before me, separately and apart from her said husband, did acknowledge that she made herself a party to said satisfaction of mortgage for the purpose of renouncing, relinquishing and con- veying all her right, title and interest, whether dower, homestead or of separate property, statutory or equitable, in and to the lands described therein, and that she executed the said instrument freely and voluntarily arid without any compulsion, constraint, apprehension or fear of or from her said husband. FtLEC ..~.\m~rL2~~A T l.::ld:'~ O'GLOO!tS.r. M AND RECORDED IN THE EiOOK NOT ED ABOVE GEO. F. HOLL.Y. CLE;1K CIRCUI T COURT - OAOECQUNT'f. FLORIOA -'-"~, ~N WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal at __.-1) ~ ~ said County and State, this ~y of Ka; , J IA. D. 192~_. d .,- ~~ _t;L~_~_ · · ~Seal> -~e~r~~- .1otary Pu~lic. ~'" , e << ~;# ;Z / ~. n expires ~ Ji.,~ ..1 .... t1\.j ,} j I. I j -:. 'J./ ',~) , .~ _"~ Il .[ ,,' ,-., r... .llJ:! 1 S l..\: . , '1'" . /~ .... <'r\ .- n+n (;;,' . , , t .1. I I " <:: , I 'C '"S ~ ('t) I)q ('l ('t) ~ ~a I l 3! - ('t) ~ H, o '"l '"l ('t) ('l o '"l ~ o ::l '0 ~ .... ('t) 'Q.. I ~ ~ IS .:=> I'.J> H, ~ ('l ("'t- .... o' ::r ::l (,.*' ('t) "".,- tJj ,.- o o ~ I I " :.. ~~ 1k)'~ ~ 0 Q.. H, ~ t.C ~ P, (- 'c? >-3 o l2: ~ CI ~ ~ a o '3 00. .!l. .-~t.~~._'""'--.-.-..-.--'-;.,"~_.,"-'--..",.,.'" "..""'.,-';O:,..._,.~:~_.-.,.,<.""",'-..,~.'!:"";~-' ... _ ..,.."......"'r'"'.---- ~ ~ ..... .... tsl ~ = := b ~ IS Q ~ ..... ~ J3 ~ .... I I I iil i I I i I I i , I i I OJ ~ II: Ii: 1= ~ ~ ~ I~ , ..-.11 \. C I, r \...c,.. _ ';-,\ lo 'I \,' -, '-J, t ',=~ \" \.. . i .. \'.) - ;-..i""" ~ \' "\ "\\"1 YtiL.,.J \oI'yl'l ,~. , ,~ ~.s \ \ I Iii \"....' , j ;11 , ' i :-~-m-~=::--~~=~--- 1111l I .. . ,~ 't \ \! -::,li~~::$::-"r2~~:~\~- , .~\ If C \:.J "I. \ .1I-!\'