Sats. of Mortgage 165-410, 411 ! i , I ! 1 . i I ---pttn"lT.n-Bv :: -H":ri p:~~jir-:~~-----=f+=~ i I ! I [' i 1,1 , I I I I I !.I i , II !; ,I: I i ~ 25 Filed Sept. 4, 1925;,\1 , A. D. 19_,DlUCCIXm~ [, Dade 165 PAGE410 SATIS'YAiCTION OF MORTGAGE HEFTY'S P()IlM H. E. 22lf., @Juttafuttinu nf flnrtgugt KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That HERMAN MARES and ALLAN D. EMIL .' the owners ~d holders (}f a certain mortgage given by JAMES r. lloD.Q1JALD, si~.!.._____________ to HERMAN MARES and ALLAN ~IL bearing date the 21~t day of Au.gqst as alerk's F11eNo. A-1173SB BKat<x , ~ , in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of I~ County, State of Florida; given to secure the sum of _rORTY TWO THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED - - - - - - - - - - - - -- ~ - - - - Dollars, evidenced by eight certain not ell, upon the following described property, situate, lying and being in . Dade County, State of Florida, to-wit: All .Qf_.Bl.o.o.1L.2..3. of OaEAI BEACH ADDITtON 13, according to a plat thereof reoorded in Plat Book 2, at page 81, of the Publio Reoords of Dade County, norida. : .' \ ',.. I . t,-:,J ~, have received full payment of the said indebtedness, and do hereby acknowledge satisfaction of said mortgage, and hereby direct the Clerk of the said Court to cancel the same of record. WITNESS ntlr hand-.S and seaLs... this I 9 day of Kay A. D. 192~. Signed, sealed and delivered in presence of: (As to Herman Mankes) (Seal) , i I i , I I I, I II ',Ii, 'l , I' I , I' i' I I I i I I I I I I I : I i I i I -~ Ii, U I ii /' i I --JJ I"! ---------..~---..~--- n--l:::-~- --~----------------- ----- \ h\~~ I, ~Ol' .t1r.uKl~ '( I B*M ~~COUNTY I I I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day personally appeared before me, an officer duly author- I :1 II 'I I :1 il :1 :1 ,I !I II ized toadminister oaths and take acknowledgments, H!RllAN llAN!IS:~~-'-____n_'_~_____~-=--_____ ________________to me well known to be the person~L__ described in acknowledged before me that to be the wife of the said separate and private examination taken and made by and before me, separatel rom her said husband, did acknowledge that she made herself a party to said satisfact' gage for the purpose of renouncing, relinquishing and con- veying all her right, title an' ,ether dower, homestead or of separate property, statutory or equitable, in and to the I erein, and that she executed the said instrument freely and voluntarily and without any I ' .. t !' , I. c', - - i SeaJi.'" a(:' ~,: . .~ 'I.i . : ~ ~ 1 'I l and who executed the foregoing satisfaction piece, and who ___:heI__executed the same for the purposes therein expressed. WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my said County and State, this and affixed my official day of Kay Notary Public. My commission expires ~ J /.) ~ ! STA'!'!: OJ' NEW YORKf ,. tI_, . i ~ OITY OF ND YORK : ,..", . l' HEREBY OERTIFY tha t on this day personally appeared, ALtAI{ . I D. EMIL, to me well known to be the person.desoribed in and who I exeouted tbe fo;egoing satisfaotion pieoe, and who aoknowledged before i me that he exec::ted the same for the purposesctherein express~~j~f~.t~.~.,.,,-I I IN WITNESS.-WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and~U~." "'J I, I offioial seal at ~ 'h..L. CAJ) sa.id Oounty and Sta.te, t~~<~~-' I) : ['''' I day of Kay, A. D. 1925zr- ~ <'-~\ . {i~ ~ J. : ~A ~~77~ .~t.:. . ! ..// Notary Publ 1t:teOt~tt)ft~"~;:j6 ,: ll1 ~~ expires :~0\.\\\"::~':- ,~c'''''",'-':0''''cc=-'--=-~=.'''''"-~'~c:~",:c~/ I f ~~~------------------_. : + :::.::$:""" _ _.~~~~~.,,~.,.;c:c.: .__ -A--- -----.-.-'..------. ....... . ,E'" , /, ,.J FfLED~. \c/.) ..... ...~)'/..9~-~AT l~-:-~o'o ...rv AND RE ADED IN TH _ "",,, ,r r. ~~. LOOr;.'\..)..~ GEQ F H ' E E J"-, 1- :.h, ,I i ~ :J ABOVE . . .O~l Y. OLER~( CIRCUIT "0 . DA~- v URT ."i..J'~ COUNTY. FLQRlf).o. .., ~ 0 ct> (':> (0 ~ 0 c+ a. Q.. ct> 0- ct> Q.. ..... :::l c~ r La I I l::EI CD ~ ~ ~ r I tzJ l-3 ~ CD I 0 l7J I ~ Po :.- .... i .... ~ I t:J I . I , ..... G'...~ ~ If' Q.. ~ I ~ '< ::s 0 p.. H, ..... ~ r II ~ ~ ..... .... . ~ [ .... . b = b ....... - C +-t ..... t.= ~ t.= ~ , :.? . '., . '" i' ~.. .... v ~.- J ) ~ "'i'.. .. .~ (~4b'>" ':11 'llll r:'. ~ ; , 1922. ~ c ("'it: ~-" 11\ " I I I I I !.: t.l It - - .-S ~ 6"'" :t' Ii': ~ >< ri 6 i \..)--\ F~ !" I . I