Satisfac. of Mrtge. 207,095,096
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~ati!ifttrttnlt of Snrtgu!lt
Know All Men By These Presents: That
.Harr1" ..ABace .
the....-.-.m--m.-owner..and..holder --- .
~ ~
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of a certain mortgage given by '!he City ot Mi.; 'Beach, a. m1,,,i cipal. corporation,
to__. . .-Barry.A-Re.ce
bearing date the l$t
-.i l-f-
, A. D. 19 26 , recorded in Mortgage
day of
Book 714 Page 136. in the office of th'e Clerk of the Circuit Court of Dade
County, State of Florida; given to secure the sum of
evidenced by 3 certain noteS , upon the following described property, situate,
lying and heing in Dade County, State of Florida, to-wit:
.ul ot block 23 ot Ocean Beach Add! tion No.3, a IUbdi vision
..&c.cord1ng to..the.plat.thereotrecorded .in. plat.pook.2..JI. t...Pf~~L~l..Jtf__~h~..__ 'n .....
.lub.Uc.Racord8 ..of. Dade ..County..Flor1de... .
The notes .ecured by the above mentioned mortgage have been paid,cancelled
and s-ur'rend.-e-red-to-the'inakers.thereot..
have received full payment of said indebtedness, and do hereby acknowledge satisfaction of said
mortgage, and hereby direct the Clerk of the said Circuit Court to cancel the same of record.
WITNESS _..~__.n.hand_. and seaL..{.mday oL.m--n._A.prl1__._m____nn___.'
A. D. 192__-'1.
aled and ~~~e~ce of:
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( Seal)
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I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day personally appeared before me, an officer duly au-
~=izt~"o~acknOWledg:e::, well . ~:~~t: ;:'t~~;e;s:: nn~::i~:~;:
and .1J'o executed ti,.;" foregoing satisfaction piece, and. .~. . .acknowledged befoce me that
.~. mexecuted the same for the purposes therem expressed.
R CERTIFY, Tha the saidm
I \\,\..\\tOlbel~ wife of the sa
',~\\~ ~ . ~~:l)Eltj taken and m
~}'~~.,~''::lli\!'1l'I.f\~ h self a party said satisfaction of tgage for the purpose 6 nouncing, relinquishing and n-
"'j' ~.,..~.." V&YitNr.. he . rig. ht, title an . terest, whether dower, es.tead or of separate pI' ty, statutory or equitable, in
~:::: . f i <:) 'inA tR~'Vi~ .describ~d there I an~ that she executed tI1, aid i,nstrument freely an luntarily and without
:.: .: ~ any CiO~l!!t9,lb nstramt, apprehe Ion or fear of or from her saId husband,
?i dI ~~ r \.\5 "'-c
'~~~';'.J~~UB ~-:,'WirNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal at
'j ""',<V'., ' '- ' ~ 8"'"
;~!,'k"; ;.;;.0.'--------------... said County and State, this. of
"..:L..'mm nn,A.~~192=.iL~.d~ m(ScaI)
,N otary Public.
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My comm;~sion expires '!f;.~a, 191()
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