Warran Deed 714-136,137,139,140 ... MQRTGAGE DEED Hefty's Form R. E. 32 .'"---~ _ i For Sa&. by the-lft!fty Pre51. Miami , '^",~ ~., ". , ,r' -'. '~~l!\~~_ , .'v.. ,......--.. .:\.::Ol:.....'-....,(---~ .'...:; ( i' ~, ',. , , THIS MORTGAGE DEED, Executed the :~:";";;;" : " : A. D. 19~, by THE aITY OF IlIAllI BEAOH, '-.\i ,.\ , ,;i; ':rfP~.:'T. r,-rn11") or- Ijj'9U~"~ b',~ 1st'" day Qf . '-'!lAY "..."... 1., :.~.r.l)whtl]. 4".,11 HI'; 'J /.\ilf,~h{:'IT "J",~ fpl :rl'l~' 'p" ! ,! ,; X~~JtJttiml existing under the laws Qf the State Qf a mun101pal OO~o1'&t"on," 'I: '1'1("':"'Jil'lrr'.tIt' ,;r'!"'l;(' "':1'''('' ~')I;.;r;~"i;: .., " 'j}, 7C'.t.;. '.. ,f'rI!Jff."'" ' ,," .' ( t.'" I, ,'.' -., 1 _I Fl o-rlda ' ":".' ..t9''tI..tiIl.lx. ''(t. ~/t/. ., ( . ,t:,Q;" . iji:'i!,~J'qI~m '';';,\! party of the first part, hereinafter called the MQrtgagQr, to. HARRy q~aA.OE:"'!i\' ~ :"~ I ; i . part-Y-- of the second part, hereinafter called the Mortgagee_, ;; 1,)', (1\~!: 1: WITNESSETH, That fQr divers good and valuable consideratiQns, and also. in ~o~sideration of '';~:~}~t./ th~fa:ggregate sum named in the prQmissQry note.&. of even date herewith, hereinafter described, the said Mortgago.r do.th grant, bargain, sell, alien, remise, release, convey and co.nfirm unto. the said Mortgagec--, h1,$ heirs and assigns, in fee simple, all that certain tract of land, o.f which the said MortgagQr is no.w seized and PQssessed, and in actual po.ssession, situate ill .L Dade County, State o.f Flo.rida, described as follows: .,..,I:.~ All of Block 23 of OOEAN BEAOH ADDITION Ho~ 3, a subdivision of land according to the pla~ thereof recorded in Plat Book 2, at page 81., of the Pub110 Reoords of Dade Oounty, F1or1da~ .,# ""l~' '" It , , ._ 1 ~" ~ .. "7'~"""'''' ,: .. .' . j ; ~'., .~i,.-,~ , .. :j~!'.i';' !!' ",!) rer: . '''1;,: I ' t~;~:rlJi: l<1! ;\ '.;' r: r. 1.\': '; .\1;;.,\ (~1. ~f;'..~;'~':t~;,.IJ~~" ;!'; ;1'Lr~~~l1 i"j l\ ;'!. ',t ~:~ I f1'~,Hl 1.,\:,10 \ :~{,.i.J,~ ~f n l!.' j (~ ; . .-:. ; f !(j t.,; i~"i: 'It :.'L f\t,t,','t:;Lil ',t \ ::~i1.(~4;. 'I...:lrl1 rl;,i;!>: ~ k ,: ~ ~ i ( " \, ;-'{' \~. 1 j",'1 { P }.'d.i! , HI ;)1\. tt,(-)' ~pf; ~,~x, ti.)! , . ~ ',- ~ '. 'J...~r~J:-l;:.J!L~~ 1(,t)'-d1...ln,(~:" I 4 " '.~~;t ;.f~'>! .an':!tt.{\~Jl'P:::~ - - ~:"~41':. ,:-', ~. .1""1 i.. ':1'1' ::;;'" 1"',,::, n vi~.v-<r:'i:""::'~;;'~.!:"~:'~':-;"'':''~'t~",~-:~:l!~).t~~~. p'!: ..mr~1,f, ,:In>L t;'.'i ,;,),:,: !.::Jl!j PW/j!' p,Li".; P:"'!!': fL'(,:'!;;'" :, .,: ;;!I, j".f(:)f.fti ~f t ..... ...:... ;' ~,'~1 ~f:~"':' ~(; !ill l,ji]!1 . ~ , ~ ; ; ~ I \ ; . 1 j! i ;(" f: J\ iiJh' . ", I' j'1.t ,. ,~ ....,j~! ': n ,\': <: t r ''':':: " ., 1'< , 'i ','~ 1. ;., '.! ! : j 1'~'), !~' )\ " "-!:' :(J ,-:tl\"ll.,j r.:,:-.~:,.; 'i. i':f f il L ~JP':J f :i:'\:q:' if;.;; ......., r i I ( ~; Hi ! (" ,I 'J' f" f.,I" ',I . ,~ -1,; (;,:_;,'. I,. i 1 i ~' (.1 /\' <'.." ~ : ~."J~' , ':.~ !.' ; ~ ' I: . 'j1 , r j!l ,. . '.="':'"..=:::-=;"':';;:?;:;;-=-:-..;;;;;;r;::-~'. -~,:;:-:",::;c:",,_. _ _ .._~"._",."'~.. ~.; , I .,~' :(..: ~",,'/f."~ iiitil" l~'t~ ~'O(,t,." " ;f'," "'1.;..>7'. '",". ~' !:~':, ~'.t~/i "~(,ll; ,'~,i\A~ 'tf:{~~,:~i.: , Jo;".'. ~;i'}"" ~)". ' \,' ,"" ~ ~ .:. ';i ,., .._,.,_(",;'.::,;"/ J' 1",1"'1' l " ) .~ 7-14 PAGE187 ~,~'-~ TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the same together with the tenements, hereditaments and appurte- , " I ,~ nances, unto the said Mortgagee_, and hi S ------1leirs and assigns, in fee simple. AND said Mortgagor, for itself and its successors, legal representatives and assigns, doth cove- nant. with said Mortgagee_, " I. hig heirs, legal representatives and assigns, that said Mort- gagor is indefeasibly seized of said land in fee simple; that the said Mortgagor hath full power and lawful .right to convey said land in fee simple as aforesaid; that it shall be lawful for said Mortgagee_, hiB heirs, legal representatives and assigns, at all times,peaceaplY and quietly . - .. _..:..' to enter upon, hold, occupy and enjoy said land; that said land is free from all incumbrances; that said Mortgagor, its successors and legal representatives, will make such further assurances to per- "'I,l"J'~'~ .~'.....),.... ,.--.:.,..-';..""'..'....,.'<'.'..."...,.-<ll:.~' ........ . "......._..,'^' ,...,~~ ..:.-".. , '.'- feet the fee simple title to said land in said Mortgagee_, hig heirs, legal representatives and assigns, as may reasonably be required; and that said Mortgagor doth hereby fully warrant the title to said land and will defend the same against the' lawful claims of all persons whomsoever, .:, " . PROVIDEO ALWAYS, that if said Mortgagor, its successors, legal representatives or assigm: . ~ shall pay unto the said Mortgagee_, bis -legal representatives or assigns, the certain promissory noteJL, of which the following in words and figures are true cop ieg to-wit:: ,It, .. . Q~. <, "'.'~ . " '1,1 :)' ..".a.. "1'/ .' ,) ']'1:1 ~ "".""1' \'i , " ~~.~ \ "/" I-l,:j-. ~} , . il(ii.',:'," "" t '..~.~~(:.',;,ft(I;I' .~.;i~"jf{~ rn u' '"XH1tf1b!.l ~.'rl;.,)" "P ~.p~rr 1;< 'pH!' ftn(, !.~l i ;.i ~ (.': i". : '.' , "......,. jpl-' ,'I /J,:n: .~:~:.I ";,': :,' (;>,.,~,,,c/ c! :.Jj.~i"'\ )jj,l;; "".)";J '~l.i.1 ;': fJJi;:~r~~~~,("fCtr~" ~:lId ; ,. ". " ':' <'I.': '-r:', F',:iC....,!I..p.~".,;!,,:ir;;i ~;....l'~ t)'.'~ " ,,',. "~" . .'''l'; 'i""'rll'!t1~I'?'r41;t.~irf('I'I~I' trn(!~ rl~'A\-lj,r~!"(";(.M~~'P' 'h'f!_t(' ~\".i' Ii.,' i\l ,/', Ii:" ..., t' .'" ';, . ~~ shall perlorm, comply with and abide by each' and every the stipulations, agreements, ~ondi- ir.'{,,~'.' r,! . ~.. t f " : ~ .' f'~" : ';:-; ':, .,., .: ,',~ .~ 'L:4~'\i'/ . 1t~:~nl";:'t~~)' tions and covenants of said promissory note-B... and of this deed, then this" deed and'the estate here-, ;"'~'t ~; .' ~ by created shall cease and be null and void. :~,.:,~':..~,.~;.:~~;"l, : ", l~. ; ..'g' AND ~he said Mortgagor, for itself and its successors, legal ~ep~esentatives and assign~, hereby .", . !1T-(~'ft,;./']'~ ~".'.':..\ ,....t'-,:J covenant and agree: , "1.' To pay all and singular the principal and interest and other suths of money payable by virtue of said promissory note~ and this deed, or either, promptly on the days respectively the Ii I same severally become due. .....~~._. ~ " -~-="~~"'."~-"... . _~~:'5''';:::;'.-:'-:cF':,;;.:'.-:~''::":,~::.ii_ - ~'."""'.'., :-.-~':;""_:- f" "" '~-': .. .. '" ,,;. &~ '. . .:' -:-,'~ .' t. I, 1Ji".. ,~). ,+1 , .,~ .. :;~~ ~1t~ t{,~, ~~> 1 I '" 'I , I eof ~ 1,. .:'~ -if ;,,: .. >. ~:;.' tJ' 't .. '0 .. . '" ~-''"'' - -. .._--_.-._-~. - 1'.,' .rA~E' ~ 2. To pay all and singular the taxes, assessments" levies, liabilities, obligations and incum- :';:f1'brances of every nature on said described property each and every; and ~fthesame be not promptly , paid the said Mortgagee_, hi B heirs, legal representatives or assigns; may at any time pay the same without waiving or affecting the option to foreclose or any right hereunder, and every '" . j ~ . payment so made shall bear interest from the date thereof at the rate of 1C~ght per cent. per annum. 3. To pay all and singular the costs, charges and expenses, including lawyer's fees, reasonably incurred or paid at any time by said Mortgagee_, hi II heirs, legal representatives or assigns, ,,~,.,~ecause of ~he failure on the part of the said Mortgagor, its successors, legal representatives or , assigns, to perform, comply with and abide by each and every the stipulations, agreements" con- ,,"-',' -'~'ij~~f,:r,~d,~oy~~~m~of sai~ promissory. not~ ~irt4~this~deed;~Qi-j~iJl,~~f;~;~suc~~~~~~~~4;~ 'shall bear'i~terest fro~ date at the rate of 'eight. per cent, per annum. 1,-~/~l{\11''lft,.>'1/: .;'1 'j. " rl: : 4. To keep the buildings now or hereafter on said land insured in a;; sum not :le~,s ~han '" .. Dollars, in a company or companies to pe, apPfovEld ,by \~aid i;;'';<'M~rtgagee_, and the policy or policies held by and . payable to said, M~rtgag~~_, . : , l' h~irs, )""JI' 4':;.W' \10' .. .... '~;" <"~ ~~~~ Ii ":::' d ' legal representatives or assigns, and in the event any sU~of'nlOney becomes payable under'$uch . ' . '. ',. '~',:'2 .. t !' ;'C ~: : policy or policies, the Mortgagee_, "legal re'present~tives or assigns, shall have " .~' ,;~.:\ .. .. r~l !: ," 11 "t,h~ option to receive and apply the same on account ofth,,: indebt~dness,.hereb)fl'!leCure4,or to permit , ; ,'''' I' ^', '" '~l . '.. .~. ... - ; · t~e M9rtgagor to receive and use it, or any part the~~?lf,;~t~r 0,t.~0~"F~W?ses, with?ut .~hereby waiv- ing or impairing any equity, lien or right under or by" virtue of:this mortgage, and may place and .~ ',I ,,~. " ~.! ','~"'., ,t.} ;," pay for such insurance or any part thereof without 'waiving or' affecting: the option to foreclo~e or I . ':' ' '. 1 . ': ,II'> II' ' ' , Ii.) ~, any right-hereunder, and each and every such payment shall bear interest from date at thei'rate "0, 1':"- ';J of per cent. per annum. 5. To commit, permit or suffer no waste, impairment or deterioration of said preperty or any part thereof. 6. To perform, comply with and abide by each and every the stipulations, agreements, condi- tions and covenants in said promissory noteJ and in this deed set forth. '7. If any of said sums of money herein referred to be not promptly and full paid within thirty days next after the same severally become due and'R~ya,ble, or if each ~J;l~. ~Very the stipulations, agreements, conditions and covenants of said PfePli~~o,ry:i note_ and this d~d, or either, are not duly performed, complied with and abided by, the said aggregate'sum mentioned in I \ . ~: ' ' said pro.wiiss~~~~~,~~~:s~a~;f~~cfme due and;~ayable forthwith ~rthereafter at the option of the ~ortg,~~,~~-:-':t;tJ.,9i~.jw hrt:r;~~d~gal representatives or assigns, as 'fully and completely as if the !)'s'aid 'lg.gr:gate(suiiH){~8IX'l'Y' THOUSA.ND - - - - - - noii'arsiwas:originallY stipulated.to ", :/. ',\. ,~\r.,.'('t"',"!~"~,' ,", , , ' ' ';;,be P~~,~.~9I\~ti~~.~~~h "~ni:ln'said promissory' notaL or hereintQ,.the,c.ontrary,notwJthsUl,Jl.qing. .h,,,);.:j){;\\}r:>~J:,~~I,it1&~:.~ .' \ TNESS WHEREOF, the said party of the first part has caused these ".".",',':,~' s.' ,~r;'I'L-<"" 'l!-. H. . KavoI' .i:: "'.~;:":'t:!:,r ~ ...... ".~..~1.r\~\1' ,~-... ,. ~ ~ b. ..' .". ::<~"!~(;.i'i'f.;;:'; ,v?,~::~ 'I";"f{---- ;.':,".! , presents to e s~gned In Its name by It~rmat", )._$.;.~~~",,~;~,~~,:t{~~. .~~~:'. .~, ',I, . ,.j~l:, I~'i', 1 .:'J',: ;i :'I\"~"IU~ l,'~ ,.'::'~:.. : :.~"<..-;,...-,,...:;,~. -j.":C'>~1,,:".':_";""-"'~.'" andits corporate seal to.be affixed, attested by. its ':J;'\\:~caR p I ~rp(jiate< . ' .. ',' . -'"~, :.' ~"',"\' 11 Sea,l')'; 0\ ty 0] .,rk the day and year above written. ~..' .~~.... ."1,, "~'l . '\.:' ." ",' Ii? " Attest: ,I' THE gITY Or14IAlII BEAOH~ i< . ..~~,.. }" I I I B!~ . ..)l:"~~." i.......'... ., " ~I '. OR:-,~. '''",'''',.': ,,\ .. l I .,.... 0' ./ ...; ./ 'v "\" ~ ~ ~~ .~ :i/-\ ;': .'.._. .'" '-" '. ..-::~:-=.:-.~:,::-::~..~ . ~ \. I . ~ , ~'\ \ '. , ,'A '1 \. " ..~=........-==- , -.,I -j' ~ ',J. " r , "~I ,,.,'j":; ~'.l,Ji 'i(~r1J~';H~,-; ilL ; ~Yr. .:: " ".,.,' "'. , ::'~":ih~',' 'cJ "', \, .; I~' \ ''#k ,(i~~,,~;),}V.; ,)j{j; i d :~ ::'::,"'.11 ,;r,.;:~.;J l~:l.~._. /'..J....1:~L:l'.[r)I~'i:;.i;~~;: 'I.-r,;!;i:nq . ." ~,..'~, -.', 1 " ' :!~.~;:"'-.I" :.~~1"~ ~ . , , ,;: <'J ~-,,;;j .."nitl',' '&;I) '!'WWf' i'J\).u~1'i)."6' ," ,,-,;..,~ ,'; :~./.;.':\{,' '",v;I~~,:<" "," . :! f, iff H, , ., lli11,;i#! fJf~'~~": ,tJr~~.i'l~'-Vr '" .\,''.;t' /.J.;ti"i"""!'~';"~ \..: i ,-"I.I '! J,hiiin~~: tl~''If;' Ii i .t- ' '\~::r,:u:;~~r: ;;. '~i~~:,:',:;~J,:~ I \"~,r':;Li,. ;,:, ..,:d~irii~" '. ." ,.r ' :4.',' 'J. .'." '~'~,;,";:~\r' ~ (I " j }\Q !~'I~ If t ~9-' ~;IOO:,' ''';<J;lf.;;,!j~?r.f::'i,I~~) ;:. ,'!;Y.,,~ 'I .'r', ., . '{t i!:r>'~':;rJ ,.~:~:;':}' 1 :~:.< t '(i",t~/'~J i}i) . .')))'i " I , 'J .,.,~__~r~ . ~ \ \ i ~ ~~ ~ . '.J ;. t.'.. "'.,:," ~i\; " ~"ff ., ,~,""t :.4.. .... '<.d rj~ -'"'1.".'.; Q,,< r" 'r~' ~' il.' ',._ _..,,~ ','<1. .......,...." , '" c: ','-1itlt; 'wh.~' '.$1 r.l ~ ", ~ 8- ;j h ~ 1) . gt.~. 10< t:ftU +-t ~ $.,. '"' =~ 't!i i:.i ,., I' ' " 'I -- "1' :":1:, ,I ,. J' . 1 jOlT tal! ~ ' , . ,...} .-' cv:> o C'\l ~ W (, '/ III . 0, < ~';" ~ ~ I I I' I I LU-' z:: >- 5 en as i u.. I::> -'.~ ~: 11 , ,= lJL. . -:.! '~ ,-.. ,; - :et' .:.:C ~ ;! .j L ':_. . ~ 'iVd.lJ,a t~;;;.. I",. "'1 . , ., ~ I.:;,., f"._ '.{," :\,i~ ./.' i .'\,\'~'I I' ~ ~,~.....,..,?, l\":,4,,~I!"''::'l'1'~ ..~ ''''',.'_ "~-'H.~"T")""\:. ~ ,.,.., .; t.' ~ '. --;.... ~ .... , . >; '.,.,,:'T.~-:: '.r,'" to:.......'-," '. ",\. . I; .ii.",i.~.) ': ~ {.';~l;,I~L) Ii'. . , \ I,:'"' .' ';](l.lX .' ;,[ I i'..' 1,--./ " ".ld ~<..:Jr.;t)l; / 'to "'rn t;,.,' "COUNTY OF ~--DADE..._.._---,---.":" "' ,-' I I. " t . . '. J ,'" .lSTATE'OF FLORIDA )1"1 i!'.; ii',l(,,. Ji,j'.".' ,:fl'ljiiJlr I;:; ,,:l qt . j' i. ~: ,iti .' If"} .h",((~-~r,"i I '~,! )'- ,'I "'. ,,~,,",,_:.f..:.' I, an officer authorized to take acknowkdgments of deeds according to the'lav{s ofthe'Stilte ". ~IJ J;I:: ,,;' ',i. i ;,., ,: ",')',(1 P, ..... (~" ,', ':'1"".;' ,,' Iii'," ..'. ro.f. F. lorida, q.uly.qualified and acting, HEREBY CE~1.. TIFY that.. LOU~S F ~. 'eNlCDIG~. '. .... '.".... .. .,yr~. :')' 'cl,',, I, 1, '11;;illayor1';andLOity Olerk'.\}t;... .. (and;' a~ 1f~. TO:u:r.IHSON . . ,(r~~I?,ect~y'qlya~m~~~~~o&~ ,.:.,. ,~ -r ~:JfHlCOITY OF KIAllI BEA.OH, a munioipal oo~ora.tion'il:'" " , 'r . " ,. . . . . " ' 'i..,~,\"""'",::~,,,~, "'.,,,,~~.~~..~:.~!2,:_;--~"f' . J.. ,,,; t).ftZij i; . v, :;::, , ;c .~..:..... ' to me personally known, this day a..c!ino.wledg~<!;.be'f9re me...1~at .. "', .m'~~Jt.:, !! ' .. .~ "-, ':::"" ." ) .... -they executed the foregoing mortgage as such officers of said corporation; and tliat they affixed ,J&:t, J\ ! ,~r;l ;,:, ' . ,"- ~~'t;;'!~~r~g~:.~.t~~iCial, seal of said cOrr9rati?Il; and .1 ~~RTHER CE~r:~Fr..t}latqi-~~9w the said .; t)~~~~~~?&J~~~Yf smd;,acknowledgment-;-: to be the mdlvlduaLB. descnb~? m,a~~:~?,:...~:::cuted the :."," . ...., --:. "/ ' '. ,.... , ~ ,>' ,.......... '. ',,~ ....:~ sa.:ldfl~:.r:!g,a~e.x;; '. :'.! ;-"[,, Ii;::;':;'!'\' ,~ ..~~~.~'~i> ~';~i~/,.i:.,(81~:~> ' . ',:y:!'1;'!'~.IIN' ITNESS WHEREOF, I hereunto set my hand and official. seal. at Uiem1 Beaoh ~' ., .'. ." '. J" " "'\ ,~.,'F,:,;~;"; ~ · J<' .')\:"\..'" ' $.~';"." . :~~-State, this 18th . day of June At R' 192-.tL.. i,~"t"'Ot , ~"'\. .. "fl'.' ;~';;'(lj~ expire, /.1 ( 0 192-'1-, U' ..' , , ~~':' \ ./... i ' I Notary Public, State of Flo \.~~. .81....." ~ ' ":'L'O'~~~~: FILE - -2::1.,/-,1..2:_' AT /), r-a " 0 ,...... A 7 1~.t._',.J.."-4..,O OlOOf6.I::M , , ,NG;:'~~2~~7lgci~f' DADE COUNty, ~tlY'4nA 'II'" - ...I.t....".'; Cl" .~. U" r ,,~ .f. (. l.,J ~.. ,..,..., 'oJ I I \