#951 Record Book of Deeds, Easements, etc, 1928-1949 r tl':;':''o. . 0.....~ /()' I I" - ~ \ ~, h. ,\ - , """,'f~~:C co{ .t"~<';d. I R-4 PROPERTY OWNED BY~~~ CITY OF MIAMI BEACH .~.~ ... FILE -~... ~ JI/ LOT ~~ ''''"" SIT E) 10, BLOCK 11, OCEAN BEA~,a.ADDITION NO.1. (OLD CITY HALL . .. ,;.."""...... J 2~ LOT ~ (OLD CITY HALL SI'l'E) 11, BLOCK 11, OCEAN BEAQ&ADDITION NO.1. I 3'" ~OT 14, BLOCK 69, OCEAN BEACH ADDITION NO.3. ( 11 th ST REET PUY.FING STA'l'ION) J 4~ /' BLOCK LOTS 15 & 16, 69, OCEAN BEACH ADDITION NO.3 II " " J 5 ,..,: . LOT S 10 & 11, BLOCK 53, OCEAN BEACH ADDITION NO.3 (POLICE HEADQUARTERS AND JAIL) ". / 16_1_ LOT 13, BLOCK 21, AMENDED PLAT GOLF COURSE SUBDIVISION~(NORrH WA'l'ER TOWER) ./' J6_2~Sat16factlon of Mortgage from Alton Beach Realty Company, Minute Book 9, Page 410. J7~A PIECE OF ~ND 59' by 19O' located in BLOCK 3 OF THE MIAMI BEACHAJj~ IMPROVEMENT COMPANY'S OCEAN FRONT PROP~TY. (LIBERTY AVENUE FlRE/Fc STATION) 0 l..J I I c; v' ./ (l Lj-IC-':. I 19~BLOCK 79, OCEAN BEACH ADDITION NO.3. (SOUTH WATER TOWER) 19.~LOCK .tB, OCEAN BEACH ADDITION NO.3. (NEW CITY HALL SITE) ~ Pri-6t-o~p~ea""Se -of Re~6trrctlons-as-t'0251-B'\:l"1-1d:tftg. tine-in-tnl'"8Sub<11V1sion.....on Lots 7",8'-9--&-10,. Brock --5-r.,1l I ~ 10~ Lo'rs 43 '1'0 47 INCLUSIVE &-LOTS~48-A, 49-B and 50-C, BLOCK 111~. 4 OCEAN BEACH ADDITION NO.3. (MUNICIPAL DOCK AND CITY GARAGE ~ ~ PROPERTY) , -~ 10~A LOT 42, Block Ill, Ocean Beach Add1tion No. 3~i (1) Order_authC2.r1z1ng~p.~e__of th1,ll 10!- (2) Op~n of Abstract of tl tIe (3r A'66tract of Tftle- " , ,- ~~~ ,,' ....:... *""-..- ~_ _ __ ':"~l""''''''~''..'''''~ ... A~~. '... ~, ,"'...... ~.....~' -tJiL "':. _...i.1..r:'::":~';' ~ r , r0 I .~ -- ~ ( ) ~~., @ I :r { 1/1 Pd PROPERTY OWNED BY THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH >;f" PARKS: , 11~1-- ALTON ROAD AND 20th. STREET // (~~ ~-e/~- -4.{.2,k/~ J -2' ALTON ROAD AND 50th STREET J -3' ALTON ROAD AND ~,3rd STREET .. -4# 41st s'rREET & PINE 'rREE DRIVE .. -5- PALM ISLAND · -6-' PARK ON INDIAN CREEK SUBDN \/' v"" ~ "12/ COLLINS PARK PROPERTY (SEE DEED FOR DESCRIPTION) ALSO: SPECIAL AGREEMENT, DATED JULY 31, 1930 ( QUIT-OLAIM DEED FROM OITY OF MIAMI to M.B.lmp.Oo.) ~ ... 13- LUMMUS PARK PROPERTY - ,........ (SEE DEED FOR DESCRIPTION NEW ~_ c... I "r II .J I . ~ ' ., ~ ..1-.. t..e... 14~ FLAMINGO PARK PROPERTY (SEE DEED FOR DESCRIPTION }~ ;j~~:;- b.~. I-n). 1"'3 - '3* I (LOTS 9, 10, 11 and 12, BLOCK S, OCEAN BEACH) , 15~WASHINGTON PARK , 16_ ~f-LOT J OF 'rHE MIAMI BEACH IN~ROVEMENT CO'S OCEAN FRONT PROPERTY ... 17~ MUNICIPAL GOLF COURSE (SEE DEED FOR DESCRIPTION) Consent of Alton Beach Realty Company and the Mlaml Improvement Company to the erection of power 11ne by Power & Light Company on the Munlclpal Golf Course. Beach Florlda ......--- .. . 18~LOT 18, BLOCK 36, MIAMI BEACH IMPROVEMENT COMPANY'S~OCEAN, FRONT PROPERTY ( 41st_STREET BRIDGE APPROACH) ~~~~~~ ,,~ . .J~ Jf7-ltP J -:tA~YF~h1~ -~LOT 7, BLOCK 4, FLAMINGO TERRACE ADDITION (See Dedlcatlon Deeds - Pancoast Lake Foot Brld e o~ for ~lghway Purposes) ~. '-Il-//J fH: - 7~~(~'Z.' p) , /' ~ 19-~ LOTS 1,2, and) of BLOC~ 114, 06EAN BEACH DN. #4 (Deed & Abstract '/ . -2-/LOTS 4 and 5 of BLOCK 114, OCEAN BEACH ADDN. #4 (Deed & Abstra,ct) " -3~LOTS 6, 7 and 8, BLOCK 114, OCEAN BEAOH ADDN. #4 (Deed) ~ra'O't- q( ... rlfi a. II. R. ef-f-i~cfO ..It_fLOTS 7 am S, Blk.112,O.B.#4 and PIER PROPERTY lJ: )~{t~7~.J1 -n 2., 3 V, \l ~ tt rr 2-.. '< t.P:)iJ~ ?/7 /~ ~ ~I. '4_ of ... u- - . . _ 1 ~~. '. (I ""L..- ." ._ LV_~ ''''L.lu.../~, . "........,'~" . ,.j,i._. oJ __ _ .-.. -- " ~\ ~ .. i I \ , I ~ \,..,-. 1 o ~ ....:- i 1 . -- t.') ) 'J \ . \) ~) PROPERTY OWNED BY THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH .~.:' ....~ '20-1 LOT 11, BLOCK 78, OCEAN BEACH ADDN. #3 ~ \., ,1\, .,,>.~I (Deed and AbBtra:t) . I I ( . ( , -2.:LOTt 14., BLOCK 7~, OCEAN BEACH -ADDN. #3 \ -3- Lo'r 13, BLOCK 78, OCEAN BEACH ADDN #3 (Oplnlon of tltle;. 1 Warranty deed to Anna L. Sanders ~nd Warranty deed to Clty of Mlaml.Beach; also abstract of tltle . ~., " 21-1- BLOc~tIJllt A'rLANTIC HEIGH'rS SUBDN. (Deed and Abstract) " , 21-2:;;;F;.1), 'f9 LO-, ~OAD OUTLOT FR.QM' ALT)ON BEACH REAL'rY CO. (~ ~ ?d:Z;1~ cd" ~ ~ , 21-3~ARRAKTY DEED FROM MORTIMER C. GRYZMISH - NORTH NORMANDY ISLE GOLF COURSE- Dated May 8th, 1937, Recorded in Deed book 1804 at Page 64, Public hecords of Dade County, Fla. " 21-4 ~ LOTS 30 and 32, in Block 1 of Second Ocean Front Subdn. Purchased trom Estate of Jol:}.n v. Rltts. Recorded ln Deed Book 1974 at Page 4g4, Public Records of Dade County, Fla. Satisfaction of Mortages on Lots 30 and 32,Blk.l. ........... LOT 39, BLOCK 4, Commercial Subdivls10n of Harbor Terminal (property upon which water tower is located) see Easements PeninsUba Termlnal Co~ File 25-2S) 2l-5-V W~JTY'DEED to MEMORIAL ISLAND (Also Flagler Memorlal Isl.) glveI1 to Clty by Alton Beac~ Realty Company 21-6 ~ SOUTH PORTION OF LOT 45, BLOCK g~, NAUTILUS ADDITION, Deed - Abstract and Oplnion of tltle. 4/7/39 -/ _ . s.// . . 21-7 _ WARRANTY-DEED- and ABSTRACT -:for~~:('4 acres at south end of Polo Fields, purchased from M.B.Bay Shore Co. 21-g .- TAX DEED to Private Park North of Brldge Road, Belle Isle 21-9 - SURFSIDE PARK (ALSO KNOWN AS Biscayne Bay House of Refugee) , Quit-claim Deed from the Navy to Paul Smith CO.jSpecial Warranty Deed from pul Smith Co.to City of Miami Beach. \also documents as to history of this tract) ---' -- - ~ - - / ----- --- ------- ---- - .,.. ;..... ~.,. '1P ~) 21-10 - North 13 feet of Lot 1 in Block 19, Ocean Beach Additlon No. 2 - From Dale Corporation, deed dated June 9th, 1941 - for widenlng of 14th Lane. ........... -~ 21-11-- Warranty Deed from Miami Beach HosPital Inc to City of Miami B~ach - Lots 23,24 and 25: Blk: 2, Fleetwood Subdivislon, dated May 2'lst 1942' also Lot 26, Block 2, Fleetwood, deed dated Jan. 20, 1944 21~12 - Warranty Deed Oovering Easterly ten' feet of Lot 12 Block I, Harding Townsite. (Jacob Chaves and Esthe; Chaves hls wife -deed to City. See minutes g/6/41. 21-13 -- 21-14-.... Warranty Deed covering Private Park, Belle Isle, lylng south of and adjoinlng Bridge Road. Dated Feb. 27, 1940. Warranty Deed coverlng Lot 42, Block Ill, Ocean Beach _ Addltion No.3. (also Quitclaim deed from Nellle Stuart as to same property) 21-15 - Warranty Deed coverlng tract of land lylng between East and West Drives on Star Island. Accepted by Councl1 May 5, 1943. , , 21-16 - WARRANTY DEED MILTON S. PLOTKE, IRENE D. PLOTKE, HENRY WAGNER AND ANN WAGNER, MAX KERNER AND FLORA KERNER TO CITY OF MIAMI BEACH COVERING BAY SHORE GOLF COtJRSE also Quit Claim Deed, M. B. Improvement Co. to M. B. Bay Shore Co. on Bay Shore Golf Course ~-:r 21-17 'WARRANTY DEED, DOROTHY EVANS TO CITY OF MIAMI BEACH covering Lot 17, Block 111, Ocean Beach Add. #3, also Mortgage Deed Dorothy Evans to E. H. Darrach 21-lg .. SPECIAL WARRANTY DEED, OCEAN BEACH REALTY CO. TO CITY. SPECIAL WARRANTY DEED, SMITH COMPANY TO CITY . coverlng Biscayne Street and First stre~t portions of Pier Park 21-19 ~ Warranty Deed Frank E. Richmond and wlfe to City of Mlaml Beach on Lot. "AU, Di Lido Island _ also Qult Claim deed Sea~Bay Corporation to Frank E. Richmond Qn same prope~ty 21-20 -WARRANTY DEED - PLACER DEVELOPMENT CORP. TO CITY covering submerged land lylng north of Di Lldo Island - also Quit Claim Deed Hurt to Placer Develop- ment Corp. lr~ :~ ,. I - ..... ~ .- ~ J"" '-.. .. ~ \.- j" ~ )/- '- .' -- ----- ~ ~!) PROPERTY OWNED BY CITY OF MIAMI BEACH 21-2~ WARRANTY DEED - HELEN HORNER CUTTEN to CITY OF MIAMI BEACH coverlng Lot 2,. Block 35, GOLF COURSE SUB. dated Feb. 11, 1941 ~/- 2 "'- Wa>vr-~ fku;- ~ 'tJi., _ f ~ . ~ c;;., . (~ --(;;!~ ~ ~~. 7:?Q~~ ~ i:k 7 <t- g / ~ "3~) -p~ (/~ - ~ fJ;Jata /o~ Itfl.f6 21-'Z~ 'W~ ~-~. e.~ ~.~ ~J tc~ ~ 'ffh~ ~ ~ ~'.. 'JGj + 20;1 ~ . 3f?J ~~ V~ - cR.aiAI fh~ 8) /614f:, 1.. /_ 24"~ 9~- J)J.t. ~ ~. ~ ~ ~ Ct; ~ &:?J.,. 22) ~ '-I) ~ ~. 7t:q._ ~ tkJ-. /4)161'16 .- I I I I \. r '0 , t9 r , PROPERTY OWNED BY CITY OF MIAMI BEACH I' :) (('~ I 35-1 LOT PROPERTY ACQUIRED BY SPECIAL MASTER'S DEEDS G>~~ 12, BLOCK 7g, OCEAN BEACH #3 (Specla.1 Master's Deed) 1I~1 .... 4, BLOCK 12, ISLAND VIEW. (~ ~)" ~~ A-a.(~ -2 LOT -r- -3 - 4Q:..l~4J ~LOC~~2, ..QQ$AN .BEA~ SUB. 'I ~~ U> ~.~ lA4 ~, ''Ill' +- -4 - LOTS 1, 2, 3 & 4, WHITE & WOODWARDS RESUB. OF Ocean Bea.ch Addn No.3 ( Speclal Master's II 'I LOTS 5 & 6, BLK.I03 Deed.) ...t- -5-' LOT 14, BLOCK 9, OCEAN BEACH SUBDN. (Speclal Master's Deed) + -6 _ LOT 15, BLOCK 9, OCEAN BEACH SUBDN. II .1 .1 Strlp of land 30 feet wlde and marked "Bridle Path,I, adjacent to and lylng Bast of Lot 2 and South 18-3/4 feet of Lot 3, Block 35, Amended Plat of Golf Course Subdn., recorded in Plat Book 6, Page 26, Public Records of Dade County, Florlda. (Speclal Master's Deed) ;l .-g-.LOT 16, BLOCK 3 OF PENINSULA TEm~INAL COMPANY'S CO~~ERcIAL SUBDN. OF ,Harbor Terminal (Special Master's Deed) ~;;;'7- / 1-- -9 - Lots 26 and 27 of Block 4; Lot 11, Block 6; Lots 21 and 22 of Block 7, all of Peninsula Termlnal Co.'s Commerclal Subdlvlsion of Harbor Termlnal.,_recorded ln Plat Book 23, Page 67, Pub11c Records of Dade County, Fla. (Special Master's Deed) PROPERTY ACQUIRED THRU MURPHY ACT ~3- /-- All of Rivo Alto not-included ln Lots ~d Blocks, Rlvo Alto, (with the exceptlon of Venetian Way) ~ r BRIDGES OWNED BY THi CITY OF MIAMI BEACH ~ ~. 1 ~-~ - FILE .1 3\)-1- 23 RD ST REI!,"T BRIDGE OVER COLLINS CANAL , -2 ~ WEST 63RD STREE'r BRIDGE OVER EAST CHANNEL OF INDIAN CREEK .. -3- WEST 41ST STREET BRIDGE OVER BISCAYNE WATERWAY .e i.4 - ALTON ROAD OVER SURPRISE WATERWAY -.I -5'" AL'110N ROAD BRIDGE OVER BISCAYNE WATERWAY J -6 -WEST 47TH STREET BRIDGE OVER BISCAYNE WATERWAY l-7 - WEST 63RD STREET BRIDGE OVER WEST CHANNEL OF INDIAN CREEK I \ I J _8 ~PINE TREE DRIVE BRIDGE OVER FLAMINGO WATERWAY lS ])]) '-9 - PALM & HIBISCUS ISLANDS BRIDGES r 3D ,) -l~ NORMANDY BEA CH BRIDGE ACROSS INDIAN CREEK AT 71ST STREET .. -ll~ TRACT .tA" OF FIRST ADDITION TO COMMERCIAL SUBDIVISION OF THE ALTON BEACH REALTY COMPANY - ABUTTING ON COLLINS CANAL AT ALTON ROAD. ~ -12- SHERIDAN AVENUE BRIDGE OVER LA GORCE CANAL (Deeded back to Mlaml Beach Bay Shore Company 6-28-27) y)> ..I -13 _ STAR ISLAND BRIDGE i ~ t \S; ;yJJ i -14 -PANCOAS'f LAKE FOOT BRIDGE. (Buil t orlglnal1Y by Clty easement from' M.B~Improvement. Co; ),; - r ...... -1 r" BRIDGES BUILT BY THE CITY OF MIMfiI BEACH s- I .j ALTON ROAD BRIDGE OVER COLLINS CANAL t MERIDIAN A VENUE BRIDGE OVER COLLINS CANAL .. WASHINGTON AVENUE BRIDGE OVER COLLINS CANAL ..I 47TH STREET BRIDGE (New and Old) .) LAKE PANCOAST FOOT BRIDGE .. 63RD STREET BRIDGE ~ NEW STAR ISLAND BRIDGE j NEW 63RD s'rREET BRIDGE \~ ! ~ tr \ '~ L ..._---~- - _.~ . -- -- J I I , , 93~ -~ 2eth STREET PUMPING STATION. (Perpetual easement;) d , , , '(Executed ,by MIAMI BEACH IMPROVIDAENT COMPANY) -. ". ..- . ; PROPERTY LEASES <Z 17 I ~" fJ - i ,I . \,s (Lease filed in Sectional File of Deeds, etc.) \ ~' MIAMI BEACH GOLF COURSE (3 Years) I EXECUTED BY ALTON BEACH REALTY CO., MIAMI BAY SHORE COMPANY, MIM~I BEACH GOLF CLUB, I MIAMI BEACH IMPROVEMENT COMPANY. (~ease filed with Minute Data of June 8th, (~~~.~ - ~'cR~;L- 3d BEACH AND I 1927. ,) 7) , FLAMINGO GOLF COURSE (For P~rk Purposes only) EXECUTED BY MIAMI OCEAN VIEW COMPANY AND ALTON ~A~~' , BEACH 'REALTY COMPANY. I r '--...-.,,-. '(Lease filed with Minute Data of December 22, 1926) (~ fi/~.-~-~ I6~LP:--U if/) 1 ~ ..... .... PLAYGROUND - SECOND STREET AND WASHINGTON AVENUE (3 Years) I ' EXECUTED BY J. G . NAGENGAST . " ,(Lease filed with Minute Data of August 8, 1928) I ~ r~1- k.' ,~-~i&. -IV' I, : . ........;.;;;.lIioo ........ 1 I I I I Ie q, -- ~ SIDEWALK DEDICATION DEEDS (DADE BOULEVARD) (See Envelope #29, 3ectlonal Flle) u,:, Minute Book Page ...1"\ ~ "" rf _"" ~ ""_______ ~~ n T f1_.........___"'. , "7" .-- . ft 'lll i'!' ( r (' \.J \ I b , 1___.... l ......... Ie C1, SIDEWALK DEDICATION DEEDS (DADE BOULEVARD) (See Envelope #29- 1 3ect lonal Fl1e) 1/;-' 1.-'-1, Minute Book Page ./ 29,-:1- s. 5' ~f Munlcipal Golf Course, M.B.I. Company. 9 134 I '-2"- N. 5' of Bay Shore Golf Course, M.B.Bay Shore Co. 9 134 / -3- S. 5' of Lot 2, Block 11, Island Vlew --'--. 9 347 .I -4- S. 5' of Lot 3, Block 11, Island V1ew~ 9 356 , .I' -5- S. 5' of Lot 10, Block 11, Island View .l- 9 381 V' -6- S. 5' of Lot 11, Block 11, Island Vlew -l 9 381 II -4- S. 5' of Lot 12, Block 11, Island V1ew+ 9 347 V - s. 5' of Lot 13, Block 11, Island VleVl ~ ~ %/8/'17 I -7- s. 5' of Lot 1, Block 11, Island Vlew - 9 391 .J STREET WIDENING DEDICATION DEEDS (FIFTH STREET) Sae Envelope #40, Sectional File I j Lot g, Block ~g, Ocean Beach Addition NIO. 3. E. 40' of W. 107.5', Lot 1, Block ~9, ft n Lot 1, Block 56, Ocean Beach Addition No.'3. Lot 12 Block 56 ft n .. In " , .J Lot g, Block 57, .. n ft I" Lot 9, Block 57, n " ft I" w. 40' Lot g, Block 7~, ft n I" E.1OO' Lot g, Block 7~, n It ,I II n y w. 50' Lot 9, Block 7~, n ., In" n t/ E. 90' Lot 9-, Block 7~," It ,n " v If 10, Block 7~, ft n I 'I ft ./ .. 11, Block 7~, ft n ': .. 10' Lot 1, Block 75, Ocean n " 1ft 10' W. 50' Lot 12, Block 75," n 'I: 10' E. 90' Lot 12, Block 75, n n 10' Lot 1, Block g3" Ocean n If " 10' Lot 12, Block g3, Ocean n .. n 10' Lot g, Block g4, Ocean" " n 10' Lot 9, Block g~, ft ft a 1ft ft ./ 10' Lot 6, MCGuire's Resub. of Lots 6, 7, g, 9, 10 & 11, Block 9g, Ocean Beach ~dd1- tion No.3. : 7 n n n n .. It I. , I g, " It ft If If " IIf 40 111-' ~t:::::: I:. · I 40 16-N. 10' w. 50' Lot 1, Block 99, Ocean Beach Add!'n ~o. 3. j 40 1 i_If. 10' w. 50' of E. 100' Lot 1, Block 99, "j ,n .. I 40 19- N. 10' E. 50' Lot 1, Block 99, Ocean Beach Add'n No.3. 0 ,409.9,'-N. 10' Lot 1, George W. Mussett's Resub. of Lots 9, 1'0, I 11 & 12, Block 99, Ocean Beach Add'n ~o. 3.v 40 201- N. 10' Lot 2, If " It n n If IIf ~ 'j . vi, 40 211 - N. 10' Lot ~ If n ' " " n " in iii,' ~ V I 140 ' , II " "n I 22 ... N. 10' Lot , " " .. i I v 140 231,' N. 10' ~Lot. 5, _ _ "..... "_" " " " I" n ~,/ , 40 241 - N . 10' Lot 6, " n ~ n.." ".. n i" II ~ ./ I 40 25~"'N. 10' ~ot 1, Block 103, Ocean Beach Ada1t1on NO.3. v I 40 2~-N. 10' Lot g, Block 103, n " n I" " v j 40 27, -B. -10' w. 50' Lot g, Block 104," " ," n v : 40 2g.> S. 10' W. 50' of E. 100' Lot g Block 10~ '" I" V , 40 29i'" S. 10' E. 50' Lot g, Block 10~: Ocean Beach Adh'n" No. 3./v , 40 30,.... S. 10' Lot 9, Block 104, Ocea.n Beach Addi t10n NO.3. .; ~.;.. lid 33 ~ N. 10' W. 67.35' Lot 1, Block 49, Odean Beach A~d' n No 3.J /40'3]......S. 20' Lot 6, Block 2, Friedman & Cope's Subd:i!vis,ion'/ i I ,,'- S. 20' Lot 6,. Block 3, " "" ," ./ ~40 32" s. 20' Lot 7 Block 2 II "II 11,/ , , l -=-; } J40 1 ~ '-"40 2 J40 3 403 404- , 40 4-.,.. '40 5 406 407 40g 8. 10' N. 10' N. 10' N. 10' 8. 10' S. 10' S.' 10' 8. 10' S. 10' S. 10' .. y 40 3 t N. 40 9 I N. 40 110t....W. 40 13 N. 40 Ill..... N. 40 12..-'8. 40 13/S. I .<40 llf- S. " ~I v \. "'-- ~ ~ .-.-1. f()., \() l1 II J . I d I u ~ , , j (?3\\' STREET DEDICATIONS ~ STAR ISLAND (Bridge Road, East, Drive, West Drive I I ~ .. 41 1-1- Lot 1, Star Island ; ..J) 41 1..,. It 2 It It ~ 41 2.... If 3 ~; If If I 41 1~ If 4 It It , 41 3- If 5 t If II 41 1~ If 6, If 141 l~ II 7; If 41 1.-; "g, If ~ 41 1~ If 9 If .41 1.... If 10: If 41 4' If 11, If 41 1... If 12, .. '41 1... If 13;' If v41 1__ If 14, If v41 1~ If 15, If 41 1..-4 If 16 If , 41 5 ~ If 17, If 41 1 It 19'= It .,.. t 41 1- If 19, ;4111.., If 20, .;41 6- If 21 , I .. 41 6 _ If 22 t '.-.. 41 7--- " 23 \ ~ .J ) 41 7 -Nt 24: f'--.......-/ '41 g- st 24 41 g~1f 25: v 41 g..J-rl.n 26, \ 41 9" " 27,< 41 9"" " 2g; 41 10-' If 29, 41 11-" 29, 41 12- If 30, 41 13 _If 31, .41 1rNt 32, ,41 111-- si 32, 41 l~.t 33, 41 15- If 34, 41 16-" 35, 41 1l-" 36, 41 18.-" 37, 41 19-" 3g, '41 1~-" 39, ..41 20-" 40 ,41 20 - II 41' r , i t) , -.41, 21~" 42, l \,41 22 -If 42 ~ 41 1- If 43' 41 1- "44' t 41 1.... If 45 " 41 6- If 46' If , 3Q-~J-Star Island Bridge l.._ If It If If If If It It II If If II II II If " It If It If a If If .. II If " .. " " " " If If If If " If If II If If If It II If II If II If II' II " " " n If It It " If If II If II If " If If It It " " " If m_ I I Miami Ocean View Company ~ / II II II It ;/ William T. & Beth B. Grant Miami Ocean Vi ew Company / John J. & Mary G. Coyle .; Miami Ocean View Company t ./ It If - If II: ..; I ./ I' ./ John H.Ware, Jr. & Clara .Edwards r Ware ,.)," Miami Ocean View Company ./ II It " It I II If It "I .; If If II " I "/ v~ ~ I Ray & Luella J. Rushton ./ Miami Ocean View Company If It " It ./ II n It It I E. H. R. & Mabel H. Green .; If It If If / ~ '/ It " " If " II II .. " It .. If If If II Howard & Mabel R. Young If It n II Webb Jay II If ~ / II II ) Calvin P. & Irma B. Bentley..) " If If a '..) James F. & G1a.dys Mathews :r First Trust & Savings Bank (M(!)rtgagee) Charles A. & Lillian O. Krick1 / C. R. & Carolyn Dashiell r./ II II II, J ~ Julio & Willow Dean Sanchez ,j ---Emilio & Estrella Fde Sanchez ~ Ida M. Sherman / I First Trust & Savings' Bank (Trustee) / R. S. & Laura L. F.hoads I ./ II If " I v' The Allison Realty Company I,J' "" "I I v' J. W. & Modesta Ann Poph~ I I John J. & Mary G. Coyle (Mortgagees)~ Miami Ocean Vi ew Company ~ II " It " II Vi If If ~II If JI E. H. R.., & Mabel H. a.,en II . a .J..YI1 Miami. Ocean Vi ew Company 'I l/'i . , 1'1 ._ West End, Incorporated If It II I \. .1 - -. ~..---.. r ~.~v\ I , STREET WIDENING DEDICATION DEEDS ('rVlENTY-THIRD sIr REET ) l~ (See Envelope #42, Sectlonal Fl1e) 42-1... N. 10' Lot 1, Block. 1, M.B.I.Co., Ocean Front Property. I -1- N. 10' Lot 3, Block 1, M.B.I.Co., / -2__ N. 10' II 5, " 1 v' -3- N. 10' It 9, /I 1 ./ _J~ - N. 10' " 7, /I 1 / -1- N. 10' Lot 1, Block 2 II " " " /I /I / -1- N. la' Lot 3, II 2 ( -5- N. 10' Lot 5, /I 2 .; -l~ N. la' Lot 9, II 2 ./ -1." N. 10' Lot 11, II 2 / -6 ,... N. la' Lot 7, It 2 vi -7'- s. la' Lot 1, Block 3 II /I /I .1 /I / -7"- S. 10' of the east 35' of Lot 2 / I - -8 ... S. 10' Lot 6, Block 3 v 12J -9- s. 10' Lot 7, Block 3 / -9- S. 10' Lot 8, Block 3 ,J I I -9- S. la' of East 39' Lot 9' Block 3 ./ -10"- S. la' of West 6' Lot 9, Block 3 ./ -lo.-a- s. 10' of Lot 10, Block 3 I -11- s. la' of Lot s 4 & 5, Block 3 / -1~ N. 10' of N. 20' of N. 80' of. Block "I", Ocean Front pr'Y"rty./ -13- N. 10' of Lot 11, Block 3 t \ ~ r; \ IJ l ~- - -.. -~ -~...-- - ...J r ~\31 Dr<. h/~ STREET WIDENING DEDICATION DEEDS (OCEAN DIRVE }"".... (See Envelope 43, Sectlonal Fl1e) I l~ 43-1- E. 15 ' Lot 1, Block 2, Ocean Beach Subdlvlslon -2 - E. 15' '1 2, II 2 - 3 ---- E. 15 ' .1 3, '1 2 -4 ....... E. 15' .. 4, .. 2 -5 - E. 15' II 5, .. 2 -6 - E. 15' .. 6, II 2 -7 - E. 15' '1 7, .. 2 -8 ." E. 15' .. 8, .. 2 -9 " E. 15' Let 1, Bleck 3 .1 II II -9 - E. 15' II II 2, 3 -9 ' E. 15' .1 3, .. 3 -10_ E. 15' .. 4, II 3 -11 - E. 15' II 5, '1 3 -12 - E. 15' I! 6, 'I 3 I~ ! .... J II ---/ -13- E. 15' Lot 1, Block 4 II .. -14 - E. 15' II II 4 .... 2, -15 - E. 15' .1 3, 'I 4 -16 - E. 15' " 5, II 4 -17 - E. 15' II 6, II 4 -18 - E. 12' il 7, II 4 -19 - E. 15' II 8, II 4 -20 --E. 15' Lot 1, Block 5 II .. II -21- E. 15' .. 2, .1 5 -22 - E. 15' .1 3, " 5 -23 - E. 15' 11 4, '1 5 -24 - E. 15' 'I 5, '1 5 -25 -E. 15'. '1 6, II 5 -26 - E. 15 ,~ II 7, .. -5 I ~ -27 - E. 15' " 8, II 5 L -28 - E. 10' II 9, " 5 . .. , \ ~-_... -' -- r ,)\~ r Or ~ 1\/"",5' STREErr WIDENING DEDICATION DEEDS (OCEAN DRIVE) Contlnued iJ (See Envelope 43, Sectlonal File) 4-3-6~ w. 15' Lot 1, Block 1, Frledman & Cope Subdivls10n -63 - w. 15' ,t 2, '1 1, -63-W. 15' II 3, II 1 -64"'W. 15' II 4, .. 1 -65"W. 151 '1 5, II 1 -66 "'w . 151 /I 6, II 1 -67~E. 15' of N. 101.3' of Et B1k.2 Frledman & Cope Subdivls10n -68- E. 15' of S. 50' of N. 151.3' of E.l of Block 2 -69 - E. 15' of -5. 30' of N. 181.3' of E.t of Block 2 -70- E. 15' of S. 106.74-' of E. t of Block 2 c ",~ , r \' '\ I -...-/ '- ---' r .. rfl ~ (() ) ''--j U I I '-- STREET WIDENING DEDICATION DEEDS (SIXTH STREET) (See Envelope 44, Sectlonal Fl1e) Minute 44-1-N. Subdlvlslon Book ----s- --5'"'"Lo t -2- N. -3 N. - 3-N . @) -4-N. 5' Lot 1, Block 2, Frledman & Cope 5' .1 12, Block 2, .1 . .1 5' .. 5' Lot 1, Block 3 .1 .1 5' II 12, II 3 It .1 g g BlOCK L~~An BeR~n Addition ~ 9 --5 S. 5' Lot 11, Block 34 .1 II .1 .1 9 " - -....... '/J. Page 496 485 380 -I .. d'''' 1".\'1. ,- .' f S~REET DEDICATIONS (NAUTILUS SUBDIVISION} (S~e Envelope #~5, Sectional File.) ~ I u I Ii ij - .--,,\ '~ I I In. r'J A strip 10' in width lying~ong Surprise Water~ay~60' in length from the west line to the east line of North Bay Road; I 11 . II A strip 10' in width lying along Surprise Water"aYII and extending 100' from the west line to the, east line" of Alton Road; . I I I , I ~ I, A striJ( 10' in width lying along Biscayne Water'!Vayu and I I extend1.ng 100' fro~ the west line to the east line II of : ~ Alton Road; . : II I ~ I I I II A strip 10' in width lying along Biscayne Bay and extending 60' south from the south line of Lot 15, Block 1 of Nautilus Subdivi sion. I I I ~ ; ': I, I. I, 'I BLOCK 3. BLOCK..... ,jBLOCK 15,. II Lot 4 $ II Lbtt"ll~. 5 ~.... If \. 1!2--- 10'" 13 ..A 18 ~I 114.....r II , 22 """, ,,]:5' 23. ~ II vJJ6 ~ 2 b ..,.... :l1g P"'"'I . I :: ~ II I II ~ BLOCK 1. BLOCK 2. .:.. Lot 4' g.J' 9~ 20~ 2l~ Nl-~a~ . .st-24 , . 25' 29~ 30' 32' ~~~.. 35" 3 7 ..II' 41y(.. Nt-48~ S2-48 49' 50~ 5li ~~ 57 ... 59- Lot 4" 15' 22~ 23" 23~ R i , I ~. I I I ~ I I I I }2) -"' .. I' I All property owned by the Miami Beach Bay Shore co~ahy iJ I this Subdivision is dedioated, with the exceptipn of bt 115, Block 1, Nautilus Subdivision. I , ! ~ j I I I ~ -II -....- 4iii... ". ~....I'~"... , .. ~.. '..- .... .. .. 1 ~ J~. -. ~, - .. . '. ',fr STREET DEDICATIONS (NAUTILUS SUBDIVISIon>. (Cont I d. ) , ,-., ~ lJ BLOCK 6. BLOCK 1. II Lot/I:' " I I Lot 7' 19~ ./2 19" ~~ h 20' 21~ ~5"- 'I b' "7' "g~- 9f'" 'I ,,10~ I. . .J.11" II } 12' ~ 1a~ f1 -;r 15r J 1't' J17r " 19 r J19".. .J 20" J21, "' '/22' ~ '" 2~A'" IS ~ 2""- n ..t 25'" II I J 2b~ II- ..ft ~_ n :1 ,.,-. ~.J I I I - ~ I. 11:" I 1 1/1 , , .... __ ~~ .llll _.~':.f I - T I ~ ~ rJ I " 31 , 31 , 31 1..... 1';'" 1~ EASEMENTS GIVEN FOR BEACH PROTECTION IY.PROVEMENT: T Wm. F. & II II " I I I IMPROVEMENT I COMPANY I 1-15-30 1-15-30 1-15- 301 i 1-15-30 1-15-30 I I 1-15-30 1-15-30 I v . . l-l~- 30 1-1~-30 ~ 1-1~- 30 1-15-30 '1-15- 30 'I ' 1-15-30 I' 1-25- 30 1-15-30 1-25- 30' 1-25-30 '1-25- 30 1-25-30 I 1-15-30 1-15- 391 11-29- 30' (SEE ENVELOPE NO. 31, SECTIONAL FILE) OCEAN FRONT PROPERTY OF THE MIAMI BEACH Lot 1, Block 19 Lot 2, Block 19 Lot 3, Block 19 * I 31 . 31 . 2! Lot 3 Block 21 - , 3..- Lot 4, Block 21 31 4- '31 4+- 31.- 4~ .131 4_ 31 · 31 31 31 5"- 6~ 7J- 8- ,31 9~ I '31 10,- ., n IJ31 11_ ~~ 31 11..j.. I 31 12 ~ 31 12.,.... 31 13~ 31 13- 31 14_' 31 14- Lot Lot Lot Lot 1, Block 23 2, Block 23 3, Block 23 4, Block 23 I ' Lot Lot Lot Lot 1, Block 25 2, Block 25 3, Block 25 4, Block 25 Lot 1, Lot 2, Lot 3, Lo t 4, Lot 3, . La t 4, Block 27 Block 27 Block 27 Block 27 Block 27 Block 27 Lot Lot Lot Lot 1, Block 29 2, Block 29 3, Block 29 4, Block 29 31 15 ~ Lo t . I ,131 16:'" . Lot 1, 31 16.... Lot 2, 31 l&ffit Lot 3, 31 17--!-st Lot 3, 31 17+- Lot 4, . .131 18_- ,,31 19- .J 31 20- ~ \~ 31 '~!+....... \ '~31 21,_ 31 25"" ~31 22-* 131 23-* 3, Block 33 Block 37 Block 37 Block 37 Block 37 Block 37 Leona E. Whitman II II II II II II II II II Robert A. & Marie E. I1g S.Grover & Verna A. Morrow Leona E. & Wm. F. :Whitman I II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II " i .. '~ T.R. & Selma K. Michaels Philip E. & Adeline E.Wrignt Edwin B. & Caroline M. Webb Estate of H. Saban Vila Wm. C. & Minnie James P. Moore R. D. Fisher R. D. Fisher Fred D. & Mary II II II II J. Heins Edna. Breit " " Leona E. & Wm. F. Whitman II II II II II II Rossaliena Milliken II II Eliza Boal Orr Elizabeth Mc E. and G. Chahoon, Jr. II II II II .. G. Chaboon, Jr. and Elizabeth Mc E. Chahoon George H. & Ora M. Hodges Elizabeth & Clayton S.Cooper Frank B. Klock, Widower Chas. W. &.Mary J. Braznell Frothingham Propertles, In~. ; I I I 1 I I I I 2-~5-3~ 5-V-30 , Lot 3, Block 39 Lot 5, Block 39 Lot 2~ Block 39 Lot 4, Block 39 Lot 200' X 275' North Block 39 Lots 4 & 5, Block 4 Van Ness Brothers Lots 1 & 2,Block 21 Nellie H. & Emmet A. Thqmas Lot I" Block 39 Leonie~. & F~ederick Leon Mills d~ UCf 1- --,-- 9 445 9 445 9 445 9 445 9 445 9 445f 9 445 " 9 445 9 445 9 445 9 445 91445 91445 9 445 9 445 9 445 9 445 9 445 '9 445 I 9.1445 9 445 9 445 t- .. ... t , I tl r \. 1 ~ ,,'.,.,' ~ 9 ~!$~,j, 10 ,1U~ J , __-1! ..0:::_ .....~ .. --- ...a~';"" ~. . _ .... ~,..:: i. .' 1 n :r o I OCEAN FRONT DEDICATIONS FOR BULKHEADING,etc~ I ~ I ~ I . I' 'I I ' I.:i I I II I ;2-~arrantyDeed from ARTLIN, .INC. foot of 20th Street - to De used,for I" street, highway, sldewalk, sewer, water and 'other public ut~11ty purp.oses. 1 1 .. , -I' i I : ,- I I Qult-clalm for Bulkhead work re~ 2]st Str~et., I I ,.. iI I 1 ~. ,I a ') I >- I a I ~ -,-j - 32-A . I I !lIJISCELLANEOUS EASEMENTS FOR OCEAN FRONT - __PROTECTION.22nd__tojOth Sirs-s-in._ See this file for various easements on ,above ~ub~ec~~ I I ,. I I 1. 1 I. 'I, 0' 'I- I , I i ~ 2 Oxford 1 I 'I t. Gardens, Inc. I 1 I I I ;1 ~ I' I I i I I I . I OJ!. l I !I I ' l 1 I < ,1 .. ~l. 1 , ,~ :r 1 :I 'L J 1 il ;~ ~ :1 II ~ .I " il :r J U l' I ~ I ............ \:" " j . t - ) " .J. .' I -..., " I I r~ ~ I I ..-..... -fJ I' " r ~\ J ),?J 1\ fr'l ~ ....... fP~ 0 DEEDS FOR STREET PURPOSES. 4-9-1 , Deed from OCEAN PARK CO. for strlp of land 251 wlde and 437.51 long north of property known as "SHIRLEY D. HAYNSWORTH SUBDIVISION" .c' being North one-half of 83RD STREET 49-2 Qul t-claim deed from HENRY L. DOHERTY & CO. ~'L ~.' . INC. for strlp of land 7.271 wide. for pur- ,~ pose of wldening 8lst Street. 49-3 -' Warranty Deed for 77th Street - Rlght-of-way, Extension from Altos Del Mar No.3, to Blscayne Point - DEEDED BY HENRY L. DOHERTY - June 22, 1939 49-4-,~ Dedication deed from The Most Rev. Joseph P. Hurley, ,Bishop of St. Augustine, Florlda, for extension of Harding Avenue through Cathollc Church propert~ - dated October 3, 1944 " 49-5 Dedlcatlon deed from Florlda Power & Light Company for extension of Hardlng Avenue through thelr property - dated September 11; 1944 .....; --...... J J .) '- r. :J ~ I I I f~. I \ \ J .,-.... .... ~1,1 MISOELLANEOUS DOOUMENTS FILE PARTIAL RELEASE OF MORTGAGE 3--- Lot 14, Blook 69, OOEAN BEAOH, ADDITION NO.3. (11th Street Pumping Station.) Exeouted by Miami Ooean View Oompany. AGREEMENT TO REMOVE OBSTRUOTIONS IN STREET 51-.& Lots 6 & 7, Block 9g, OOEAN BEAOH ADDITION NO.3. Ocoupying street spaoe below the surface with one 550 Gallon Crude Oil Storage Tank. Exeouted by Huron Realty Oorporation, By: Isidore Wolff, Treasurer. fiEOEIl'f-ll'urt .M~L GOLF OOURSE PETTY (H l'R. \" 3L~1 ./'" Signed fQ!:' hi' A-i'tQ.WIl' ~eapnn - February 9...th, 19:;1.' 'Q-w.aE~PT H'()Jj( ~UUICI.PA1 uuurtT B:A.OH. ~2 Sl.gi1ea :fOr b~ J"Olh.l, ft.. "'B&be>>- a3'e;;,~:L ~1C1+ r H13J bf MUNIOIPAL OOURT ORDERS REVERSED. BP~l"" Oase of John Saxons. .",. 2 Oase of Oharles McOall. OPINION OF OITY ATTORNEY J. HARVEY ROBILLARD. Relative to the liability of the Oity of Miami Beach for the return of the $603.00 seized by Police Officers in an alleged gambling place in the Floridian Hotel, operated by Mr. Wertheimer. ALSO:, Opinion of Judge W. E. Walsh on the same subject. Both Opinions attaohed to Voucher No. 12953. -II ...... = III .......__ _ --/ ~ -:--= . .'- -~.. --.. ) ~ , . .:. ~- , {~ .....- . . -L-: ., f f~"" \1 ~""""" ~ ( ) I':) , r r ~ r f I I r I in) 10 L -......... f ~ ""-' EASEMENTS ON FILE - VARIOUS PURPOSES FILE OCEAN BEACH SUBDIVISION 22-1 ~ Lot 17, Block 5 ~ / --- --.-.., ;) (~ ~:;; ,r .....-- , ~ -c ~ I \,~ I I l EASEMENTS (contlnued) TATUM'S RESUBDIVISION OF PARTS OF BLOCKS 48, 56 & 75, OCEAN BEACH #3 ~ 25-13 ~South 5' Lots 3 and 4, Block A. I / / / / / ~ ....... ""....--...-- - ......-- - J'.' \' v7 ~--~ ....--.. "~ ........- -<.,. ~. - .~, ~- J ,"'""""""- -- ~ ( f t - L '\ J .0 i~ tr) \~ I '- --... \,f-' vI EASEMENTS - Continued OCEAN BEACH ADDITION NO.3 WITHAM'S RESUBDIVISION OF LOTS 10, 11 AND 12, BLK. 8~ &LOTS 11 AND 12 OF BLOCK-22. ~ 22-2 ~ South 5' of Lots 1 to 5 of Blk. 83 ~Easement glven by W. S. ) -South 5' of Lots 1 to 4 of Blk. 56 ~Wltham & W.S.Wltham, Jr.) . ../ /" ""'" 'OJ> r). ~ r ",....... \ , . I J 'r ~.J .' (0 '-- ~ 1-/ 4.1 EASEMENTS (Continued) OCEAN BEACH ADDITION NO. 3 ~ 22-3~ Lot 28, Block III (Storm Sewer Outlet) Sun 011 Co. Property. '~.. ~... ~ - ') () J r I \ -...... :':l~t EASEMENTS (Cont1nued) r LENOX MANOR SUBDIVISION DOCUMENTARY ENVELOPE NO. 23. ~ 23-1~ West 5 '. Lot 1, Block 119"- I- II 5' Lot 2, II 119-- 2~- .. 5' Lot ~' II 119""' 23- 3~ ., 5' Lot .. 119..... , -~~ ., 5' Lot ~: .. 119/ II ..... .. 5' Lot 119""'- -5< East 5' Lot 7, ., 119 b "-" .1 5 ' Lot 8, .1 119 - 7~ II 5' Lot 9, /1 119 - 7~ II 5' Lot 10, .1 119 / 23-2-- II 5' Lot 11, /1 119 23-g ..........~ II 5' Lot 12, .1 119 23-9....;' West 5' Lot 1, Block 120 -9" ..... .. 5' Lot 2, .1 120 -10... .1 5' Lot ~: " 120 - -11................. .. 5' Lot .l! 120 -12~ .. 5' Lot ~: .1 120 ~17~ .1 5' Lot .. 120 -"""r'lA. r-, -13";- East 5' Lot 7, II 120 -.-/ -1~< II h' Lot 8, .1 120 ../ -1 ~ .1 5' Lot 9, .1 120 -15~ II 5' Lot 10, .1 120 23-2"'- ., 5' Lot 11, !! 120 .; ;"16~ ., 5' Lot 12, .1 120 .............. West 5' Lot 1, Block 121 -17- . -1 g....r' II 5' Lot 2, .1 121 -1g, II 5' Lot ~' .1 121 -19-- . .1 5' Lot , .. 121 -20-.... .1 5' Lot 5, .. 121 -21- .t 5: Lot6 II 121 -22"'-- East 5' Lot 7 II 121 -23~ II 5' Lot 8, II 121 -23~""" II 5' Lot 9, II 121 II -23........ II 5' Lot 10, 121 '~ t J ~ I I '-- J ] ~ r' JI .-, J r " '\ 1J (?/ ( EASEMENTS (Cont1nued) ~. \ . I \J WHIT~~'S ESPANOLA VILLAS, 1ST ADDITION 27-7~ EASEMENT GRANTED for r1ght to lay sewers, water mains, telephone and electrlc conduits underground, across that port10n of said subdiv1sion lying between a 11ne ten feet East of the center line of Jefferson Avenue produced South through the aforesaid subdivis10n, ' and the East 11ne thereof. AVOVE EASEMENT GRANTED BY LEONA E. AND WM. F. WHITMAN. ,-. J ,.-.. J '-- -- ~ /" -~ --- ..... (J Or t~ ./ r .......... "'-' ~~.. , EAsEMENTS (Continued) r- J PENINSULA TEillAINAL COMPANY 25-1l~n (10) foot str1p along the East edge of the property recently purchased from U. S. Government on the South side of the Government Cut. / 25-2g~ Easement for water mains, conveyanoe of water mains and grant of easement on Fisher'g Island, etc. (deed for water tower located on Lot 39, Block 4, Commerclal Subdivislon of Harbor Termlnal. - ------- ~r, .,. '---_/ lr'" .. '\ "- /~~" ~ . '- J , / -- ~ ,J . I""a , ~' ~ r EASEMENTS (Cont1nued) , -. PALM ISLAND \~ 27-10~~. 5' Lot 23, Blk 1. ,-..., ---.-/ I F1 I J , '-- - ---.... --v'" (f~t' / --' -- . ... ""'" - -... { _ b, C1 , ... I r EASEMENTS (Cont1nued ) .'~ - ~i~l PALM AND HIBISCUS ISLANDS and also on the bridges connecting said Islands and the bridge connectlng sald Islands wlth the County Causeway, for the purpose of laying down, installlng, construct1ng, operatlng and ma1ntain1nga water and water works system. (Easement grantea by B1scayne Bay Islands Company) -" ' ( I J ~ ~ ~ \ "'" ";!.o ~J .., ,. J" ~ J ( )' '\ (G~l v EASEMENTS (Continued) ,....... ,J HIBISCUS ISLAND ,22-g ~TORM SEWER Ea.sement 1n the Easterly 5' of Lot 33, Block ?, and in the Westerly 5' of Lot 34, Block 2, Hib1scus Island. Easement given by Biscayne Bay Islands Company Easement Accepted by C1ty Counc11 12/16/31. Book 11. Page 248. RIVO ALTO ISLAND 27-27'- Northerly 5 feet of Lot 6, Block 10 27-28' Northerly 5 feet of Lot 7, Block 10 1,..1~~~7.-' Northerly 5 ft. of Lot 6, Block 3, R1vo Alto Island, for storm sewer purposes '~ t ~r;.: lt~" ;diN~It~__.~A u...~ 1~-~-~-~(Jj ~ ~ ~~~-~ ~-----':~~ I ..ra-- (~-/=-n7-:-~ f . :~ I I ~- --- ,,-- :;~ . '> l: --.".' t .......".. I. ........ .J ~ r I ~ \ , , J I J SAN MARINO' ISLAND. 27-l~South 2t feet 27-13" North 2t feet 27-l~ North 2t feet 27-1~ South 2t feet 27-l6~ South 3 feet t, DI LIDO ISLAND ....' '~ '"' I;,'" EASEMENTS (Cont1nued) Lot 5, Block 2 Lot 4, Block 2 Lot 5, Block 3 Lot 13, Block 1 ' Lot 12, Blook 4 lrj )~ 27-l7..South 5 feet of Lot 7, Blk. 4 27-1g- South 5 feet of Lot 23, Block 27-29-North 5 feet of Lot 3, Block 2 r ! I . t \ ~ '--"1 ) 'J v 3/ ~ .:1 >...... , J O' (J , ( ~ f 'r" EASEMENTS (Continued) /'. ~I SUNSET ISLANDS NO. 2 27-2~ Lots 18 and 19, Block 2-H p... t j ------/ I ,,.-.. ) rJ I '- ,~ ,.,.---- ~ - ~~ - ----- - ~ " J :) \.. ~-- ..-'''' r .,- \ J ,- J ........ ~ I "- I ---.... ~f} q EASEMENTS (Continued) LINCOLN SUBDIVISION 22-7~e property lylng w1th1n the 11mits of Jefferson Avenue produced southerly two hundred feet more or less from the south. line of the Lincoln Subd1vis10n for the purpose of repair1ng and ma1nt8,ln1ng the ex1st1ng San1 tarY Force MAIN. Easement glven by Leona & Wm. F. Wh1tman. ./ /" J -.... -' :- 7 ,- I ~. f ~ r' ~ "..... ~ '-- ---..... rv; -t EASEMENT S (Continued) PALM VIEW SUBDIVISION 25-e~7. Block 9. 25--~Ver a strlp ten (10) feet in w1dth, running north and south across the extreme west side of Lot 7, Block 9. 25-29\Northeasterly five feet of Lot 9, Blk. 18, Palm V1ew, extending along the boundary between Lot 9 and Lot 4, Blk. 10, said Palm View Subd1vision. ~ "'-- ........ J !J - J "" ;- ......... ')Yj. (<; EASEMENT S (Continued) o ISLAND VIEW ADDITION 24-~ w. 5' of Lot 25_, Blk. 15 A~ " " E. 5' of Lot 26, Blk, 15 A n ~-5-'-..oL...l...aL.*..&..A..-5-~...a.t...Lo.t..46.~.BJJt....J-5..A.Qu1 t-Cla1 med (See also F11e 25-g) II II " " " E. 5' ef 19t 2G ~ w. 51 9f Lot 25, Dlk. l~ ~ · -'s. 5' of Lot 2, Block 11. · -- E. 51 of Lot 35, Block 15-A (See also Fl1e 29-3) ..~ifM.w ~ - ~ " . ,'~ ~ ~ '- -" r- -- - ..---- - ,I(I ~ ., -. .; \ J ( ... '........ \ .'"3>\ EASEMENTS (CQnt1nued) r r, 'J FISHER'S FIRST SUBDIVISION OF ALTON BEAQtl 2g-1'-'EASEMENT GRANTED through part of Block 77, FISHER'S FIRST SUBDIVISION OF ALTON BEACH, for street and sldewalk purposes. (Extension of Ocean Drive to 15th Street.) rJ, ,J ,-.. lOJ L ......-....... . J ........ IJIJ\ () ~ .J I I r '. >J'~, EASEMENTS (Cont1nued) f ..-' ~ FLEETWOOD SUBDIVISION_ 27-1 ~s. 5' Lots 15 and 18, ~N. 5' Lots 14 end 19, -' N. 5' Lot 9, Blk 1 '--8. 5' Lot 10, Blk 1 _N. 5' Block 1 A , - s. 5'Lot 1, Blk. 1 ~N.g' Lot18, B1k.2 Blk. 2 Blk. 2 (s: 5' of 18 ) Quttc1~imed by City 4/1/37 ' (N. 5' of 19 ) No. 48-10 (Quitclaimed) See new ~aaement for 10 feet across outlot south of Lot 1. ~ 10 foot easement across out-lot south of Lot 1, Block 1, ,-. '~ I ......... \ J j ~ /" --... ~ J I........ " --.. .--, " r r\ 'J 24-3 " ~ n r J -- EASEMENT S (Continued) --......... \(J 1, <, SUNSET LAKE SUBDIVISION OF MIAMI BEACH BAY SHORE COMPANY ~' 'V 1" - N. 5' of Lot N. 5' of Lot N. 5' of Lot - ,0/ ,10 9,~,lfld S. 5' of L~t 81. Blk. 15 "ory 8 and S. 5' of Lot 9, Blk. 12 17 and S. 5' of Lot 16, Blk. 15-B "'-'0_' Yt9.~ 10-')... ,-- ~....--- ....... --... - . - , I' --. - ~ ( - riot \) "\ EASEMENTS (Continued) ~ } ,-, '~ AMENDED GARDEN SUBDIVISION 25--24~StrlP of land flve (5) feet ln wl~th in and across Lot 1, Block 6, as per plat recorded ln Book 31 at Page 9, Publlc Records of Dade County, Florlda, the westerly I1ne of said strlp being the Westerly 11ne of Lot 13 of sald Block 6, produced southerly. r- ~ .~ J I l - -" r ~ ~ EASEMENT S (Contlnued) -, LAKE VI~W SUBDIVISION J / 25-12_ South 5' Lot 14, Block 32 25-15~East 5' Lot 7 a,nd West 5' Lot 8, Block 30 22-6-- The perpetual right and easement to lay and maintain Sanltary Sewers underground ln the Wester1y\five feet of the unnamed twenty-flve foot strlp of land lylng Easterly of Blocks 3. 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 16 and 18 of LaGorce Golf Subdlvls10n and Easterly of the ends of W. 52nd, W.53rd, W.54th, W.56th, W.58th,W.59th, and W.60th Streets, and also ln the westerly five feet of the sald unnamed twenty-five foot strlp of land lylng Easterly of Lots 1,2,3,4and 5 of Block 21, Lake Vlew Subdlvislon; sald unnamed strlp of land also lying and being along the Westerly 11ne of LaGorce Golf Course. (EASEMENT GIVEN BY THE MIANJ BEACH BAY SHORE COMPANY) V' 25-22_South five feet of Lot 13, Block 31 and the Me8S ,\0 C ,ry North Five feet of Lot 12, Block 31, LAKE VIEW SUBDN. +/17../"34- .- '" J 25!~-EasterlY 5 ft. of Lot 1 of Resubdivision of Lots' - 1 and 2, Block 32, Lakevlew Subdn. 25-30_ Southerly 5 ft. of the 25 ft. strip lylng between Blk. 21, Lake View Subdlvlslon, and also Pralrle Ave. now Cherokee Ave. and LaGorce Golf Course, from the westerly line of Lot 22 (22), said Blk. 21 to the easterly Ilne of sald Prairie Ave., now Cherokee Ave. ~ , ------./ ~.....~ I ~ ~ - ~ EASEMENTS ~ (Contlnued) LAKE VIEW HEIGHTS SUBDIVISION 25-26~W. 5' of E. 20' Lot 2, Blk. 26 25-27~ 5' of E. 15' of Lot 2 and W. 10' of E. 20' of Lot 1,Blk 26 .; I l I l_ \ (,-. 'J J ----A'<>O --' "-, _ __ ~ .-.... - -=~ f. ~ ~- ----- 4 1.- .7\ n --' .~ Uj" : { ~~ I ~ " .......... r-- ~, '\ EASEMENTS (Contlnued) r. \ ---/ LA GORCE GOLF SUBDIVISION 22-4 ....-;: 5' Lot 6 North 5' Lot 7, Block 14 ( St orm Sewer) -South and . 22-5 ~outh 5' Lot 1 and North 5' Lot 2, Block 1 ( Storm Sewer) ............... 22-6 .. The perpetual rlght and easement to lay and m8.intaln Sanl tary Sewers underground, ln the westerly five feet of the unnamed twenty-flve foot strip of land lying easterly of Blocks 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 16 and 18 of LaGorce Golf Subdivlslon and Easterly of the ends of W. 52nd, W. 53rd., w. 54th., W. 56th., W. 58th., w. 59th., and W. 60th. Streets, and also ln the Westerly five _ feet of the s8.id unnamed twenty-five foot strip of land lylng Easterly of Lots 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 of Block 21, Lake Vlew Subdn.; sald unnamed strip of l;and also lying B.nd being along the westerly line of La Gorce Golf vourse. (EASEMENT GIVEN BY THE MIN~I BEACH BAY SHORE COMPANY) I r' ~J r' ~J ...J r- ,....... \ J "....., J ~. . ~ ~ --. EASEMENTS (Contlnued) u..'1 ~ 1ST ADDITION TO MID-GOLF SUBDIVISION 24-3" On a. strlp ten feet in width, parallel to and immedlately '" , adjolning on the South, Lot 1, Blk. 8. t' . ----- r-~ , ........ - EASEMENTS (Contlnued) , '~d :) FLAMINGO TERRACE SUBDIVISION 27-9~ Unnumbered lot lying between Lot 1, Blk 2 & Lot 1, Blk. 3, bounded on the east by Indlan Creek Drive and on the West by Flamlngo Drive. J 27-3~A strlp of land twenty (20 feet wide over Lot 1, Block 3 of -'Flamingo Terrace Subdl vi slon (brldge appropch for foot brldge over Indian Creek at 29th Street. ~ ,/ ~ '~ I ~ ../ r -....... I r 1 EASEMENTS ~ (Continued) ,,~ .~ , BEACH VIEW SUBDIVISION ~ 25-4 ~S. 25-5~. ",- I 'J " ,-- \ .~ - 51 of Lot 17, Blk 1 51 of Lot 16, Blk 1. ~ 25-17--That parcel o( land bounded on the North by Block I-A, on the South b,y Bloc~ 1, on the West by East 11ne of Pine Tree Drive, and on the East by Indlan Creek, marked IIPr1vate Street II (Storm Sewer) r ~ \k1 EASEMENTS , (Continued) :J BEACH VIEW ADDITION ~ 25-6 -- S. 5' of Lot 13, Blk. 3 ...... ......... 25-7 S. 5' of Lot 8, Blk. 2. ./ 25-14~ 10 ft. ea.sement, centerline of sald strlp belng the boundary line between Lots 11 and 12, of Block 14. .. ",- ~ ) ,-.... JJ ~ -~ - ../ r " ~ \;3 lt~ EASEMENTS (Continued) r ~..... t I J LA GORCE ISLAND ~7-26.-FIVE (5) foot easement through center of PrlvateWa1k on LA GORCE ISLAND. August 6~h,_ A.D.,_1936 (Fo.r Storm Sewers only) 27-31'-Water main easement (5 feet) ln La Gorce Island - dated Aug. 17, 1945 ~ I J ~ ~ ~ ../ r h "'\ \ ~~ EASEMENTS (Contlnued) ~ ~ OCEAN FRONT PROPERTY OF THE MIAMI BEACH IMPROVEMENT COMPANY " 25-1~t10t 11, Block 10 . 27-g.B10cke 19 and 23 (Leona E. and Wm. F. Whltman). (ALLEYS) I rf"'" J " r-. 'J ~ ...# -- -- -- '\ '() ->~h (- EASEMENTS (Continued) I ..-,\ \ J AMENDED PLAT OF FIRST OCEAN FRONT' SUBDIVISION 26-1--N. 5' Lot 344, Blk. 2. 26-~N. 5' Outlot 24 26-4-N. 51 Lot 336 26-5 -N. 5' Lot 344 26-b' S. 5' Outlot 19 26-r-- 8. 5' Outlot 7 26-k 14. 5' Outlot 6 26- 3'" s. 5' Outlot 30 (6-1-37) Storm Sewer Book 16,Page ~ i ,,', ,,1 ~ \ ~ r-.. IJ - ~ ,----- (' ~ """" s~ EASEMENT S (Contlnued) SECOND OCEAN FRONT PROPERTY M.B. BAY SHORE COMPM~Y. 26-9 ~ s. 26-10 - S. 26-13 - s. ,......, J r-.... 'J l 5' Lot 21 and N. 5' 5' Lot 12 and N. 5' 5' Lot 28, Block 3 Lot 22, Blk. 3 I Lot 11, B1k. 3 J r - .......... -v .> 1 , EASEMENTS (Contlnued) "...., J INDIAN CREEK SUBDIVISION 27-23 ~Easement through Lot 39 (Alllson Island) of flve feet. · Given by James D. & Ll1l1an M. Fulton) 27-24 '- Easement over and acro ss the so1)therly 10 feet of the northerly 25 feet of Lot 7 Glven by the Mlaml Beach Bay Shore Co. ,~ ~ ~ , I ~ r) J " '- I I j ,/ ( ........... $~ , EASEMENTS (Continued) "" \ I ~ SUNSET LAKE SUBDIVISION, AMENDED PLAT RESUB. OF LOTS 16 to 21. Blk. 15. 27-2 -We 10' Lot 21, Blk. 15-B /' IO<~ 27- 3 - N. 5' Lot 17, B1k. 15-B ,. It>" 27-4-S. 5' Lot 16, Blk. 15-B '/0-1.- 27-5- N. 5' Lot 9 and S. 5' Lot 8, B1k 15 \0-"1- 27-6-tr;-;7' Lot 8, B1k 15 f ofIJru, , ,-.... ) J I ----., '~ -- -- - .. r EASEMENTS (Contlnued) , ~ r .~ NA~rILUS SUBDIVISION , ~~ ~p.. 25-20~ 10' Lot 24, Block 1 Oscar & Marjorle Lambert Webber 25-23J4i'. 5' Lot 43, Block l' Miami Bea,ch Bay Shore Company r' <J J . ~\ ~2 '>... '--- '" '- .--- ............ ,5'1 \ -'" r EASEMENTS (Contlnued) , --... i ' ; NAUTILUS ADDITION J ../ 25-10'~~. 51 of Lot 38, B1k. 8 25-16~ ~ 51 of Lot 7, Block 10 25-19~ 5' of Lot 13, Block 11 25-21 ~N. 5' of Lot 39, Block 8 25-25~0.10' of Lot 4, Block g J l~ I~ - (Storm Sewer) (-torm Sewer) (Storm Sewer) (Storm Sewer) .~ -'I .;. \' 3-19-30 Book 10, Page 115 e.6-30 .. 10, .. 115 5-lg-37 ---- . -' r -... ~~ ~ EASEMENT S (Continued) :J INDIAN BE~CH CORPORATION'S SUBDIVISION 26-11'-N. la' Lot 8 - Given by Harvey S.,Firestone, Jr. I"') J ..,-"'\ J ... ./ r -- - - -- - - - -- I """" rt'" EASEMENT S (Contlnueli) ~ \ -~ FLAMINGO BAY SUBDIVISION 26-12"S. 5' lot 4 (~torm Sewer) 4-2-30 Book 10, Page 121 ,-. J ,..... ~ ...J r :-'\ {fJ r (M. B. BAY SHORE CO.) (Filed wlth Mlscellaneous Ease- ments) 14-1'EASEMENTS granted for the right to lay and maintaln sewers, water ~ malns, telephone and electrlc condults underground, between the end of any highway and another lot or plece of land and which are reserved from publlc use,ln the fol10wlng named subdivlsions, as such highways appear on the following maps of said subdivlsions: First Additlon to commerclal Subdivislon / Bellevlew Subdivls10n ~ Palm Vlew Subdlvls10n vi / EASEMENTS ( Cont inued) ..-.- ABOVE EASEMENT GRANTED BY MIAMI BEACH BAY SHORE COMPANY ./ 2~ASEMENT granted for rlght to lay and ma lntaln sewers, water malns, telephone and electric condults underground, between the end of any hlghway and waters edge, and between the end of any hlghway and anO- ther lot or plece of land and which are reserved from publlc use ln the followlng named subdlvlslons: Amended Plat of Sunset Lake Subdlvislon / Nautllus Subdlvls10n ~ Nautl1us Addltion ~ Beach Vlew Subdlvlslon ~ LaGorce Golf Subdivision / Beach View Addition / Lake Vlew Subdlvls10n vi ~ ABOVE EASEMENT GRANTED BY THE MIAMI BEACH BAY SHORE COMPANY ./ . 24-3~ EASEMENT granted for rlght to ley sewers, water malns, telephmne and electric condults underground, on a strlp five feet on each side and parallel to a 11ne described as follows: beglnnlng at the lntersectlon of the center 11ne of N. Merldlan Ave., wlth the center 11ne of W. 28th. Street; thence Westerly across the Bay Shore Golf Course to the lntersectlon of the center llne of North Alton Road with the center 11ne of W. 27th. Street. ~ J - ABOVE EASEMENT GRANTED BY THE MIAWu BEACH BAY SHORE COMPANY ~ r "\ 6"c" , ' EASEMENTS (contlnued) .;,~) /' ~~4-~EASEMENT granted for perpetual right and prlvilege to construct and malntRin a sewer plpe four (4) feet under the surface of the earth, along and over the following descrlbed land: A strlp or parcel of land flve (5) feet wide, adjacent to and lmmediately North of a certain stone-wall now'standlng on Lot 9, sald st&ne-wall being flfty (50) feet ~outh of the North 11ne of Lot 9, Block 80, of the Subdlvlsion of Block 80, of the Alton Beach Bay Front - / ~. ~ --- ABOVE EASEMENT GRANTED BY T HE ALTON BEACH REALTY COMPANY (" ~ c -'" ( .... ~o ~ EASEMENTS (Continued) ,r' ~ ~+-5~EASEMENT granted for rlght to lay sewers, water and gas mains, telephone and electrlc condults underground on a PORfION/OF FLAMINGO GOLF COURSE. (See easement wlth map attached for exact descrlption) ABOVE EASEMENT GRANTED BY MIAMI OCEAN VIEW COMPANY i~ I I r -..... ,i:J I t . - ~~.~~ r , '~ SASEMENTS ( Cont lnu"ed") ,... .......... \ (a) 1_6~EASEMENT granted for rlght to lay, construct, operate and maintaln ~ sewers, water malns, plpe 11nes, power 11nes, poles, telephone and telegraph 11nes, over under and across those areas sho'Fn and c1e- slgna:ted as "WATER VIEW PRADOIl and "PAF.K" on the plat of INDIAN CREEK SUBDIVISION, (b) 11-6' EASEMENT for park purposes, sald areas shown and deslgnated as "PARKIl on sald plat of INDIAN CREEK SUBDIVISION: (c) 11-6~Dedlcate to the perpetual use of public for hlghway purposes sald area shown and deslgnated as "WATER VIEW PRADO" on sald plat of Indlan Creek Subdivls10n. ABOVE EASEMENT GRANTED BY MIAMI BEACH BAY SHORE COMPANY ~ J J ~ ) .~ " - -~ --' / ~ EASEMENTS _ Altos Del Har No. 1 33-1 - Lot 4, Block 5 2_ " 5 II 5 ~ 3-- II 6 II 5 ___ II 1 II 6 ,,- 1+ - II 5' 6 .- 33-7 __ 4- " 12 "3 " 5 Easterly 5 ft. of the westerly 50 ft. of Lots 4, 5 and 6, Block 20, To lay sewers and watermains in Atlantic Way - from Alfred DeMaris and Ines DeMaris, owners of Lot 6, Block 10, Altos del Mar #1 10 I q~ s elVerS a /IIrJ wti1ermR I''J~ j VJ /jt(au1i~ W~ - j-~Oh1 1?eVljQmin ~ ?o/Io~k- - OWl1e..- of J.r;f ~ 8/~. 7) l).b./'"?1 .. . "33- g-- --...... ....r \., '. ~ --... _'1 , > b , i,..,,: -, r ---.- --- - ~ t,"V' EASE~~NTS (Continued) 1~J ./ ' ~4-6~EAsEMENTgranting the perpetual rlght and prlvl1ege to construct . and malntaln water and sewer plpes and to erect and malntaln, or permlt a prlvate or public Utl11tles Company to erect and malntain telephone, telegraph and light wires, fire and police alarm wires, and gas malns ln certain portions of the followlng 5ubdiv~slons: Surprise Lake Subdlvlsion Orchard Subdivl~lons ~ ABOVE EASEMENT GRANTED BY THE MIAMI BEACH. IMPROVEMENT COMPANY 24- ~ EASEMENT deslgnated as dralnage easellentson North Half of ' ISLE OF NORMANDY - M. C. GRYZMISH AND Florimce Gryzmish 24-~EMENT - between Lot two and Lot 3, Block 39, Miami View ~ect,lon of Isle of Normandy - utl11 ty eas~ment. M. C. Gryzmlsh and wife ,Sept. 7th, 1939) /' ,- 24-9~EASEMENT- ~J 24-1~EASEMENT - DESIGNATED Drainage Easement ,No. g, on North half of Isle of Normandy - M. C. Gryzmish & wife. Sept. 7th, 1939 24-1~ASEMENT * / 24-11' EASEMENT - given for watermalns thru MIIlMI BEACH BAY SHORE property adjacent to County C1useway portlon of ,Lot 4,'Block 20, Altos Del Mar #1 Patrlck J. Doran and Amanda S. Doran for Northwestportlon of South half of Isle of Normandy - Storm sewer easement - M.C.Gryzmish and wife - Sept. gth, 1939. ' I ~ co. 24-13'.EASEMENT - portlon of Lot 41 Block 20, ~ltos Del Mar.#1 given by Isaac Silversteln and Clara Silverstein . HENRY L.,DOHERTY & CO Inc., for extension of Byron Avenue through their ~roperty 24-l~ EASEMENT - 24-1~EASEMENT - MOST REVEREND PATRICK, D.D.AS BISHOP OF ST.AUGUSTIVE,FLA. For extension of Byron Avenue through Catholic Church property. " .'~. k ' , . l -- - --/