Navarro, George MIAM~ n OUTSIDE EMPLOYMENT STATEMENT For Full-time County and Municipal Employees FUlL-TIME COuNTY AND IMJNaPAL EMPLO'I'EES ENGAGJ<<; IN OUTSIDE EMPLO\'MENT MUST FIlE AN ANNUAl. DISClOSURE REPORT BY JULY DI8cIosunt for 1ST OF EACH VEAR IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 2-11.1(K)(2) OF ToY.. Ending: :;'(X)'5 11iE MIAMI-DADE CouNTY CODE. Name: Last ~~ First ~~ D Miam~ County Employee VV'I" '- Municipal Employee of: --I-J-' ~ MY) \ Middle ~t ::tJ rn - '" .) Filing as a (check one): -- "your home address is exempt from public I8COfds to Florida Statutes ~ 119.07, please check here: MaIling Address (Street Name and Number) Po ~ lq1) ~ l:, --z,. City 'ff.v " \ f?CM: CountyJMunicipal Division: nl.&:- boo~ ... ~ Wart ~ : ~~ to7 1,)~ Apt. # ~, 9 rr; o State Zip Code <- Please list the sources of outside emp/<7fment, the nature of the work and the amounts of money or other compensation you received. If continued on a separate sheet, please check hem: 0 Name and Add..... of the Source of Outside Income Nature of the Work Performed Amount of Money or Compensation Received l),i\. ~~ (r0G ~ll\ to.~()[ ~ \ ~ L. ~ \?l:.IF (0 -z... ~~'..rd- l-oV\-4:7v \ ~, '6'f3- ~~~ \to", \ I hereby swear (or affirm) that the aforesaid information is a true and COIT8Ct statement. Signature of ~ ~ng /l1fV ()JJUjV\O ~~~ 101211100