Fliss, Eric B. ," OUTSIDE EMPLOYMENT STATEMENT For Full-time County and Municipal Employees FULL-TIME COUNTY AND MUNICIPAL 'EMPLOYEES ENGAGING IN OUTSIDE EMPLOYMENT MUST FILE AN ANNUAL DISCLOSURE REPORT BY JULY Disclosure for 1ST OF EACH YEAR IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 2-11.1(K}(2} OF Tax Year Ending: 2.005 THE MIAMI-DADE COUNTY CODE. Name: Last t=\'l S First 6-ic:... Middle ~ Filing as a (check one): 0 Miami-Dede County Employee 181 Municipal Employee of: positionTltle~ '( (\"'L C"",lbu.'-AL +~c..~\\t~~ MO('\A~et'L- CountyJMunicipal Department: ~ ).; :\' ve\o I'M V'\1 If your home addmss is exempt from public recOtrJs,.....pufSuant to Florida Statutes ~ 119.07, please check here: U Mailing Address (Street Name and. Number) CountyJMunicipal Division: Work Telephone: Apt. # \ Zip Code. \-"\\~~ State ):'\ Please list the sources of outside employment, the nature of the work and the amounts of money or other compensation you received, If continued on a separate sheet. please check here: D Name and Address of the Source of Oul$1de Income Ano'hQ./" ~A~ M'Q~~Men'" ~ <11 0 f>Q~~~\')"'" ~ ~ ~ t-.(I~Io\.(, ~~C~) fl ~~14\ Nature of the Work Amount of Money or Performed Compensation Received 'l::>~, ~ I (:.Q~\,.o l-t\ \"'\ ~ rn ~1',,"A ,,\-em.eY\ \ ..... J 51 0 <:> <:) J o~~ot \..-n ~>'~c..-e 'So. I hereby swear (or affinn) that the aforesaid Infonnation is a true and correct statement " Signature of Person Disclosing o~ 1012ll0'l10