Williams, Allison R. 5/9/06 . . . 'JUN . Ii 2006 .. OUTSIDE EMPLOYMENT STATEMENT For Full-time County and Municipal Employees FuLL-TN! C<uny MD MlHCIPAL EIFLO'tEESENGAGING IN OUTSIDE EMPLO\'IENT ..-r FLE AN ANNLW. DISClOSURE REPORT BY JUlY Dlacloau... for 1ST OF EACH WAR IN ACCORDNCE WITH SECTION 2-11.1(1<)(2) OF Tu Year Ending: ~()(J3 lIE MIAMI DADE COUNlYCODE. Name:..... W,U i 1tH5 FIrst Middle filing _ a (check one): Atl{~rJ o M~ Ccxny Employee 5l Mandpel EmpIafee of: f<.. Position TItle: .ftM'M1 d tJ tht CcultyIMunlclpat Deplftrllent: .fU1'AA4a.- ]).e "your home 8ddte8s is exempt from public I'8COIds pursuant 10 Rorids StafuteB J 119.07, please check het8: D Mallfng AdcnIa (Stteet Name and Number) 1100 ~ &4:.w l>tll(~ City ~~ f3.t(A,~ Work Telephone: Bas. (P13,1fXi) )( ~b~f' Apt.' BYd f:'Iow . State Zip Code 3 '313Cj . . P't.. I~ Please list 1he IOUI'CBS d outside employment, the nature of the work and the amounts of money or oIher ~ you received. If continued on 8 sepsmte sheet, please check hef'9: 0 NIIme and AcId..... of.... Source of 0utIIIde Income . Nature of the Work Performed Amount of Money or Compenution Rec:eived ~'Jt rrJk1nJ~1 Om'v Jn~frutkv .3 ~MU~ @ t 2.S7JO 7 15lXJ' CO ~h ' StAtAGi? - 0 - I hereby swear (or 8f11rm) that the aforesaid Information Is a true and correct statement. SigI1lItuN 01 Penson OIlC1os1ng Date Signed 5 tI 2/X) CJ ....