Beltran, Julio G. p ~:-: r.. : : j \ ! 1~: 11 , '\ .__ .,. I '; t: u f)h !II',] 1 ? fl" n. "" ~ .HlADEt OUTSIDE EMPLOYMENT S1rAIF.M,I;:~J-FicE For Full-time County and Municipal Employees FULL-TIME COUNTY AND MUNICIPAL EMPLOYEES ENGAGING IN OUTSIDE EMPLOYMENT MUST FILE AN ANNUAL DISCLOSURE REPORT BY JULY Disclosure for ?VO (' 1 ST OF EACH YEAR IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 2-11.1 (K)(2) OF Tax Year Ending: THE MIAMI-DADE COUNTY CODE. Name: Last First Middle G ( \1 eL- TfV\...J :J. J L" ( J Filing as a (check one): D Miami-Dade County Employee IT"Municipal Employee of: Cd-:, 01= J--{ (f\M , l~ "- Position Title: lliff('- l c.kL-- J:7 f"-J.> \\-0 J zJ<- County/Municipal Department: CountylMunicipal Division: \S'-.J (, L- (), "^ (? ~~~LAC If your home address is exempt from publl5 records pursuant Work Telephone: to Florida Statutes ~ 119.07, please check here: [g- 5>0$ - 0,3- l~( () Mailing Address (Street Name and. Number) Apt. # City State Zip Code. Please list the sources of outside employment, the nature of the work and the amounts of money or other compensation you received. If continued on a separate sheet, please check here: D Name and Address of the Source of Nature of the Work Amount of Money or Outside Income Performed Compensation Received \y- L -t.(- c;.. r-.. -:s; ~ V2 sT ~ \..s. l\.RJ\-L ~5TA Tc?" V'AL\ hI ~ ~ J LLL j:;r-1v~~\~t> 0 . I hereby swear (or affirm) that the aforesaid information is a true and correct statement. ^ Signature of Person Disc~ wt I ----- DateSign~ -I, ~ '- \ (Pl(~ 06 -- ~ \ L 10I26lOO