De Lucca, Donald 6/22/06 85/22/2885 14:83 385-573-7855 CHIEF OF MIA. BEACH I MIAMD I OUTSIDE EMPLO'fllllENT STATEMENT For Full-time County an9 Municipal Employees Fuu..-TlME COl-"lTY ~ IAUNlCIPAl.. EMPLOYEES ENGAGING IN OUT IDE EIFlO'nENT WST ALE AN ANNUAl.. DISCLOSURE REPORT BY UL Y Oiaclosu", for 1ST OF EACH YEAR IN ACCORDI\NCE WITH SECTION 2-11.1(K)(2 OF Tax V....r Ending: 2005 THE MlAMi-OADE COUNTY CODE. <:) Name: Last De Lucca First Donald I . I o Miami-Dade County EmJ1loyee [:J Municipal Employee of: _ICity I I Middle wayne ~. 53? t'''*''''l ~ j I ~. N . Filing as a (chock one): of Miami Beach "- I Position Title: Police Chief c::; CT) o o CountylMuniclpal Department: Miami Beach Police Department "your home addross is exempt from pubnc recoms pUrs/Jont to FIoridB Statufes!i i1S.0T, please check here: GJ Mailing Address (Stroet Name end Number) 1100 Washington Avenue City Miami Beach CoontylMunicipal Division: Police Department WOtk Telephone: 305 673 7925 Apt. # I I I S\llle Florida 3~3~ Please li!lt the sourt:8S of outside employment. the natura d t e work and \he amounts of money or other compensation you received. "continued on a separate sheet~ please checJ< here: 0 NAme And Acklr...... of th" Source of OulBld" Income Nature of It. Work Perfo ned Amount of Money or Compensation Received Franklin Covey 2200 W. Parkway Salt Lake City utah LeadershiptTraining for Law En10rcement I I $9,350.00 : I I I hereby _ (or affirm) that the aforesaid Information is a In1" and cormct statement. . , , Signature r:;,t/tt; . ~ i / fiY01 /' , ?7 Date SIgned t:;p - 2..Z- - O(p , ...... PAGE 82 :::tJ -"r-J .- ''''... ,... iTl :J