Villareal, Andres 6/29/06 c: r' L.... i _;1 I \ l r.:' r', ;. 1..1) 06.,11 ? (J P 4 " . ~ '- ..J 'h.5: I OUTSI,DE EMPLOYMENT STATEMENTs tJFF ICE For Full-time County and Municipal Employees FULL-TIME COUNTY AND MUNICIPAL 'EMPLOYEES ENGAGING IN OUTSIDE EMPLOYMENT MUST FILE AN ANNUAL DISCLOSURE REPORT BY JULY Disclosure for 1ST OF EACH YEAR IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 2-11.1(K)(2) OF Tax Year Ending: THE MIAMI-DADE COUNTY CODE. Name: Last First Middle Filing as a (check one): o Miami-Dade County Employee D(J Municipal Employee of: m I AI)Jt i ~ d, Position Title: C CountylMunicipal Depa CountylMunicipal Division: J If your home address is exempt from public T9COITIsr:-rfUfSuant to Florida Statutes ~ 119.07, please check here: IXJ Mailing Address (Stl86t Name and. Number) Work Telephone: 3oS"-'7J-7000 ~tbSSI ~ . - . . Apt. # 73'1" S City t State Zip Code, Please list the sources of outside employment. the nature of the work and the amounts of money or other compensation you received. If continued on a separate sheet, please check here: 0 Name and Address of the Source of Outside Income "".10$1 AiC f.huIJ_ I~, ' 73"'4 ,sf.ll IJ's 'WIt,,tI)IJ" t:c...3:JIU A t cI 'M" "~~0'f1tJ6""'" 6ft 6 "f CITy iIJ F N'tttll B~y ~'I "'.. II lot, (;.A It croat .s1- NOtt1~y VIII40.r p,- 33CCf( Nature of the Work Amount of Money or Performed Compensation Received <." 11"""'"'<: t ,"i- ('''N$...,tt~ $ ~. q II " 'm AA.K..t'IA!!!/'/lIJF.,";f I 26,"60' .,.,.,. ()Io(~ .r"Sf~L ..; Ig, ,iIJ 4# I hereby swear (or affinn) that the aforesaid infonnation is a true and correct statement ,. Signature of Person Disclosing Date Signed b 2 iJ& 1ar.!M1O