Chambers, Raymond Franklin 7/6/06 87/85/2885 85:48 .J UL -v..1b-2005 11; 43 3859932855 NES5:MIAMI BEACH:PD C I n r'1l PJ'1 I BCH CLERK DEfT PA(3E 81/81 305 r;'7372.:>1 P. 01/01 1. \ ' , OUTSIDE EMPLOYMENT STATEMENT For Full~time County and Munldpal Employees , .~. . '. FULVTlME C~UNTY AND MUKICIPAJ. EMPl.OYEt=S ENQAGlNCi IN OUTSIDE I EMPLOYMENT MUST FILE AN ANNUAL or~CLOSURE REPoRT BY JULY .,1ST OF EACH YEAR IN ACCORDANCE IIJITH SECTION 2-11.1(K)(2) OF , THE MIAMI.OADE COUN'tY CODE. DIsclosure fat ~ S Tax Yoar Ending: ::::::::.-. -. Name: L3StC/f!f gd<s Middle r: I<. /y. Filing ~c a (check one): o Mi~DQdf!l County Employee ~nicipaI Employea of: CITy 0 -;::..1'111 ~ I 3acJj I PMliion ntle: r;) r DJ-JC6- CountylMunicip:1\ OQpAJ'\mBnt: /'/II f1?'7J 86 01-1 c/i If YOllr fJoma address j$ 6X9mpt from public r9C1J'!!.!.fU7Jent to Florida Ststutoo S 119.07, please checK hem: 12" Malllng AddrelS1!; (SttWt Name and. Number) County!MlJnlcipal Division: N) fV. D~L Work TelephOne: 05- b 7 3-793.3 Ap\.# state Zip Code City Please list tho &ouroos.of outside employmant. the nature of the work and the amounbt of money or other compensation yOU received, If continued on a separate sh~t,. p/~Bse chock h9r~: 0 Nan1(~ 2nd Add,"s of the Source of "J Oublde Income .' JA:~ J!N/e /-.,1. ~ODj<J...GIN 'f.<..oll-t,) >-/)r-r.(3oc> '15/...lttjD-rG't<lt-s 7SD7'! \f~gOp~ go~ ~ 1'71 NBture of the Work Performed Amount of MOO(lY or ComponsatIon Rocoived ~."" Nti,l()O~ rnfW{/<tn 1 '3~D1=' w7!JL II' SAkf ~ ( /tn;&pJTS U A-(tJ 6.-5 B yrtk.- fl1&.~Jf. I her:eby SWa$r (or affimi) that t"e aforesaid Information is B t/1.lB and correct statement. 'I Datf! Signed o 1Q/2M1O TOTAL P.01