062-2000 LTC
htlp:\\ci.m iam i-beach. fl. us
L.T.C. No. 62-2000
April 4, 2000
TO: Mayor Neisen O. Kasdin and
Members of the City Commission
FROM: Lawrence A. Levy ~
City Manager
Several Commissioners have brought to my attention some of the problems with the Ultra 2000
event that was held on the beach at 21 st Street on the weekend of March 25, 2000. Briefly, while
that particular event, standing alone, would not have created any special problems, the cumulative
impact of it on a weekend when the Winter Music Conference was also taking place and there were
major events at the Homestead Motor Sports Complex and the Key Biscayne Tennis Center added
to the problems that were experienced over the weekend.
The particular event resulted in the beach and the streets around the beach not being properly cleaned
on a timely basis and we had to devote resources from other parts of the City in order to resolve this
problem. In addition, some additional police overtime was incurred and additional code compliance
resources were required. I have asked all departments involved to give me an estimate of the direct
and indirect costs that can be allocated to that particular event. The promoter has placed a $10,000
security deposit with the City and I have directed the Arts, Culture and Entertainment Department
not to release the security deposit until we know our costs and can draw against the security deposit
for any and all of those costs. Rest assured that the Administration will take all necessary steps to
recover the costs incurred for that event.
In order to absolutely minimize the cumulative impact of having too many events on any given dates,
I have taken the following steps:
1. We have designed a form that gives the City Manager additional information about other
events that are taking place not only in the City, but in Miami-Dade County that could impact
us on any particular date and we expanded the information that must be submitted to the City
Manager before any special events are approved.
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