07 July 12, 2006 Red rope folder contents July 12. 2006 CITY COMMISSION MEETING CONTENTS *~~~rtain ~.-Supplemental Materials 9"\speaker's list o Invocator memo c\ .fresentations & Awards list 9'\Addendum o Second Addendum o Notice of closed executive ~ession eraction nsent-Originals manila folder ~gUlar-OriginaIS evelopment Agency Agenda materials ~douts folder ~':9Pbyist Log (See Handouts Folder) ~u .lic Hearing Notice Ads of Proceedings electronically recorded notes edrope files r1 of d- ~ Burned - (See CD File by Commission date) I!::r'Uriginal Contents list to City Clerk o DVD of from Office of Communications FOLDER PREPARED BrIt~~~j<A+lr REVIEWED BY: )Z~ B ~d S/?/lt: I , I DATE: F:\CLER\$ALLlLlLL Y\CONTENTS. FLD\2006\071206CM..doc