333 General Election Ad BUBBE SAYS II Iroubl ~ Yaoot_..I$...........""'. a i(ied--- r.. . e. · =~"'ii"" _. Love your child - or risk losing her i in J~ - == == - :!; 'fi == I'll II.. Q) o In ~ ~ _ In OZ Qi c: o t:::! Qi Q) E Cl c co~~o Z (/) c: ~ c ~ ~ .~ .!!! "0 Q) Q) o <:(/) 0 .... .... o 0 o 0 co co .... .... Cl> Cl> co co o 0 ..... ..... ::i ~ ~ In Dear Bubbe, My dreams are for my daughter, 22, to be happily married (to a man) and have children. She said she can do all that . . . but with a girl. I try to acceptthat she has a girlfriend, but It is putting a rift in our close relationship. As a mother is it my place to stay firm and not accept this or should I trust her decision and be supportive? My husband is no help. He thinks I shouldn't Uallow" this relationship! CONFUSED MOM MIAMI ;.: Q) .c E ~ ~ .c c: E 0 :::J '2 Z Q) "0 '" <: ..!: Dear Confused Mom, Children come, I am convinced, fairly intact at fIrst wail courtesy of their DNA. As a parent you try to shape those things that respond to nurture. Then you're done. You sit back and let them live their lives - because you have no other choice. My personal belief is that people don't decide to be gay. Why would they choose a lifestyle that is guaranteed to be diffIcult, puts them at risk of being shunned by some and makes benefIts married couples take for granted almost impossible to receive? You are mourning your lost dreams, not hers. Try not to dwell on what might have been and tell your husband you can "allow" her only to be true to herself. Then love her for who she is - or you may lose her. Qi c. >- f- a> 0 N "0 ii5 () ~ e :it I ~ ,: ~ It) o o N - en o - o T"" Q) - m C c: o ~ m o .c ~ c.. Dear Bubbe, I am divorced, 63, no children, perfect health, good attitude. I own a townhome worth $350,000 with a payoff of $10,000. I have Investment Income of $850 monthly and a small business I wish to close - too much work; not enough money. Would it be wise to rent or sell the townhouse, retire, keep the investment and travel or does that sound too crazy to you? LADY IN LIMBO MIAMI Dear Lady, Let's review: You have some steady income, an almost-paid-offhome, no heirs, no responsibilities and a yen to see the world. I'm not a fmancial advisor - and you certainly should consult one - but if it were me, I'd sell or refmance the townhouse, even get a reverse mortgage if necessary, or just rent it out, and get going! The housing boom won't last forever and neither will you. (See letter below.) Dear Bubbe, In response to "Prone to Postpone" (Sept. 18), although my parents taught me to save, they also said never to skip vacations. Now I am In the funeral business. I can't count the times people make prearrangements for a terminally ill spouse and say, "We were going to go on a Mediterranean cruise and now we can't." Be more afraid NOT to take that cruise, visit your cousins in Israel or bungee jump in Australia if that's your dream. Donating the million air miles you saved is nice, but better to have used them for a trip around the world with your sweetheart. Save for your future, but live out at least some of your dreams. Gotta run. I'm taking trapeze lessons! JUST HANGING AROUND AVENTURA Write to Bubbe at writetobubbe@aol.com, www.bubbesays.com or her Q & A Forum at www.herald.com - to get to the forums, click on Today's Extras on the main page. NOTICE OF GENERAL ELECTION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a General Election has been called by the Mayor and City Commission of the City of Miami Beach, Florida, pursuant to City Resolution No. 2005-25998 and will be held in said City from 7:00 a.m. until 7:00 p.m. on the 1st day of November, 2005, for the purpose of electing a Commissioner in Group I, whom shall hold office for terms as provided by law. e MIAMIBEACH Robert Parcher, City Clerk City of Miami Beach, Florida (Ad #333) ~ . ."Gl Worried About Your Parents? A New Concept Of Assisted Living If any of the following questions relate to you, contact us. D Is the medication being taken on time or at all? D Not getting an answer when you call? D Are they eating according to their diet or at all? D Making all Doctors' appointments? D Becoming depressed, aggressive, lonely or disoriented? Testimonial: "living in a house or apartment all your life and then moving into a reduced space in a room at an Assisted Living Facility, has proven to be the single most diffiadt psychological obstacle fur a person to endure. That is why the new concept at Grand Court Lakes, where all units are apartments with kitchens, bath, balconies, ere. has revolutionized the Industry." Dr. Fred Kolman Special financial aid available for ~terans and surviving spouses. We would like to change your life not your style. Family owned and operated. Grand Court Lakes A very exclusive, independent & assisted living facility. Contact us at 305-654-5300 or 1-877-338-1180 280 Sierra Drive North Miami Beach, FL 33179 www.grandcourtpropertiesocom ALF#8390 li!iJi. ~ .__1fiJ