335 Early Voting ,.. -9 e :!t I ~ ,: ~ '- lot) o o ~ CQ - - o - 17601 SW Eighth St., S6-uthwest Miami.Dade; $5 adults, free children ages 10-17 (adult required). 305-226-1823 Gypsy Fir. Classes: Includes: adult beginner yoga and belly dance. adult beginner and intermediate flamenco, and yoga belly dance, a new medita. tive form of dance; various times and days; Gypsy Fire, 79515W 40th 5t, Suite 212, Miami; $5-$140. 305-262-3500. Krav Maga Class: Learn how to pro- tect yourself by using Israeli self. defense techniques; 6 p.m, Mondays; Hillel Center, 1100 Stanford Dr., (Uni- versity of Miami), Coral Gables; $20. $10 students (first session is free). 305-665-6948 or www.israeJi- krav.com. The Roots & Culture Dance Ensem- ble, Inc.: Series of workshops with artistic director and choreographer of the Aziza Music and Dance Ensemble, Nana Yaw Koranteng; various loca- tions; 305-318-2850 . Drum Workshop; 3- 4 p.m. DeL 16; Florida International University-Kav- ens Conference Center, North Cam- pus, 3000 NE 151st 5t., North Miami;$10 . Dance Workshop; 4-5 p.m. Oct. 16: Florida International University-Kov- ens Conference Center, North Cam- Q) - ns C c o .. ns o .c ~ D.. for-retfrecTmen a;'-d-women':-si;g'!~:"'" married, divorced or widowed Inter- ested in expanding social network and participating in discussions and activities in Miami-Dade. 305-666-1078. Senior Computer Courses in Spanish: For the more mature students who are interested in increasing their knowledge in the fast-paced technol- ogy era; course will cover computer basics on keyboarding, Microsoft Word, Windows and Internet pro- grams; Classes start Oct 18; Miami Dade College West Dade Center, 9700 Coral Way, Weschester; $39- $99, depending on length of each course. 305-237-2976. FOR SINGLES The Meeting Place: Nonsectarian group for mature singles interested in meeting new people; various times and days; Church of the little Flower, 1270 Anastasia Ave., Coral Gables; Parish Center; free, Call Nick De Mar- tino at 305-446-8500 or Maria at 305-485-9994. Our lady of the lakes: Meets twice a month at various restaurants for din- ner and other activities for singles 35 and older. Call Haydee at 305-883-0579 or 305-558-2202 II NOVEMBER 1, 2005 GENERAL ELECTION ~ I -TURN TO ~AI..C"~AK. 0", restrictions. EARLY VOTING FOR CITY COMMISSIONER - GROUP I WHERE: MIAMI BEACH CITY HALL - 1700 CONVENTION CENTER DRIVE - FIRST FLOOR CONFERENCE ROOM WHEN: Mondav Tuesdav and Wednesday. October 24, 25, and 26 from 12 noon until 7 p.m. Thursdav and~, October 27 and 28 from 9 a.m. until 4 p.m. ~ and~, October 29 and 30 from 9 a.m. until 7 p.m. Please direct Questions to the City Clerk's office at 305-673-7411 G MIAMIBEACH Robert Parcher, City Clerk City of Miami Beach Ad #335