336 Election Notice Canvassing Board Schedule Q) ::E: 'tl o~ <(us W N lnln i:E <(:2 i lil Q) ILln o II) ~ II:: ()~ CD ~ <: 0 o ~ N .. Q; .~ a.; en i:: l ~~~oi z(/)c:Q."a c~oot .~~~ ~ ~ U<((J)D g '" ~ ~ ~ ,; ~ 'ii .E .. 01 .. 0. -g .. 11i ." .. Qi ~ a. c ~ ~ 1! .. :I: N N 00 o 0 NN .., .., 00 ell ell 00 ,... ,... ~ ..c E ~ ~ ..c <: E 0 :J :e Z Ql "U en <( E ~ ~ ~ I ~ w ~~ ~ln Qj <5 N 0 en () E .. i .. z; ... .E ." Ln~ o~ Oll N'i - .. M~ N~ -~ oil --8 i a;! _.a co~ C~ .. C~ O~ ._ e _0. co.!! (,)~ .- .. :E~ :I':: D..~ Ii c o " ~ .. .. o 0. ~ 0. J!! o '0 'a )( .. '" .. ~ '" c .. .E 6 26 "' o 2 ~ '" UJ <ll o t- U o ,.: " o Z :0 "' WHAT WILL THE NEIGHBORS SAY? Rnd out. Sundays &:1bursdays Morelocel. More you. NOVEMBER 1, 2005 GENERAL ELECTION EARLY VOTING FOR CITY COMMISSIONER - GROUP I o -' " '" UJ I UJ I t- WHERE: MIAMI BEACH CITY HALL - 1700 CONVENTION CENTER ORIVE - FIRST FLOOR CONFERENCE ROOM E 8 ,; ;;; 1 " 3 3 WHEN: Mondav, ~ and Wednesdav, October 24, 25, and 26 from 12 noon until 7 p.m. Thursdav and ~, October 27 and 28 from 9 a.m. unlil 4 p.m. ~ and~, October 29 and 30 from 9 a.m. unlil7 p.m. f Please direct questions to the City Clerk's office aI305-673-7411 (9 MIAMIBEACH Robert Parcher, City Cieri< City of Miami Beach M #335 BE llUUlK-- FDIC Insured Certificate of Deposit with a minimum new money deposit of $10,000 Call or visit B { ALlLLUlltoday! MAIN OFFICE 555 Arthur Godfrey Road Miami Beach, Florida 33140 Open Sunday - Friday 305-695-7400 SOUTH MIAMI OFFICE 8099 South Dixie Highway Miami, Rorida 33143 Open Monday - Saturday 305-695-7750 www.beachbank.com G) ......- LENDER Member FDIC 100% LocAl *The Annual Percentage Yield (APY) is accurate as of date of publication and subject to change without notice. Transfers from existing Beach Bank accounts do not qualify for this offer. Earty withdrawal penalties apply. Fees may reduce earnings. This is a limited time offer. BUBBE SAYS Perspective is name of the 9 important, s or her with: moniker? H foresight. \\ not adorabl, Bambi has c liver spots. Your dal depending , women's li1 not be her I Rosengarte lightly offt' Some na staying po' the 20 mos with the sa boys' name lists: Michl Joseph. No names was FYI: In : popularna Emily, Eml andHanru Michael, JI Ethan. So don' these guid 1 Cute, not your ~ longevity 2. How ("Preside, solemnly clear of al Robbins) (Nancy C the numb well with 3.Noe 4. Use be a frrst S.Are 6. Be", result in: Alina namesla get carri, Ands' carried a are the c someda) you to tlJ hospice. paybl you-kno Dear Bubbe, My husband and I are expecting our first child In three months. We don't know the sex because we want to be surprised. If It's a boy, my husband wants a "Junior," but I want to be creative and give our child a name that no one else has, maybe something like Kal-EI, which is what Nicolas Cage named his new son. We fight about this every day. Please help us before I go Into labor! NAME GAME PINECREST Dear Name Game, Let's get real here. Celebrities get away with all sorts of nonsense that we ordinary folks don't even dream about. They drive around in stretch limos, insist on all-white dressing rooms with only red M&M's and name their kids things like Apple, Phinnaeous, Scout, Fifi and Coco. (I think those last two are kids. They may be poodles.) My favorite celebrity ridiculous name is Rob Morrow, late of Northern Exposure, who named his daughterTu. Yes, TuMorrow. (Aaggh!) Each ethnic group has its own customs. Italians and Hispanics generally name kids after grandparents, dead or alive, while Jews usually honor those who have passed on with at least the same Hebrew name. In practice Benjamin Yaakov often becomes Brett Justin. Southerners are fond of double or triple names. Bobby Sue and Billy Bob, which are shortened to something like Pookie or Bubba. Whatever your background, choosing a name for this soon-te-be person is Writ! writetob www.bu Q&Af www.he the foru Extra OJ