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li,137 NE 19th St" Miami;
.. and reception), $25
,1), $10 students.
.t of Managing Holiday and
Hurricane Stress: Learn how to
oy the holidays and become stress
!sistant, presented by Steve liebow-
Itz, managing partner of Wisdom at
Work, a business strategy firm; 7-8:30
p.m. Nov. 29; The Gilded Hand, 165
Aragon Ave., Coral Gables; free.
Corruption In the PUblic Sector: Lecw
ture by Katherine Fernandez Rundle.
Miami-Dade state attorney; noon
Nov. 30; Casa Juancho Restaurant,
2436 SW Eighth St.. Miami; $22. Call
Susan Landers at 305.755-7994.
Florida State Parks Open: All 159
state parks are open and welcoming
visitors after Hurricane Wilma; 48
parks experienced closures but were
reopened Nov. 14.
Latfn Amerlca.Democracy at Risk?:
Discussion includes panelists Arturo
Porzecanski, former managing editor
of Emerging Markets Sovereign
Research, Arturo Valenzuela. director
of the Center for Latin.American
Studies at the Edmund A Walsh
School of Foreign Service and Chris-
topher Walker,director of Studies at
Freedom House in New York; 4:30
p.m. Dec. 1; Hyatt Regency Coral
Gables, 50 Alhambra Plaza, Coral
Gables; $30, free for academics and
students.Metrorail Extension Public
Meeting: Discuss the extension from
Earlington Heights to the Miami lnter-
modal Center at Miami International
Airport with Miami-Dade Transit rep-
resentatives; 4-6 p,m. Dec, 1; Wynd-
ham Miami Airport Hotel. 3900 NW
21st St., Miami; free. Call
Miami InstItute For Age Management
and & Intervention: Bio Identical Hor-
mone Replacement Therapy Seminar;
10 a.m, Dee, 3; Four Seasons Hotel
and Tower, 1441 Brickell Avenue,
Miami; Free; sixth floor conference
center. 305-624-0009.
MIAMlntelligence Lecture Series:
Lectures begin at 7:30 p.m. with wine
and cheese reception at 7; MIAMlntel-
ligence, 2000 S. Dixie Highway
(U,S.l), Coconut Grove,
305-860-2499 or www.miamintelli; $10:
. Napoleon and Freemasonry, learn
about Napoleon's connection to the
Freemasons, presented by Jean-
Pierre Miquel, Toulouse native and
member of the Napoleonic Society of
America: Nov. 29;
. The Life and Works of Frida Kahlo,
learn about the Mexican painter, pre.
sented by Barbara Brodman, law pro-
fessor at Nova Southeastern Univer-
sity: Nov. 30.
Most Endangered Historic Places
list: The National Trust for Historic
Preservation is accepting nomina-
1160 Kane Concourse
Bay Harbor Islands, FL 33154
Ample parking in rear
tions for the list of 11 historic places at
riSk from neglect deterioration, lack
of maintenance, insufficient funds.
inappropriate development or insen-
sitive public policy; list to be
announced in June; applications
available at INWIN ,;
deadline Jan. 18.
Music and Health: Lecture and con-
cert by Conxita Bentz for the closing
of an exhibit of art by Hispanics who
have experienced mental illness; 7:30
p,m. Nov, 30; Centro Cultural Espanol,
800 Douglas Rd., Coral Gables; free.
Three Dimensions of Middle East
Peace: Lecture about peace by
Moshe Arad, Israel's Ambassador to
the United States and Mexico; 7:30
p.m. Nov. 29; Beth Torah Congrega-
tion. 20350 NE 26th Ave., North
Miami Beach; $18.
Toxic Autumn Colors: Red Tide: Dr.
Lora Fleming, speaks about the
health ramifications of Red Tide; 6
p.m. Noy. 29: University of Miami
Rosenstiel School of Marine and
Atmospheric Science, 4600 Rieken.
backer Cswy.. Key Biscayne; free.
When Chanukah and Christmas Con-
flict: Rabbi James Simon speaks
about how to handle the holidays
when family members have different
religious backgrounds; 7:30-9:30 p.m.
Noy, 30; Temple Beth Am, 5950
North Kendall Dr., Miami: free,
Why Meditate?: Lecture about the
importance of meditation, presented
by Rachel Faro, student of Chogyam
Trungpa Rinpoche; 8-10 p.m. Dec. 2;
Arts at St.John's, 4760 Pinetree Dr.,
Miami Beach, 305~8J5-2484 or;$5.
1-800-5UICIDE: Trained and caring
counselors on hand for anyone feel~
ing sad, lonely or depressed and
thinking about suicide. Available in
English, Spanish and Creole.
305-358-4357 or 1-800-SUICIDE.
Al Anon-Miami Beach: Meetil1g to be
held in Spanish; 8 p.m. Thursdays;
Mount Sinai Medical Center, 4300
Alton Rd., Miami Beach; free.
Alcoholics Anonymous Help Line:
Help ayailable 24 hours daily; free,
305-371-7784 or
Alzheimer's Association: Alzheimer'S
Association offers free support ser-
vices to individuals and families deal-
ing with Alzheimer's Disease. Services
include information and referraL a 24-
hour help line and free speakers who
discuss the warning signs of Alzhei~
mer's Disease. Support groups are
conducted in English, Spanish and
Creole: Alzheimer's Association. 1175
NE 125th St., Suite 600. North Miami.
Calt Reni at 305.891-6228 or help line
at 1-800-272-3900.
Aventura Mall Food Drive: Donate
canned food for those in need
throughout South Florida; collection
will benefit Stop Hunger: through
Dec. 16; Aventura Mall, 19501 Biscayne
Blvd" Aventura. 305-935-1110,
Community Partnership for Home-
less: Group needs plllows, towels.
mattress covers, underwear for men,
women and children, men's profes-
sional clothing, baby clothing, bassi.
nets and diapers; Community Part-
nership for Homeless, Inc., 1550 N.
Miami Ave., North Miami. Call Trev
Flowers at 305-329-3042 or
305.329-3030 or access
Dementia Research Study: The Cen-
ter for Research and Education on
Aging and Technology Enhancement
at the University of Miami is conduct-
ing research with family caregivers of
dementia patients, who speak English
and are 65 years of age or older.
Please call 305-355-9200.
DlvorceCare: For divorced and sepa.
rated people; 7 p,m. Tuesdays; Coral
Gables Baptist Church. 5501 Granada
Blvd., Coral Gables. 305-665-4072 or
Douglas Gardens Thrift Shops: In
need of used merchandise, including
clothing and furniture, for donation to
benefit the Miami Jewish Home and
Hospital for the Aged. 305-638-1900
or 1-800-876-4483(GIVE).
Families Anonymous: For families or
friends with addiction problems of
drugs and alcohol; provides opportu-
nity to share experience. strength and
hope; free:
. 8.9:30 p.m. Wednesdays; Back on
Track Club. 20377 NE 15th Ct.. North
Miami Beach, 305-682-8118.;
Holocaust Survivors: Get emergency
help and other services: provided by
the Jewish Community Services of
South Florida, Inc; hot line operates
The Canvassing Board Schedule for the November 29. 2005 Miami Beach Run-
Off Election will be as follows:
Tues., 11/29/05 Elections 1. Pre-count Logic & accuracy test of Canvassing Board
9:00 a.m. Department the optical scan system used for Members or their
2700 NW 87th Ave. paper ballots designee
2. Absente.e ballots opening and
3. Duplication of ballots as needed
6:00 p.m. Elections 4. Canvass of presumed invalid Canvassing Board
Department absentee ballots Members
2700 NW 87th Ave. 5. Review of duplicated ballots
7:00 p.m. Elections 6. Provisional ballots validation, opening Canvassing Board
Department and processing Members
2700 NW 87th Ave. 7. Tabulation of results
8. Post-count of logic and accuracy testing
of the optical scan system used for
absentee and provisional ballots
Robert Parcher
City Clerk
AD 348
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