356 Special Commission Meeting 8B I SATURDAY, JANUARY 28, 2006 FLORIDA BRO MiamiHerald.com I THE MIAMI HERALD AROUND FLORIDA BRADENTON Punched school aide cleared . MAYPORT Navy prepares plan to modify naval station .The girl whose father punched a teacher's aide was lying when she said the aide fondled her, school officials say. evidence of any wrongdoing by the Lakewood Ranch High School aide, who had been placed on paid leave. "We have found that [the aide] is not guilty of what this young lady has accused him of doing, that her accusations are false:' Superintendent Roger Dearing said. "The timelines don't match up and the other students in the class don't cor. roborate her story. He'll be back to work Monday." But the father, Dave F. Swafford, 42, is standing by his foster daughter. He barged into a classroom Tuesday morning and punched the aide in the face in front of a class full of students. He says he questioned her before reporting ber allega. tions that the aide touched ber inappropriately last week. He has said her friends told him they of similar experiences. "I told her that I wasn't doubting her, but if she had any second thoughts on this, or thinks it might have hap. pened differently and she interrupted me and said, 'Dad, come on, if I was lying, I would have told you before we went to his classroom because I saw how mad you were,' " Swafford said. "So I said, 'I don't care, tell them what you saw.''' But Dearing said the district has statements from several students and footage from a school security camera that show the 35-year-old assistant couldn't have been in tbe classroom w hen the girl said the harassment took place. The teacher's assistant, who monitors students sent to in-school suspension, had turned the girl in last week after seeing her pour soda from the second floor of a school stairwell onto another girl's head, Dearing said. As punishment, she was sent to a suspension class. room. She later said he kept her in his classroom after dis- missal and put his hands on her. Dearing said the district would pursue criminal charges against Swafford. He bas been charged witb felony battery of a school employee. ..; l: ., i: 0 ... :>. ~ l: CO ::I: 0 ., ... III () m 0 Q, <C - 5 CIO w m Q, m - e Q) 5 ::E - III - ~ - '0 en Ii. ::E '0 .. ., LL C :>. <C CO 0 ~ > 0 :>. ... l: ~ - CO Q) .E () ::E ... 0 Qj iii -'" c ~ 0 ~ ., Qj Q) .~ Cl Oi E L..:: CO C > 0 .;: CO Q) a... :a ., Z en -- 'tl 1:: c s C 0 'C Q) n u CO .9:1 > en e "0 Q) Q) ... C3 <( CI) 0 '0 l: :>. CO E ::J 0 >- .... .... .,; 0 0 ., ,... ,... Oi 0 0 ... ...... ...... 0 ~ :;; N N cD .E N N ., N N >< 01 ...... ,... M m CO Q, 'tl L..:: l: CO Q) ., ..c Oi E 'tl L..:: ::J ., Q) Z Qj ;; ..c a. l: E c >. 0 0 I- 'tl ::J 1:: ... E z Q) Q) 0 ., "0 en N 0 :J: <( ..!: en 0 'E CO i ., J: I- .E e 'tl U) e CO 0 ., Q, Q, 0 CO 'tl ,-::, N CO ....... ., CO ;; --- Oi e N ;; ....... ., or- ... l: W 0 ., 'tl ~ 'S: ., ., Q) > 'iij .... .... ::J = ns Ii l: 0 C ... III .$ CO t: 'tl ., Ii 0 'tl 'S: .- l:! .... Q, ns .!!! W U ~ ..r::. .- ., - ., .c J: ~ rn ::J w III a. :E I- From Herald Wire Services The Navy is set to announce that it will take the [lIst step to modify Mayport Naval Station so it could be used as base for a nuclear-powered aircraft carrier, officials said. The Navy is expected to announce that it will start an environmental study, the titst step in the process. "This is great news for Jacksonville. This prepares May- port for the future," said Jacksonville Mayor John Peyton. Since plans were announced about a year ago to mothball the 38-year-old aircraft carrier, the USS John F. Kennedy, law- makers and city officials have been pushing for the upgrade of the base to support a nuclear carrier. Adm. Mike Mullen, tbe chief of naval operations, in a letter to other naval commanders on Thursday, said there are sev- eral possible ship-basing options for Mayport. Tbose options include making Mayport the home of two different classes of amphibious assault ships and cruisers and destroyers.. The $10 million environmental study, estimated to take between 18 months and three years, will help the Navy evalu- ate where to base its ships in the Atlantic Fleet, Mullen wrote. Any upgrades at Mayport would take about three addi- tional years. BRADENTON - (AP) - A high school teacher's aide who was punched by a father after his daughter claimed she was touched inappropriately has been cleared of wrongdoing. The Manatee County school board says evidence shows the aide wasn't in the classroom when the touching allegedly took place and the 15- year-old girl might have fabri- cated the story to get back at the man for disciplining her. The Manatee County Sheriff's Office also says it has found no STATE POLITICS e MIAMIBEACH CITY OF MIAMI BEACH NOTICE OF A SPECIAL CITY COMMISSION MEETING Soft money now an issue in CFO race . JACKSONVILLE BLOODMOBILE DRIVER CHARGED WITH DU I The driver of a bloodmo- bile was charged with drunken driving after an off. duty police officer saw the bus run a red light. Sharon Renea Dunlap, 46, of Jacksonville, told police she quit drinking about 3 a.m. Wednesday and about the same time she took some pain pills of unknown origin. At 5p.m.., 14 hours later, a Jacksonville police ofticer working at an off-duty job reported seeing the Florida Georgia Blood Alliance bloodmobile run a red light. When Officer Steven L. Carver stopped the bus and talked to the driver, he smelled alcohol, according to the arrest report. The bus was on its way to a blood drive with Dunlap and three others on board. Police said Dunlap failed a field sobriety test. . TAMPA MAN GETS 200 YEARS FOR RAPING 9 MEN .TALLAHASSEE GRANDMOTHER CLAIMS $50 MILLION PRIZE A Leon County grand- mother claimed last week- end's $50 million Florida Lotto jackpot, saying she plans to buy a new home and set up a trust fund for her five children and her grandchildren. Doris Davis. 60, took the immediate lump sum pay~ ment, which after taxes is worth an estimated $305 million, the state lottery commission said Friday. Davis, a Florida resident for 27 years and married for 40, plans to return to her office managerial position at a storage company. NOTICE 1$ HEREBY given that a Special Commission Meeting will be held by the City Commission of the City of Miami Beach, Florida, on Monday, January 30, 2006, commencing at 4:00 p.m., in the Commission Chambers, 3rd floor, City Hall, 17.00 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, Florida, during which an Attorney. Client Session will be announced and held pursuant to Florida Statutes 286.011(8), concerning City of Miami Beach a Florida municioal corooration vs. Miami-Dade County Mickv Biss and USA Exoress Inc. District Court of Appeal, Third District, Case No. 3D04~1589. Lower Tribunal No. 03-682 AP. TALLAHASSEE - (AP) - Saying "politicians have hid- den under the shade tree long enough," state Rep. Randy Johnson called Friday on his opponent in the Republican primary for Florida's chief financial officer to also refuse third-party support from advocacy groups. Johnson, R-Celebration, will face Florida Senate Presi- dent Tom Lee in the Septem- ber primary. He wants to elim- inate from the race advocacy groups that produce issue ads that are often thinly disguised attacks on a candidate. The groups, which aren't supposed to have any direct contact with a candidate, are financed through soft money contributions, which have no limits. Contributions made directly to candidates are reg. ulated. "Unregulated soft money, I believe, is tbe bane of Florida politics," Johnson said. Johnson trails Lee, R-Bran- don, in fundraising, Tallahas- see businessman Milton Bau. gess is also in the GOP contest. The lone Democratic candi. date for CFO is former Tampa banker AleJ: Sink, wife of 2002 Democratic gubernatorial can- didate Bill McBride. Inquiries may be directed to the City's Legal Department (305) 673.7470. In addition, the City Commission may discuss and take action on other City business at this meeting. Robert E. Parcher, City Clerk City of Miami Beach Pursuant to Section 286.0105, Fla. Stat., the City hereby advises the pUblic that: if a person decides to appeal any decision m~de by the City Commission with respect to any matter considered at its meeting or its hearing, such person must ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. This notice does not constitute consent by the City for the introduction or admission of otherwise inadmissible or irrelevant evidence, nor does it authorize challenges or appeals not otherwise allowed by law. . ORLANDO 911 TAPES RECORD FA TAL ACCIDENT SCENE A woman, who allegedly struck and killed two young girls with her car, was cry. ing on the phone to 9Il dis- patchers moments after the crash, audio tapes reveal On the tapes Ashley Townsend, 23, of Lake Mary was allegedly crying and trying to eIJ'lain the inci- dent, the Orlando Sentinel reported. She was allegedly dis- traught and a dispatcher asked her to stop screaming. The tapes also include calh from witnesses who described the scene, the newspaper said. Townsend is charged with two counts of vehicular homicide in the deaths of Anje1ica Velez, 5, and Victo- ria Velez, 2. The children bad been crossing the street with their mother when they were struck. Townsend's trial is scheduled for April In September, Townsend settled a civil lawsuit with the parents of the two chil- dren. Its terms were not dig... 01"""'- To request this material in accessi~le. format, sign language interpr.eters, information on access for persons With dIsabIlitIes, and/or any accommodation to review any ~~~2~8~t (~~i~rigW5)t~7~_7a;f800/Y,s~~~0;;~ iAr~~:~~gio ~~~~:ie ~~z~a~~eOs~~ TTY users may also call 711 (Florida Relay Service). Ad #0356 A Tampa man convicted in federal court of drugging and raping nine young men was sentenced to the maxi. mum 200 years in prison Friday, Two of the victims ofSte. ven Lorenzo ended up dead, and he is likely to face mur. der charges in state court, ., hope that he never sees the light of day again," said U.S. District Judge Richard A. Lauan. A jury in November found Lorenzo, 46, guilty of slipping tbe date rape drug, GHB, into the drinks of the victims and then sexually torturing them at his home. Michael Wacbboltz and Jason Galehouse, both 26, were killed. The! other seven victims all testified about meeting Lorenzo at ban and either losing track of their d,rinks or having Lorenzo serve them drinks before they lost consciousness. Lorenzo's attorney argued that the seJ: acts were consensual. Prosecutors said Lorenzo teamed up with Scott Schweickert, a Chicago man he met online, to fu1fill their ultimate fantasy by killing Wachholtz and Galehouse. Galehouse was killed and dismembered by Schweick- ert and Lorenzo on Dec. 19, 2003, after the three engaged in sex, an indict- ment said. Schweickert told federal agents he and Lor- enzocutup the body, put the pieces in garbage bags and scattered them in trash bins throughout the city. The next night, Lorenzo and Schweickert allegedly drugged, raped and killed Wachholtz, wrapping him a bed sheet and leaving him in his Jeep, according to the indictment The vebicle was discovered Jan. 6, 2004, Investigators found on Lorenzo's computer photo- graphs ofWachholtz's dead body taken at Lorenzo's house hours after he was last seen. Galehouse's DNA was found in a pool of blood in the dirt under the floor of Lorenzo's garage. Schweickert will face a federal trial later. . TAMPA PROSECUTOR EXPECTS TO RETRY SPY CASE As a federal magistrate decides whether to allow Sami Al-Arlan's defense attorneys to withdraw from the case, a prosecutor said Friday he is preparing for a second trial for the former college professor accused of supporting Palestinian ter- rorists. The U.S, Attorney's Office hasn't announced detinitively whether it will retry AI-Arian and a co-de. fendant on counts a jury couldn't decide during their first trial last year. But pros- ecutor Terry Zitek said he and partner Walter E. Furr m are planning for it. Meanwhile, AI-Arian's attorneys, William Moffitt and Linda Moreno, have asked to withdraw from the case. After hearing from them Friday, McCoun said he will decide the issue in the next two weeks. After siJ: months of trial, jurors failed to return a sin. gle guilty verdict against Al- Arian and three co-defen- dants. AI-Arian was found not guilty on eight counts but the jury deadlocked on the nine others. Two of the defendants were acquitted of all the charges. Do You... RO ENTS -..-<!i> Championship Cowboys in Seven Rodeo Events Rodeo Spe<:ialty.Acts. C!Owns,UvlI Music, Rodeo Queen. & Homestll&d EV!rgl8desPossePrecisiooRiding TlCkets...$14Ac1ulls S6 Children (Age 4.12) Under 4 Free Doc DoMilly Rodeo Arena U.s.1&S.w.312St., """"'"' For!nformationCaII305-247-3515 -_.~ <fii> .), 1IIIILDIl '2" BlB BlIOOl __ :"Ii!!!N~"'k ~--- ..611Ura,. ~ _ ~. 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