DD 19-2
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BOOK1033 PAGE 31[
KNOW ALL, MEN BY THESB PRESENTS, That 'we, the undersigned,
ewners et the Nerth 10 teet et Let 5, Bleck 1, et the
Amended Map er the Ooean Frent Preperty et the Mlami
Beach ImprovementCe., as per plat recorded in Plat
Book 5, Page 7i'ot the Public Recerds or Dade Ceunty
FlorIda, DO HEREBY DEDICATE to the perpetual use er the
public, tor street purposes, the above described land.
THIS DEDICATION, However, shall be subject to the
rollo.in~re8ervations and conditiQns, and shall be ertect-
ive e~on observanoe and c<<mpliance therein:
1. The owners reserve to themselves, their
heirs, suocessors and assigns, the reversion
er reversions thereot, or any part thereot,
it and whenever discontinued by law.
2. Should it be determined te use the land
hereby dedicated tor street purposes, the
owners reserve the right to build on their
, remaining property out te the present building
line, previding tor a sidewalk not to exceed
ten reet ln width by arcading over the same,
suitable pillars and toundations tor the
part .t the building over the said sldewalk
, to be built out to the present building line
and the street side .r the curb to be at least
six inches outside ot the present building line
so that it will atr.rd a protection against the
collision or vehicles with the said pillars and
t.his ~P/
we have here~ set our hands and seals
day or ~~~, A. D., 1926.
Signed, ".led and delivered
in the presence
#laLt/k rI3'~~/J:SEAL)
..L_ ;
~oOK1033 PAGE316
CO~TY OF~~ ~
I hereby certit7 that en th1s day persenal17 appeared
eaths and
knewn te me te be the
the .terege1ng deed, and they aCkne"ledged be.tere me that theY'
executed the same .treely and veluntar11y and .ter the purpeses
there1n expressed.
And I .turther cert1.ty that thsea1Sda~~~
kne"n te me te be the w1fe ef the _ ~____________
C7 '
en a separate and private eXam1nat1en taken and made by and betere
1nd1v1duals descr1bed 1n and whe executed
me, separatelY' and apart .tr~ her sa1d hUSband, d1d ackne"ledge
I;;;c .
that she made herself a party te the sa1d deed .ter the purpese ef
reneuno1ng, re11nqu1sh1ng, and conveying all her r1ght, t1tle
and interest, whether e,t de"er, homestead, er e.t separate preperty.
in .
statutery er equ1table./and te the lands descr1bed there1n, and
that tabe executed the same freely am veluntar11y and w1 theut any
cGmpuls1en, constra1nt, apprehens1en er .tear e,t Qr frem her sa1d
w1tnes~,s ~:d
State e.t
A. D., 1926.
eme1al. ssal at f:~~::;j
, th1s I ~d day.r
My Cemm1ss1en
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