DD 19-4
ftll<1033 PAGE 31~
KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That we, the undersigned,
- owner. or the North 10'. teet or Lot 9, Block 1, or the
Amended Map or the Ocean Front Property or the Miami
BeachwDnprevement Co., as per plat recorded in Plat
Book 5, Page ?, ot the Public Records or Dade County
Florida, DO HEREBY DEDICATE to the perpetual use or the
public, tor street purposes, the above described land.
THIS DEDICATION, Howevet', shall be subject to the
tollowing reservations and oonditions, and shall be eftect-
iye onl}" upon observance and compliance therein:
1. The owners reserve to themselves, their
heirs, succeS80rs and assigns,'the reversion
or reversions thereot, or any ~art thereot,
it and whenever discontinued by law.
2. Should it be detennined to use the land
hereby dedicated tor street purposes, the
owners reserve the right to build on their
remaining property o.t to the p-esent building
line, providing ror a sidewalk not to exceed
ten reet in width by arcading over the same,
suitable pillars and reundations for the
part ot the building over the said sidewalk
to be built out to the peesent building line
and the street side ot the curb to be at least
six inches outside of the present building line
so that it will afrerd a protection against the
collision or vehicles with the said pillars and
IN WITNESS ~:J 1l'e have hereunt.. ~. hand, and seals
this /t~/ dayor~, A.D.,l926.
Signed, sealed and delivered
in the presence ot:
t11~~ t8~~AL),
~oK1033 PAGE318
C OON'l'Y OF (j ~
( )
( )
I hereby certify that en this day per8enall~ appeared
bef.re me, an .f~lcer
eath~ and
take acknewledgments,
, te me well knewn and
knewn te me te be the Individuals descrilled in and whe executed
the teregeIng deed, arid they aclme.lodged betere me that they
executed the same treely and veluntarl1~ and ter the purpeses
thereIn expressed.
, -
And I further certIt~ thatsta~hiee (j 8.~ 1o.dr~)4l/k1kv
Imswn t.s me t.s be t.he w11'e sf t.he ~
en a separate and private examInatien taken and made by and beter.
me, separately and apart fr~ her said husband, dId acknewledge
that she made herself a party te the said deed ter the purpese et
re.eunclng, rell~ishlng, and cenveylng all her rIght, tltle
and lnterest, whether ef dewer, hemestead, er ef separate preperty
.tatuter~ er equItable, In and te the lands descrIbed thereIn, and
that she executed the same freely and veluntarlly and wltheut any
c~pulsi.n, censtraInt, apprehenslen er fear .r er rrem her sald
W1~ mJ, hand
er ~
erricIal 8~al at~~cP~~
, thIs / f"ti day ercf)~
A. D. ,
My CemmIss1.n Expires: