DD 19-10 ... " .... ... , ;1 I \ , " KNOW ALL :MEN BY ~SE PRESENTS, Tliat' we, the undersigned, owners of the south ten feet of Lots 7 &: 8 and East 39, feet of :' Lot 9,' Block 3, af the Amended Map of the Ocean Front Property of the Miami Beach Improvement Co., as per plat recorded in Plat Book 6, Page 7, of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida., 00 HEREBY DEDICA(I!E to the perpetual use of the public, for street purposes, the ab&ve described land. . THIS DEDICATION, However, shall be subject to the following reservations and conditions, and Shall be effective only upon observance and compliance therein: 1. ~e owners reserve to themselves, their heirs, successors and assigns, the reversion or reversions thereof, or any part thereof, ~ if and whenever discontinued by law. 2. Should it be determined to use the land hereby dedicated for stree; purposes, the owners reserve the right to build on their remaining property out to the present building line, pr6viding for a sidewalk not to exceed ten feet in width by arca.ding over the same, sui table pillars and foundations for the part of the building over the said sidewalk to be built out to the present building line and the street side of the c'flrb to be a.t least six inches outside of the present building line so that it will afford a protection a.ga.inst the collision of vehicles with the said pillars and foundation. m WI~SS WB'EREOF, we have hereunto set our hands and seals this ,,:_1 7 ~ day of _ r . A. D. 1925. Signed, sealed and delivered in the esence of: ~... ~G~ r BOOKl OC.3 PAS~ 278 '..,,' , :~ STA!I!I!: OF () () ss: COUNTY OF () I I ~, f I hereby certi~ that on this day personally appeared before me, an officer duly author1~ed to administer oaths and take acknoWledgments, J-!()-'\/{)l.;LL- <i ~ eLCXA./~ and b~ (3 :l?A..-dvCvV~ 0 " to me welllo1own and known to me to be the individuals described in and who exeouted the foregoing deed, and they acknowledged before me that th~ executed the same freely and voluntarily and for the purposes therein e~essed. II And I further oertify that the sa.1dL~ ().-;r:~~ knOwn to me to be the wife of the eal.d tJ~ r~ cn a separate and private examination taken and made by and before }t me, separately and apart from her said husband, did acknowled&'e 1:1 that she made herself a party to the said deed for the purpose of renouncing, relinquishing, and conveying all her right, title and interest, whether of dower, homestaed, 0>> ot separate property, statutory or equitable, in and to the lands described therein, and that she exeouted the SaDe freely and voluntarily and without any compulsion, oonstraint, apprehension or fear ot or from her said husband. State of Witness my ha.ud and offioial seal at ~lL.~~/Ja , this ~ '7 " ~ !1-~ day of r · A. D. 1925. ,,\.,.s.\'~ .0.11. ';'1 ,..." ~ r:> AN 'r 1"" ~ !l. ~ .._ t....... () .~ $' ~~~.... .... ~ -:. j {....~\ 0 r AIy :~,,)[-\ ~ ~ l ,~ r \ w -= :::;; ->*<. :c.:l= ; ..... ~ /:} J \ ('. ,: 0:: ~ -. ..~-~... ~G~ , Notary Public. '''' ""e fer fh Sta~ .r "lfrU. at La",. .....TIn". ~.. JW" 12, 19Z&